Razorox Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Heh, what am I to expect from an emperor forum eh. I should have realized you guys are all gonna say war3 sucks cuz u don't have the patience to adapt to it. There is no way in god's green earth emperor requires more strategy than wc3 (Unless you are talking about total n00b players who don't know what they are doing.) Where do you guys think all the leet emperor players went, lol. I can tell you right now that most of em are in war3. Why you say? Well, it's because war3 is better. You guys can sit here in your own little world, and think that emp is better, but any real gamer knows the truth - that's why they're all playing wc3. ;D Most of you guys don't have the right to be judging wc3, since the greater portion of you havn't even played 30 online matches yet. Sorry if it seams like I am trying to force my opinion on you, but I just don't see the logic behind any of your arguments. Especially when you don't supply any facts to back it up. All you say is "war3 sucks, not worth the money" That kind of ignorance just gets me a bit annoyed... :(
Razorox Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Quote Emp is far more intense than wc. I am not knocking wc, but be for real, emp is just a great game. WC idea has been done before, i believe kingdoms under fire, and majesty a little. I dont play emp any more, i play wc every now and then, but i maily play sof2. Nothing beats blowing a guys brains out and seeing the blood squirt out after, lol.bah sof2 is way too buggy. UT2003 will own the fps world undisputedly.
Taqwa11 Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Actually, I'm waiting for No One Lives Forever 2, which comes out in October. The action, humor, storyline, locales, and characters beat the hell out of any other FPS games I've played. Oh, and Kate Archer is the sexiest heroine in gaming, IMHO--for an animation, that is. LOL.Emperor, as Razorox says, is about to die. WCIII took many of the best Emperor players away, and C&C Generals will pretty much put a fork in Emperor for everyone except those unlucky people who can't afford its initial price or who just barely bought Emperor and are still getting into it. The fact that Emperor isn't on sale hardly anywhere anymore guarantees its inevitable death. That said, it's still a great game that deserved better from its creators.
Brainred Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Sorry raz, but emp is a far better game. The fact wc has more people takes nothing away from emperor as a game. The only reason people by wc is because of its hype, if emp was hype for 4 years before being release imagine the amout of people here. I will say that blizzard does support there games better than ww, and for longer. But that takes nothing away from ww games being overall more fun, and exciting. I find blizzard games lacking oin appearance, graphics, and gameplay. For a company that takes soo long to make their games, there end results arent that impressive. IMO
GhostHunter Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 WE DO NOT NEED A FLAME WAR ABOUT EMP VS WCIII HERE!!!!!! Anyways, about that " you cant compare old players who dont play to ones who do " thats total fucking bs. I was in emp a LONG time, and I saw every real great player that ever played, D3kdragon or Ion0xide were the two best.
Madluxan Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Razor, I'ms sorry if you feel the need to flame us for liking Emperor more than Warcraft. But you should probably consider anger management if you're going to get mad at us for having an opinion.When I compare the two, I look at the fact that most WC battles are fought with only three things considered.-The number of units-The quality of the units (damage/armor)-Whether or not the units flyNow, if Emperor was played with the only these things in mind, then it would simply be gunship wars. Each unit serves a purpose, and there's no distinct advantage one unit has over every other one.This is just my opinion. As I said, I'm sorry if you feel the need to call us ignorant for expressing our opinions, but try to calm down and stop flaming us.
Navaros Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Let's not forget that good Micro in War3 is very impossible due to the clunky interface and game design.You *can't* Micro well in War3 because when there are a lot of units fighting on the screen ---ALL YOUR UNITS BECOME A JUMBLED, INDISTINGUISHABLE MESS OF PIXELS --- and you can't *see* where the Hell your units are, hence you can't see *how* and *where* to move them. So saying War3 takes more Micro than Emp is pure BS. War3 is more luck than anything else. Battles are often determined by who *happens to have been able to see his important units* in the middle of a battle. But in most cases, NEITHER PLAYER can see his units hence neither player can *control* his units in battle, so in most cases battles in War3 are decided by whoever has one more unit or whichever army has stronger damage. There is NO MICRO INVOLVED IN MOST WAR3 BATTLES SINCE YOU CAN'T SEE JACK! And don't tell me I suck at War3 because I know I do and I don't *want* to get good because "skill" in War3 is meaningless due to the atrocious game that War3 is.
