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Emperor Strategy - No Nonsense, Real Strat Only


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elite yes you DID say that if i have a lot of time i'll try to find that thread because you definitely *did* say that

i still say Feds (on the ground) suck vs. Hark

they get run over no matter *where* you put them because they RUN FORWARD INTO THE BATTLE even if you move them to the side lines

btw I am talking about vs. GOOD Hark players, anyone can use Feds to destroy a sucky Hark player

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I *NEVER* said worming was a cheap tactic and i challenge u to find that thread Nav. I garauntee you will not find a thread where i said that at all. I *DID* however say ix projectors and Harv dropping were lame.

And i agree that feyds are good vs hark, and thats all i must say because i have ACTUAL first hand expieience *IN QM* not wasting my time in the silly emperor lobby, and if u disagree with me its because you have yet to reach the level of my understanding which i posses about Emperor.

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you guys who thinks Feds don't suck vs Hark have *no* experience vs. any *good* Hark players LOL

last i heard, feds are good vs. everything. it doesnt matter if Hark has flame tanks and inkvines, make more feds. after all, feds cost about 650 less than flamers and 750 less than inkvines. so make more feds!

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you guys who thinks Feds don't suck vs Hark have *no* experience vs. any *good* Hark players LOL

Nav. they are good vs most units long has it isn't an atr sniper or they will likely both die. and when rideing a worm they are good vs anything has long has it isn't aircraft and can't outrun the worm an don't have a place to go or enough time to get off the sand. but if your saying not on a worm vs hark. they are good to. chances are you mean a buzzsaw ::) but they can get around them preety easy then to the hark players base. or they can likely beat the bussaw a close rang.

And Nav. he is right. i viewed elite47's last 50 posts and clicked "find on this page" then typed up "cheap" and nothing came up about that. so good luck finding the post!

last i heard, feds are good vs. everything. it doesnt matter if Hark has flame tanks and inkvines, make more feds. after all, feds cost about 650 less than flamers and 750 less than inkvines. so make more feds!

Wrong feds aren't good vs everthing

fremen sniper or hark buzzsaws. but it depenads on numbers. a hark bussaw <costs about 300 less > can beat a fremen fed. i'm preety sure but not 100% if it does it a close rang. And a scout can see the fremen then your units shoot at it. end of story. Fremen are also good for seting traps vs Guild. I don't think it could beat a flame tank inless it was at close rang. and sard elites or something would be better for that ::)

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I would say that u dont know what your talking about sneezer. I have played with u 2 vs 2 on 10k nothing else and you did en engi rush(LOL!!)! Man that is very noob like and u have been playing a while... thats sad. Notice that the title for this thread says "NO NONSENSE'

So damnit obey the rules.

Fedaykin are the most useful unit in the game when u consider everything. Price,stealth,worm capability,and a very strong sound blaster and great Niab defense.

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Fedaykin are the best unit in the game. That is completely true and anyone who disagrees is certainly no more than an average player.

However, there are some situations where Feds are practically useless other than for worms, and one of those is vs. any elite Hark player.

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NO NAV! If u mix feds in with dust/bikes and chems/inf along with whatever other units the feds will waste hark.ESPECIALLY ON INFANTRY ROCK. I used fedaykin in my hark bo's forever and barely ever lost to any hark player...i think zaeblovse used to build fremen,fac and pump out feds right away ;) and he was damn good.

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you guys who thinks Feds don't suck vs Hark have *no* experience vs. any *good* Hark players LOL

Nav. they are good vs most units long has it isn't an atr sniper or they will likely both die. and when rideing a worm they are good vs anything has long has it isn't aircraft and can't outrun the worm an don't have a place to go or enough time to get off the sand. but if your saying not on a worm vs hark. they are good to. chances are you mean a buzzsaw ::) but they can get around them preety easy then to the hark players base. or they can likely beat the bussaw a close rang.

And Nav. he is right. i viewed elite47's last 50 posts and clicked "find on this page" then typed up "cheap" and nothing came up about that. so good luck finding the post!

last i heard, feds are good vs. everything. it doesnt matter if Hark has flame tanks and inkvines, make more feds. after all, feds cost about 650 less than flamers and 750 less than inkvines. so make more feds!

Wrong feds aren't good vs everthing

fremen sniper or hark buzzsaws. but it depenads on numbers. a hark bussaw <costs about 300 less > can beat a fremen fed. i'm preety sure but not 100% if it does it a close rang. And a scout can see the fremen then your units shoot at it. end of story. Fremen are also good for seting traps vs Guild. I don't think it could beat a flame tank inless it was at close rang. and sard elites or something would be better for that ::)

buzzs are 350 and cant use infantry rock. you dont use individual feds unless you're stupid. man, the subject you had wasEmperor Strategy - No Nonsense, Real Strat Only so why did you post crap? >:(
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IMO; Most Inf rock in Emperor is useless other than for base defense because the map designers usually put it very far *away* from where the main battles will take place. There are a few exceptions to this, but not many. On *most* maps, if you put your Inf on Inf Rock the enemy will walk all over you by completely bypassing them while out of range of your Inf, and then proceeding to chew right through all your vehicles. Inf Rock is not a viable factor on enough Maps to make it a worthy consideration for overall Strategy.

Bikes suck vs. Hark after the early game because they are too hard to move in conjunction with Minos. Unless you do it in a way like you, elite, showed me about 9 months ago by moving everything forward a few steps, stopping them, then repeating. Unfortunately, that sort of movement is not viable for Emperor gameplay. Therefore, building Bikes in the late game vs. Hark is a waste of money because they will just move into the fray way before your Minos get there and be slaugthered. Which makes the Feds all the more useless vs. Hark because the Hark vehicles will usually be much larger in number than the Minos. I see what you're saying though, more targets = more confusion. Still, Feds have an incredibly annoying habit of running *waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more forward* than I ever told or wanted them to and in essence, commit suicide by doing so. Feds are weak vs. Hark due to the poor Pathfinding in Emp. If there was no pathfinding bugs or poor pathfinding development, it would be a very different story.

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They will try to run your feyds over because targetting them is too hard but by that time they are dead because all of the bikes and inf and feyds rip them apart.

In late game bikes work just fine with minos i dont think its hard at all. But i dont really use minos all too much.

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What i noticed (and sometimes catch myself doing it)

Like with 4 player map.

Opponent gets lots of units and places them in the centre or near infantery rock with (example) mortars on the rock.

What do i do (stupid me) make also a huge army, and start attacking those units. Because of the infantery on the rocks u might loose to many units.

What i should have done: make a cirkel around the units and go to his base or harvs... Then he will have the need to protect his harvs/base and he comes with his fastest mobile units first. Because your army is nice and compact, you can easily destray his units which will come in little groups...

AFTER that u can take care of the infantery rock, or just leave them and go for his harvs/base..

I remember way back a guy sdeg or something, and in the beginning of the game he starts attacking your harvs with 10 dust scouts. My first reaction was: darn, i have to save my harv, let me send some buzz (which were killed instantly).

Later i knew what he was doing and typed: hehe, plz don't kill my harv with your dusties :D, and left him there what he was doing.

He the just retreited his units, cause he knew the provocation did not work ;)

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