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Acriku walks into the ring with the lights shimmering off his jungle green armor. He smiles behind his helmet, as he prepares to show what he's got. Tyuio walks in a little winded from the last match, but still eager to fight. I quickly draw my assault rifle from it's sling and aim towards the hydralisk's vulnerable abdomen. Sweat drops inside my helmet as I circle the hydralisk...


Terror, is somewhat hurt by the lightning bolt and quickly wants to replenish his energy, and instead of turning to ethan once again, he turns to the most nearby victim, named "Navaros". Terror jumps, and Navaros only sees a blur of muscles coming right at him and he only feels how his neck get's snapped by Terror's powerful blow and the tail that pierces his body. After that Terror headbites Navaros to totally replenish his health

ethan falls over laughing at navs misfortune. then he swings his sword out, striking something....

Terror was almost backstabbed by Ethans razor sharp sword but he quickly grabs a rock from the ground and keeps it high, blocking most of ethan's deadly strike, he is hurt a bit and a bit acid blood comes out, and falls on ethan's clothes and leg, burning and causing tremendous pain. Terror uses this distraction to grab Ethan with his right paw and slams him with his back against the wall




Sorry guys, I had a few pressing engagements over the last couple of days. I'm back. Let me explain the battles:

Earthnuker vs. Edric

Sardaukar vs. Drop Zone

Terror vs. Ethan

Twin Head vs. Acriku

Keep these matches straight, it's confusing enough with Terror attacking Nav ;)

Acriku vs. Twin Head.

Acriku attacks, Twin Head defends.

Coin flipped.

Acriku: 1

Twin Head: 0

Drop Zone vs. Sardaukar.

Drop Zone attacks, Sardaukar defends.

Coin flipped.

Drop Zone: 1

Sardaukar: 0

Ethan vs. Terror.

Ethan attacks, Terror counter-attacks.

Dices rolled.

Ethan: 13

Terror: 8

Edric, you still there bud? Your fight with Earthnuker is still going, continue it or forfeit the match. Also, the Ethan vs. Terror match is nearly completed! One battle round left to decide the fates of this eventful match! Will the Alien rip George (Ethan) apart like so many Terran Marines? Or will the swashbuckling swordsman have a new pair of Alien-skin boots this winter?

Using the speed and agility of the loose but equally tough armor, I dash towards the ultralisk and jump over the massive jaws landing on the back backwards. Standing up, maintaining balance on the ferocious beast for now, I aim at the armorplated back with the Rifle and...


Damn i'm in a tight spot!

btw, Ethan seems to have left this topic. So can we finish the round already? Perhaps he will come back but i haven't seen him in this thread for a couple of days now :-


LOL, aye, you are, I'll give him one more day to post, just because this is the final round.

Acriku vs. Twin Head.

Acriku attacks, Twin Head counter-attacks.

Dices rolled.

Acriku: 2

Twin Head: 2

Sardaukar vs. Drop Zone.

Sardaukar attacks, Drop Zone defends.

Dices rolled.

Sardaukar: 1

Drop Zone: 1

Good work all...A tip for Terror: Your posts are getting a little repetitive ;) One more day for Edric, or he's forfieting the match.

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