Frodo Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 What about Thoxen? Wasn't he a top ATR Player?
Razorox Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Quote Divine Wind link=board=7;threadid=6134;start=60#msg71488 date=1031418390]Razor, I'ms sorry if you feel the need to flame us for liking Emperor more than Warcraft. But you should probably consider anger management if you're going to get mad at us for having an opinion.When I compare the two, I look at the fact that most WC battles are fought with only three things considered.-The number of units-The quality of the units (damage/armor)-Whether or not the units flyNow, if Emperor was played with the only these things in mind, then it would simply be gunship wars. Each unit serves a purpose, and there's no distinct advantage one unit has over every other one.This is just my opinion. As I said, I'm sorry if you feel the need to call us ignorant for expressing our opinions, but try to calm down and stop flaming us.I didn't flame you and I didn't get mad. I said I was annoyed at your ignorance. You are NOt ignorant because you're expressing your opinion. You are ignorant because your opinion is uneducated. Maybe if you would post some facts and not all this BS, I would be able to accept your opinion, even though it differs from my own. Think before you post.OK big bad divinewind show me where I flamed you. Ahhhh what's the matter, spewing BS out of your mouth again? lol.
CERBERUS Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 I like both emperor and warIII..but at the end of the day emp is dead so what game u gonna play? hmm thats a tough 1 :)
Razorox Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Quote Let's not forget that good Micro in War3 is very impossible due to the clunky interface and game design.You *can't* Micro well in War3 because when there are a lot of units fighting on the screen ---ALL YOUR UNITS BECOME A JUMBLED, INDISTINGUISHABLE MESS OF PIXELS --- and you can't *see* where the Hell your units are, hence you can't see *how* and *where* to move them. So saying War3 takes more Micro than Emp is pure BS. War3 is more luck than anything else. Battles are often determined by who *happens to have been able to see his important units* in the middle of a battle. But in most cases, NEITHER PLAYER can see his units hence neither player can *control* his units in battle, so in most cases battles in War3 are decided by whoever has one more unit or whichever army has stronger damage. There is NO MICRO INVOLVED IN MOST WAR3 BATTLES SINCE YOU CAN'T SEE JACK! And don't tell me I suck at War3 because I know I do and I don't *want* to get good because "skill" in War3 is meaningless due to the atrocious game that War3 is.If you can't see jack, turn your graphics up. If your computer is nor good enough, get a better one. If you can't afford one, shut up until you can. If you feel the need to say I'm somehow bragging by making that comment, grow up. Nav...micro IS war3. EVERYTHING revolves around micro. If you don't know how to control your important units during battle, you just plain suck. If you can't see them, you're just plain blind...oh and incase you didn't realize it, there are hotkeys for heros, and you can select specific units using portraits.You say WC3 requires no micro...and is all luck.There are 5 million people, whom could all kick your ass, who say otherwise...The only logical conclusion to draw from this information is that you're an ignorant n00b. If someone says they hat WC3...that's fine with me. As long as they're not just ignorant little school boys who have only had 10 matches of wc3, and don't even know hero hotkeys ::). And saying "I hate wc3, because it requires no strategy" is just plain retarded. You need to say WHY you think it requires no strategy. Didn't you guys learn how to have these kinds of discussions in school?
Taqwa11 Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Nav, it makes no difference, really, which game you prefer. It's like arguing over religion, because no one wins. Emp is dying a slow, painful death. I'm still grieving over it myself. WCIII will be around five years from now with a lot people still playing it because Blizzard will see to it that its game is supported, patched, advertised, etc.--all the things that Westwood didn't do. Nav, I'm really sorry that Emp is dying--I feel as bad as you do about it. But the fact is, without continued sales and support, it can not survive. Hang in there awhile longer, though, and you'll get your Emperor title, if only because people keep leaving.
