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Conduct of battle

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hey guys,

I was wondering if you agree wtih me. There is a code of battle. With the fighting on the ground. the enemy would probably state that they are using shields in battle. On sea they probably prohibit certian uses of shields. another thing is I am not sure if they could use shields on sea. with all the friction and what not. There must be some sort of battle rules and ethics. what do you guys think?:-)


Actrually Mahdi I must disagree.  There are rules in war, its just that no one ever follows them.  Examples include: The Articles of War and The Geneva COnvention.  Also the varying Rules Of Engagement for each combat situation.


Prohibition of use of chemical weaponry against people features in all - but this is ignored by many countries (Germany in WWII, the US in the cold war, and others)


Duh there is the great convention. but that is for major occurances and events. like atomics. and interplanetary battles between major houses. I am talking about scermishes.:)


I think there are rules in war. They depend on the sort of fighter you are and the strategy u use. For examples Samoerai. The fight by a strict code. No matter what convention or contract. A lot of soldiers are thained to fight in sertain ways. This training they resieve is in my oppinion vital to the "rules" they will fight with. So it's not just a question of contracts and sutch.

Fighting a persone or army that has no rules is impossible.


You are small, they are big.

You are mobile, they are slow.

You are hidden, they are exposed.

Guerrilia's are just people who fight a war against some other party. Not army's fighting but sevillians. It doesn't mean they have now rules. Still they fight for a couse, by use of certain methodes.

Again, rules. ( not written rules but still means that controle the actions )


If you read the books you will see a certain chivalry. I personally think there are written rules of battle. See the code of arms in the middle ages or europe. You never broke the standing code of arms. Gurrila warfare is one of many ways of fighting. Throughout history they never followed the code of arms. They have no need to since usually they arent controlled by a government power. Or they are controlled by a quazi government. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about things like warning the enemy if shields will be used. if they dont and lasgun fire occures it could cause desaster upon both houses in battle. there must be some sort of law and communication besides the great convention's laws. Which are on a much larger scale.:)


Speaking of gurriila warfare. me and ordos 45 were playing a game of ww1 on sc. I beet the crap out of him . but he kept atacking my out lining territories makeing it hard to get more cash. while i was handleing his gurrilas he was building up his forces. to bad he had to leave after 3 hours.


"All war is about deception."

Adversaries will be decietful about their intentions, so I would have to say you yourself can have honor but do not always expect your adversary to follow any codes of battle most do not.


There are many rules when in war; pow's shall be treated with respect and if enemys surrender to you, you are not allowed to kill them, no killing of civilians and no use of bio or chemicalweapons etc.

Another rule is that as a pow it's your duty to escape. Anyways many don't live by those rules and the US is one of them all the prisoners of the Afgahn campaigns aren't treated as pows, the US simply found another name for them, and tread them like they want to.

There are many rules when in war; pow's shall be treated with respect and if enemys surrender to you, you are not allowed to kill them, no killing of civilians and no use of bio or chemicalweapons etc.

Another rule is that as a pow it's your duty to escape. Anyways many don't live by those rules and the US is one of them all the prisoners of the Afgahn campaigns aren't treated as pows, the US simply found another name for them, and tread them like they want to.

Those may be rules feyd, but they are nthing but words, they have never been followed in any war and never will.  Hell, ook at whats going on right now!  The British call the American treatment of prisoners torture,a nd America sn't following the Genva convention, saying "oh, well, these guys arn't really an army so they arn't realy combatants so there... illegal combatants, yeah thats it, so we can do whatever we want to them."


I agree with you and I agree with the British point of view. It's easy to make some great rules of combat in a peace situation, but to live by them in wartime is very hard, because war brings up the worst in everyone. It's not very morally that the US claim to fight for freedom and human rights when they themselfs are neglecting them.


The U.S. has a very odd hsitory when it comes to "freedom" and human rights, from putting in the original consitution that all men are created equal, but a black person is only 1/3 of a human, to ther imperialistic ambitions in the 19th century (war of 1812, Spanish American war where they got the naval bases that the afgans are being held in now, etc) but that doesn't fit in this thread.


You are putting our value system in the dune universe. Its fantasy and their culture is much different then ours. Honor and grace is a much larger thing to have then it is here. At least in the dune universe if you are going to be backstabbing you do it in secret.lol:)


In the Gineva Convention it states that. POWs are to be housed in barracks that are simmiler if not exacly like your troops. They will also be fed The same thing as your troops. And There envirement should be as close as possibul to whare they were captured. Thats all i reamber now. And in WW2 america falowed the gineva convention to the letter when dealing with POWS


well the geneva convention states that you are not allowed to give photos or films of the POW to the general public so the americans are doing another illegal thing  much unlike the noble atreides


I do not see why the US needed to move them to Cuba of all places. Why not keep them in the Middle East somewhere with one of our allies, say even build the same facilties that they are buliding now to house the POWs. The importance in getting what they want is to show the rest of the Islamic world that they are not what Osmsa bin Ladin has said the US is "not the champion of the world". And the treatment of the Afgan POWs is important. Remember the world is watching, smile.

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