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i have had it up 2 HERE


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lol. death man if some dorky little prepubescent kid demands a rematch i just tell him NO.

thats it.

anything he says after that is fully ignored and i really dont care what he thinks.

there is no rule that says "thou must rematch". My advice would be to tell your opponent before you start your first game- "I'm playing only 1 game- no rematches. Good luck!!"

there you go!

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well i had a stupid fight on the internet... it was with starcraft..

I was just trying a new strategy, wondered how it would work.. well my opponent ofcourse didn't know this and the strategy didn't realy work out... well no harm is done i thought.. He then insults me for being stupid idiot cuz i lost so badly. Now instead of telling him that i was trying something new i felt totally insulted and replied with, fuck you asshole, i was just trying something new. If i wanted i could've beated you.

This was not the best reply i could've given but hell i did it.

What happens? His next line is: Your mother is a big fat bitch and you smell bad.

After this line i was totally furious and i could see him from here i would've walked right to him and confront him with what he said. But not it was the Inet..

Last but not least?: We kept insulting each other and our relatives. and in the end, after like 10 min. of insulting he said: Heh why are you so upset bro? i was just joking.

my face was like ??? What the... And i asked, are you on Drugs?

He replied with: Sure, i never play starcraft if i'm not stoned, and a beer in my hand.

I left......

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''14- or 15-year-old kid's ''

''same guy in real life may be a fat, short, pimply-faced nerd with a pocket pen protector and green polyester slacks that barely reach his ankles''

I don't like these generalizations... It's actually usually the big macho jocks making the insults and fights as ''option3 is preferable'' demonstrates, whereas the fat nerds are usually more thoughtful, especially since they know how an insult feels... Besides they're not called nerds for nothing. Don't mind about that though

However im getting sick of the generalizations based on 14 to 15 year olds. I realize you're just using this age as an example but that shows the general attitude to the age group in the first place as they are the first to be thought of immature

It's funny how good a conversation on Mirc can go until they ask you're age... that's why only tried MIRC for 2 hours before getting sick of conversations immediately (no exxagerations being made) after I tell a person im 14


Speaking of which, Iv'e never said GG after a game, win or lose, because I never knew what GG meant when I was playing emp, people always said gg. And I was like:?. Apologies for being impolite like this in the past

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Right, I only used 14-15 year olds as a general example. Two of the younger Emperor players I know, Tenfor and Acelethal, are mature WAY beyond their years. I use the early-teen age group as an example of obnoxious immaturity, yet many early teens surpass many so-called "adults" I know in maturity and intelligence.

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well i had a stupid fight on the internet... it was with starcraft..

I was just trying a new strategy, wondered how it would work.. well my opponent ofcourse didn't know this and the strategy didn't realy work out... well no harm is done i thought.. He then insults me for being stupid idiot cuz i lost so badly. Now instead of telling him that i was trying something new i felt totally insulted and replied with, fuck you asshole, i was just trying something new. If i wanted i could've beated you.

This was not the best reply i could've given but hell i did it.

What happens? His next line is: Your mother is a big fat bitch and you smell bad.

After this line i was totally furious and i could see him from here i would've walked right to him and confront him with what he said. But not it was the Inet..

Last but not least?: We kept insulting each other and our relatives. and in the end, after like 10 min. of insulting he said: Heh why are you so upset bro? i was just joking.

my face was like ??? What the... And i asked, are you on Drugs?

He replied with: Sure, i never play starcraft if i'm not stoned, and a beer in my hand.

I left......

Yeah the same with warcraft, the most weird dudes play that game.

One time i said gg and the dude totally flipped and whent like: U lamer what are u saying gg for, its always lame people that say gg. If u woulda lost u wouldnt have said that and bladibla.

i just said gg again and he quite.

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Haha Fuzion, guess he thought you were braging =)

But I must admit, the people in Warcraft didn't seem, in general, all that friendly. I have had better experiences with the Emperor crowd. Maybe cause Emp was my first time online and I'm just confortable with it or maybe War3 has some weird people =)

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lol i can beat u probably.. :P ivs been playen for a long time ..... i was a newb at one time u shoulda caught be then heh ..

i'm 100% sure you can beat me at emperor.. i pretty much suck at it and only played 2 games online...

But in Starcraft or AvP or many other games i'll kick your ass 8) ;)

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