Navaros Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Razor I have played hundreds of games in War3 and you told someone else to post "educated" opinions. My opinion on War3 is *very* educated.No I am not blind and I just got a GeForce 4 Ti 4600 so all my graphical settings on War3 are maxed out.That does not change the fact of the matter. Here IS the fact of the matter: The way the "art" (looks more like lifeless, detail-less, poorly-drawn and uber-babyish origami though)in War3 and animations display themselves causes the animations to BLOCK YOUR VIEW OF THE GAMEPLAY. That makes War3 a HORRIBLE GAME with NO STRAT. The animation itself prevents you from seeing what is going on. UNlike in Emperor, where you can always clearly see and move all your units however you like. The movements and projectiles of units in War3 overlap like crazy and make having a clear view of the battle impossible.I am sure other people who have played War3 have also felt like pulling their hair out due to asking: "where the HELL is my Hero?" and not being able to see it amongst the jumbled mess of pixels excusing itself as a "battle". That is until they get the message "your Hero has been slain" which makes you no longer wonder where the Hell your Hero is and inspires a new sort of rage which makes you want to set a new recod at World Discus by using the War3 disc as a Discus.Apparently Blizzard developers didn't even consider the effects their unit animations would have on actual GAMEPLAY. They were probably just told: "draw the most homosexual-looking units you possibly can, and as long as they fit that visual don't worry about anything else."I *KNOW* there are other people who are on these boards who agree that you can't see what you're doing in War3 whereas in Emp you can almost *always* see what you are doing.
Anathema Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Looking at the previous post, I assume this topic will be locked very quickly now.
Madluxan Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Quote I didn't flame you and I didn't get mad. I said I was annoyed at your ignorance. You are NOt ignorant because you're expressing your opinion. You are ignorant because your opinion is uneducated. Maybe if you would post some facts and not all this BS, I would be able to accept your opinion, even though it differs from my own. Think before you post.OK big bad divinewind show me where I flamed you. Ahhhh what's the matter, spewing BS out of your mouth again? lol. Like I said, sorry if you feel the need to call us all ignorant for not liking your favorite game. If you want to go around saying how much better WC is than Emperor, then you should probably find another site to go around and throw around stuff like "Your opinion is ignorant because I don't agree with it". If you feel the need to say how much better warcraft is than Emperor, then I suggest you find another, more sensible argument instead of calling everyone ignorant, n00b, moron, whatever.If you think my opinion is uneducated, then I'm also sorry for you in this case... We can go on and on like this, but instead we should just leave it at this. You might want to call everyone ignorant for expressing valid opinions, and I can understand that. There are people in this world that will stop at nothing just to flame people for not liking a certain video game... You're obviously one of those people who can't accept the fact that some people don't like your favorite video game. If you think that what I said is an opinion (Or, BS as you like to put it) and not a fact, then your argument stops right there. This seems to be your only defense to anything I have to say about Warcraft. At least try and carry on a civilized argument without calling everyone an "uneducated n00b" if they don't think Warcraft takes as much strategy as Emperor. Or at the very least, try to find another defense aside from "There are people who can beat you at warcraft, therefore you're a moron"
Razorox Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Quote Razor I have played hundreds of games in War3 and you told someone else to post "educated" opinions. My opinion on War3 is *very* educated.No I am not blind and I just got a GeForce 4 Ti 4600 so all my graphical settings on War3 are maxed out.That does not change the fact of the matter. Here IS the fact of the matter: The way the "art" (looks more like lifeless, detail-less, poorly-drawnm babyish origami though)in War3 and animations display themselves causes the animations to BLOCK YOUR VIEW OF THE GAMEPLAY. That makes War3 a HORRIBLE GAME with NO STRAT. The animation itself prevents you from seeing what is going on. UNlike in Emperor, where you can always clearly see and move all your units however you like. The movements and projectiles of units in War3 overlap like crazy and make having a clear view of the battle impossible.I am sure other people who have played War3 have also felt like pulling their hair out due to asking: "where the HELL is my Hero?" and not being able to see it amonst the jumbled mess of pixels excusing itself