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The unexplained...


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Bountyhunter brought up a good, controversial topic but never followed through with it, since it was on the nonsense thread.  

What about those things we cannot explain, the paranormal.  Does ESP exist?  Do alien lifeforms exist?  How is the Pope still alive?  (ok kidding about that one, I know it was a bad age joke.)  Where do the lines of time blur, and can a time loop happen?  Is it already happenign and we keep experiencing the same events day after day, only to repeat it the next?

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In fear of this bringing out some "interesting" people... yes the government is hiding aliens trained to take out presidents and invade our homes like martha stewart!

But seriously, I would like to here opinions on this. Sounds cool.

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I'm quite certain that aliens exist.  Consider this:  There are billions of stars in a galaxy, many having planets (human-habitable or otherwise).  there are billions upon billions of gaaxies in the universe.  How can we be so naive to think that this is all for us?

As for the other stuff, I'm skeptical, but open minded.  I like to see to believe, but I'm not quick to discount what trustworthy people say either.

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As vangaurd brought up, billions of hospitiple planets and we are the only ones around, hum sounds a bit etchy. Alien lifeforms is something that i can agree with, but the other "paranormal" anomolies, i have mixed feelings on. ESP, well we only use like 20% percent of our brains right? I dont think the rest is just a waste of space.

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unless ur stephen hawkins well hes more smarter and probably use 50% of his brain

also y did billions are years ago who spark the life of humans was it aliens  who they were also spark

a lighning bolt couldnt have done

then y the weird lights in the sky and wat happen to Atlantis and the anazaki ppl who i think went wit the aliens

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EvilBaron:  I heard it was more like 11%, which makes your theory even more plausable.

billions of hospitiple planets and we are the only ones around

And even still, who's to say that there's no form of life that produces energy in different ways.  How do we know that Carbon-breathing, bipedal, bloodsacks like us ae the only form of sentient life?

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"Universe is big and it is wasting of space if we`re only life form there. If one star in billion has planetary system and one planet in billion of them has living conditions and if on the one of those planets are life forms, there must be thousend and more life forms in hole universe"

It`s from some movie and I agree with it. Universe is too big and we can`t be alone .  

Well, some of aliens can be as little as microbe, some of them can be similar to us, big reptiles :-/ or something more unexpected.

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There's proof of life on mars and I don't think that's the last place in our solar system where life will be found. I think that life is more widely spread throughout the universe than we think, maybe some other creatures exists without oxygene and under more harsh conditions than we do.

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Gunseng are you talkin bout Contact?

And aliens could exist, but not always in the form we are thinking of. Like a lifeform that is but a thought, going galaxy to galaxy conquering worlds after worlds. But what sucks is that any moment now we can be burned in a firey hell from an alien ship hidden from our sensors. That would be cool for StarGate SG-1 to be real.

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Heck that would be a stretch, but under the exact conditions maybe! That would be so freaky...I wonder what we would say to eachother? Would they be called aliens? If we did find some, how do we know they aren't pods with the real aliens inside or operating elsewhere?

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