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Maybe if everyone send letters or email to blizzard to buy Dune License they ll do it they can do pretty good games AND THEY WILL BE SUPPORTED


thats a good idea! I think blizzard will do better with....who am I kidding..THEY'LL HAVE DUNE STORM THE WORLD!! ;D I sure am gonna send em an email..! ;D ;D*drools at the thought of a blizzard version of Dune*


stop it you guys these threads are getting old and boring from your constant.......wineing about westwood. i know they stoped suporting emp but plese get over it!


funny I didnt read WW name once... till now. I think some one should continue with Dune (perferably a company with a good track record) I know Cyro (i think) is making Dune Generations but a pay to play game isnt my idea of fun ;D


Ex that is a good idea! I would love a dune game made by blizzard there was no reason for you to get an attitude and bash him for saying that. besides,Pt0n is new to the board as far as i can tell. If u have no interest in this topic then dont say anything about it.


but they wont do it. i am not bashing you guys i just wish that you would stop bringing up these threads. Westwood wont suport the game anymore stop wineing about them it and start modding or give the game to your friends or something. The game is dead in terms of westwood suport.

but they wont do it. i am not bashing you guys i just wish that you would stop bringing up these threads. Westwood wont suport the game anymore stop wineing about them it and start modding or give the game to your friends or something. The game is dead in terms of westwood suport.
were not talking about that...were talking about Blizzard buying the Dune

just like when Michale Jackson bought the rights to some of theBeatles songs way back when.... then he owned the rights... untill he had to sell them back when he needed money ;D It may be doubtful of them doing it (Blizzard actually buying it) but it would be nice if a company that actually supported thier games owned it. SO if EA ownes the rights how did the one Dune game get made the Frank Herberts Dune. Who had what rights to make it and what aboot the Dune Generations game whos rights are those on? the Sci Fi since its baised on the Sci Fi Channles one?


Ex, what are you doing on the Emperor boards if you apparently hate Emperor so much that you shoot down the idea of lisence being sold to a company that cares? You apparently didn't even read what he said ::)

Anyway, that should be a great idea... If Blizzard took one look at the game and understood its potential, they'd buy it in a heartbeat :P Imagine a patch, or official expansion for the game. How many games can you say survive like Emperor has, considering the crap the game's went through.


I can see that Ex is a very neggative person ;D i can sence the black energy :P

AND WITHOUT OFFEND YOU EX Could you please read Before answer the post take it as suggestion and not as an offence

Thx to everyone else maybe the owner of this site could make a small page just like the one that some one did to send the emails to WW a long time ago. if we can get 1 million of petitions they will do it less than that they ll think about it

ea owns rights to lynchs dune not the mini sci-fi owns those
OK. Well if Ea owes the ones to lynchs movie and then I would take it Cryo has ones to the SciFi miniseries (as it is basied on those but I may be wrong). Who has the ones to the original Frank Herberts Dune? Find them have Blizzard buy those and make a game. How you ask well maybe make a petition and ask that since WW has made a great game that they, unfortunatly, cannot support if they could any way possible continue with the Duniverse seeing as they have a great record of support for their games (werent they in the world book of records for that?) SHow them the petitions by DjHenery and EdriO and how WW ignored them and and tell them that it is IMPERATTIVE not only that but A DIRECT ORDER FROM WITHIN THE GUILD that they DO continue the Duniverse ;D 8)

I don't know if WW or EA actually own the licence, I think they either bought the licence for a certain number of years or they just bought it for a single game.

The reason they use the movie licence is that its probably cheaper, same goes for the miniseries. Whereas the novels are either more expensive or the owners just don't want to licence it.

And I doubt Blizzard will make a Dune game, I'm guessing they would rather stick with their own series, Warcraft, Starcraft, etc which they don't have to pay any licencing fees for.


Guys, ex is right, you all are clinging onto the fact that anyone cares. Blizzard won't listen to you guys just because you have a million signatures (which won't even happen). You guys are hoping for what isn't and cannot be done. Blizzard knows how well or not Dune games sold, and frankly just because some whining kids want someone to support a dune game for a long time isn't going to even make them think about it. GIVE IT UP and stop wasting people's time with "letters to Blizzard" and "WW sucks". Jesus it's hilarious that some thought of it to be a great idea...


[QOUTE]Blizzard won't listen to you guys just because you have a million signatures [/QOUTE]

Do you know how many Copies of Diablo2 weree sold ?? a bit over 1 million, and for startcraft i think it didnt go over 1 million. THAT RIGHT THERE means money. I and i am sure many of of you Want blizzard to make the game, but what i or we really want is Blizzard to take a look at the potential that the game has and by doing that they will relize that its an excelent game. When they do that we will have our game.



actually I don't think that dune is suited to be a "normal" rts like starcraft, Warcraft etc. the best bet I've seen is Cryo's attempt with Dune Generations and it sickens me to see that when finally someone comes up with a brilliant idea it dies before being born, if westwood/EA of Blizzard should make some good deeds then buy up some of the assets in Cryo so that we'll get DG.


I agree that it's annoying that you have to pay and maybe an idea would be to make a sp version, but still I understand why they need the money I for sure wouldn't work for free.

Guys, ex is right, you all are clinging onto the fact that anyone cares. Blizzard won't listen to you guys just because you have a million signatures (which won't even happen). You guys are hoping for what isn't and cannot be done. Blizzard knows how well or not Dune games sold, and frankly just because some whining kids want someone to support a dune game for a long time isn't going to even make them think about it. GIVE IT UP and stop wasting people's time with "letters to Blizzard" and "WW sucks". Jesus it's hilarious that some thought of it to be a great idea...
well i cant speak for all of the users here but, I know my testies have dropped a long time ago... not everyon in the Dunivers is a whinning kid (thou we may choose to act like it at tmes ;D) If done in an appropiate mannaer maybe some one (not saying Blizzard but a reputable gameing company) would be interseted in making some money and some users happy. and for all the kids that Akur is talking aboot prove him wrong grow up and buy out blizzard just to make the Dune game :P ::) ;D. REally thou I would just like to see a new Dune game in the RTS format. But maybe to appease the unforgiving admins and not to get banned I should no longer plea my case of WW suxs or Someone plz make a new Dune game. I should just sit around beating the dead horse with every one else... that seems to have more usefullness in the first place :P ::) ;D

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