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i did some checking. The war of 1812 was not a atempt of the us to invade canada. even tohugh some people thought we should it. it had more to do with the u.s sending suplies to french to aid them in the war with the english. And how the engilsh forcefully recurted men from u.s ships.


Here is a little something about the US' new "allies" the Northern Alliance or United Front

Dostum is an ethnic Uzbek warlord is accused of indiscriminate rocket attacks on Kabul fron 1992 to 1997 when control of the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif was under him.

Abdul Malik another Uzbek warlord is Dostum's enemy. Malik betrayed Dostum in 1997 and had a brief alliance with the Taliban that resulted in the Taliban capturing Mazar-e-Sharif. Malik changed sides again this time joining the Shiite Muslims to massacre Taliban troops. The Taliban recaptured the city of Mazar-e-Sharif and Malik is now a Northern Alliance commander in a region separated from Dostum.

Afghanistan's president (recognized by the US) Burhanuddin Rabbani hold's the country's seat at the UN is a former lecturer in Islamic law at Kabul Univer. Rabbani is an ethnic Tajik and mantains close contact with neighboring Tajikistan. Rabbani's former military commander, Ahmad Shah Massoud, who was killed before the Sept. 11 attack, was accused of mass rapes in Kabul in 1995 among other atrocities.

Rabbani's deputy prime minister, Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, heads an anti-Taliban group members are largely Pashtun. Sayyaf in the past has taken the same stance as bin Laden, protest of the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia, even offering to go to war to remove Americans. Sayyaf has a history opposing ethnic Hazara Shiite Muslims, some of whom are a part of the Nothern Allilance. In the 1990's the two engaged in conflict that killed thousands in Kabul. Sayyaf's troops were said to kill and rape after capturing Shiite areas.

Osama bin Laden was welcomed to Afghanistan in 1996 by former provincial governor, Haji Abdul Qadir, after being rejected from Sudan. When the Taliban overran his region Qadir fed to Pakistan. He now is fighting with the Northern Alliance.


Although this is hardly going to deter the US. Do you remember of the corruption and brutality of Ngo Dinh Diem's regime?

I didn't post the same thing twice - either ther's an error on your browser or something, or you're confusing two posts' ideas... they do overlap but are different. Slightly.


Naw I wasn't even thinking that (the Northern Alliance's background) would deter the US. I was pointing out the political complexity with this war in Afganistan. The US is supporting the "enemy of our enemy" it looks like the US has been here before. When the smoke clears will the Northern Alliance be our next enemy in Middle East.


Fed, there is an old military saying (which the US must be ignoring to ally with the Northern Alliance).  The saying is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."  

That is the US government's attitude.

Another thing, the terrorists that flew those planes into the Pentagon and WTC Towers wer FANATICS.  Fanatics can not be stopped easily because they are willing to give their lives for that oft heir target.


yes i definitely agree with nema fekei and the rest. this is tite how most people on this board are not conservatives, but either liberals or moderates. i have this conservative friend who avoids reading the speech by chomsky, even tho i ask him everyday and he says 'yeah i'll read it later' (going into denial already obviously...)...    ::) ::)


yes i definitely agree with nema fekei and the rest. this is tite how most people on this board are not conservatives, but either liberals or moderates. i have this conservative friend who avoids reading the speech by chomsky, even tho i ask him everyday and he says 'yeah i'll read it later' (going into denial already obviously...)...


No, it was me I just didn't log in as Nema said. I couldn't post as usual so I decided to post as my evil twin.

For the record not that it really matters to anyone I have nothing against Canada or Canadians I like there women and whiskey and not in that particular order either.


Unstoppable Onslaught of Americanism?  mahdi, I'd probably be mad if I wasn't distracted by how stupid my country's government has been lately.  Personally I'm beginning to doubt that terrorists are behind the anthrax letters, I think it may be a deranged Bio-Chemist, an American Citizen, who saw an opportunity to cause chaos.


Americanism as in American culture.

I was really hopeing that post would start another arguement :(

It's no fun when everyone agree's with everyone else.  I want another arguement >:(

Hey, Fedakyn, you suck!


i think this is the start of the trend of world destabilization...riots everywhere, destabilization of governments in the CIS (former soviet union republics) as well (the entire cabinet of Georgia, not the state Georgia, was forced to quit by the president), and i think the IRA will take the chance to restart their activities again.  ??? ??? ??? i think the world's gonna be in a mess in the next 50 years. steve hawkings is right...we gotta start colonizing space soon.


I will have you to know that I will not be moved by your attempt to make me angry and supply you with your want for an argument. I have completed my 12-step anger managment program with a new attitude in mind. I won't even comment on the fact that you said I suck. Well because I don't suck but your girlfriend does.


hey i just wanna see people's opinions on this. ex and i were talking about it. do you guys think killing bin laden would cause an overall positive effect or negative effect?

i think it might be positive domestically, since most americans will be like "tight he is dead" but i thought it will only infuriate the extremist muslims even more, which will lead to even more attacks on the u.s., since they will think bin laden died a martyr.

ex thinks if bin laden dies, all the islamic extremists will be disenchanted and go home. kinda like how all the nazis gave up after hitler shot himself.

what do you thinK?


I argue the wizerd of oz theory. hear me out.

When they killed the wicked wich.  All of her flying monkeys started singing and dancing.

I dont base my veiws on a moive. many of you think i am foolish but i am not that foolish. If you look though out history it kinda makes sense.

When hittler poped a cap in his own ass. The germans stoped there holy crusade. I know they were getting there asses kicked but the death of there beloved hittler made them surender even quicker. They worshiped him as a god.hittler alomst changed the name of germany to hittler something.  they worshiped him as a god.if you seen any thing about the hittler youth you  would know what i mean. but once hittler died almost all of the surviving german soilders denounced naziisem. Dont you think that if the germans knew that hittler was alive they would have faught with more zest?most likey yes.but naziisem died.... for a while.

I dont think islam will die but i think atleast the terroits will lose a lot of motivation. or they will pick up much more steam. theres only two diferent options there, i think


Liberals and moderates are pansies! :)


yes i definitely agree with nema fekei and the rest. this is tite how most people on this board are not conservatives, but either liberals or moderates. i have this conservative friend who avoids reading the speech by chomsky, even tho i ask him everyday and he says 'yeah i'll read it later' (going into denial already obviously...)...    ::) ::)

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