as a "battle". That is until they get the message "your Hero has been slain" which makes you no longer wonder where the Hell your Hero is and inspires a new sort of rage which makes you want to set a new recod at World Discus by using the War3 disc as a Discus.Apparently Blizzard developers didn't even consider the effects their unit animations would have on actual GAMEPLAY. They were probably just told: "draw the most homosexual-looking units you possibly can, and as long as they fit that visual don't worry about anything else)I *KNOW* there are other people who are on these boards who agree that you can't see what you're doing in War3 whereas in Emp you can almost *always* see what you are doing. You are the biggest exaggerating n00b I have ever seen. You say you've played "hundreds of game" yet you are still so n00b-like that you don't even know how to find your hero during a battle. LMAO. Why would someone who hates a game play it day after day, week after week. Obviously you havn't played "hundreds" of games, or you wouldn't be such an ignorant n00b. When it all comes down to it Nav, you just SUCK. You SUCK. You can't micro worth crap, and you can't adapt to new games. I remember when you started emperor, it took you like 2 months to even be a mediocre player. Now, more than a year later, you are finally starting to get good, and you just can't stand the thought of having to try all over again. So instead you create the biggest case of sour-grapes, in the history of planet earth. Of course there are other n00b's like you who don't know what a hero hotkey is... that doesn't say much, now does it? Also you have to consider the fact that every unit in emperor is ranged, while the majority of units in war3 are melee, which causes it to be more cluttered at times. But only an idiot doesn't know how to control his units during battle. Tell me just how you get the idea the graphics look "homosexual". Previously you stated that the only people who like playing war3 are people who like being "anally violated by dwarves" because one of the gyro's unit responses is "They came from... behind!" Obviously you are just a horny little teen boy, who doesn't think of anything but having kinky sex, and perverse images. Why don't you get some maturity, and come back when you can have an educated discussion.
Madluxan Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Quote Looking at the previous post, I assume this topic will be locked very quickly now.Yeah, it probably will be...
Madluxan Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Razor, calm down... You don't need to carry on an argument by spewing "YOU SUCK!!!" or "n00b!!" at every chance you get.
Razorox Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Quote Divine Wind link=board=7;threadid=6134;start=90#msg71521 date=1031423760]Razor, calm down... You don't need to carry on an argument by spewing "YOU SUCK!!!" or "n00b!!" at every chance you get.Trust me divine, I had a lot more chances than that. There is a difference between flaming, and stating fact. What I said was 100% undisputed fact. I am actually perfectly calm, and think you are the one who needs to take a pill, you can't seam to keep your nose out of where it doesn't belong...
Navaros Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 uh DUH i KNOW what my Hero hotkeys are but that's useless if you can't SEE your Hero because if you have him selected then just click at a spot you want him to go he will STILL get killed if you can't GUIDE HIM ALONG THE PATH. Hero hotkeys are irrelevant. To have your Hero selected but not be able to SEE where it is doesn't help at all. And you call *me* ignorant yet such a simple concept is lost on you. ::)
Madluxan Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Actually razor, I have a reason to speak my mind here... Because when people go around calling everyone ignorant for not liking a game, then that means there's obviously something wrong. I personally think Emperor is better than Warcraft. But I'm not going on Warcraft forums calling everyone an ignorant n00b who doesn't think Emperor is better. You need to re-evaluate what you're doing here, because it's not showing any maturity on your part.
xvayne Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Razor your being a hypocrite, every has there right to there opinions. I have played 50 so games on wc, so i know the game, and i would say that emp is a far better game. Just because emp is now dead, doesnt mean the quality of the game is gone. WC is fun, but its also boring too, and i only play it when i ahve had enough opf playing sof2. And sof2 isnt buggy, and is the best fps i have played.
GhostHunter Posted September 7, 2002 Posted September 7, 2002 Mods please lock this, or the person who started this thread. This was orginaly a nice post about who you thought was the best player throughout the Emperor times. But now its turning into a stupid argument lead on by ignorent stubborn fools who have to battle it out about there stupid opinions.
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