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As some of you may know, I'm starting up my own company. Now I have two questions for you all:

1) What websites do you like most (matter of content, or the way it looks).

2) This one is more for the Dutch people here (as my company is based in Holland), but anyone may reply:

How many of you buy games and/or computers online ?(or would want to, but can't for some reason).

If you reply, please try to put some explenation underneath so I know why you like a certain site or why you can't buy games/computers online.

Thanks in advance for the time to answer !


If you want a professional looking very nice website, get a page generator like DreamWeaver (which doesn't put in crap like MSFrontpage). Also, get Macromedia Flash because quite a bit of the top 100 websites use flash, and it looks very nice with vector graphics.


The ones I use for online purchases are Alternate [ low prices and easy layout ] and the Dell site. Only I don't use that one often ;)

They site I like "most", hmm think it Kimble's homepage, the flash verion made by nrg.

If you need software I would suggest Apple, but that's personal.


I like sites where it is very clear how you can get somewhere, and the lay-out must be good. Like this site (this is no censoring :P).

I don't buy pc stuff online. Mostly because I can get it very easy, and I don't trust that online shopping so much. Buyed something online once, no pc-stuff


Well, about the website, I have someone that's going to build it for me (gonna cost me though). I have no experiance in buid,ing websites. The reason I asked for your opinions is to see what kind of sites are liked and I could take some of the ideas and pass them on to the person who's going to build it.

And Timenn, this site is already passed on as an example of what I like (as matter of fact, it's the first one I passed on ;D)

About buying online.. This question is due to the fact that I have started my company which is going to sell games and hardware via the internet. I know a lot of (European at least) people are affraid to buy online. That's why I'm going to implement several payment options, by credit card and payment on delevery for example. Although the price for paying on delevery will cost you a small amount more though (I think it'll be around the 2 or 3 Euro).

Would this make things more easy for you to buy online ?

Thanks for the responses so far !!


About paying with the deliviry is a good suggestion. Then it's the same like a shop.

But still the problem with online shopping is that you need to be at home, and you have to wait a few days. And somethings are easily bought in a shop. But if you are searching for something and you can't find it, it's nice to buy it online.


Well, the way I'm setting up things, your order should be in the next day, so no long waiting times (apart from some exceptions).

I also will open a shop, but that requires a bank loan. I'm not that far yet, but wanted to setup the site anyway, because I won't need that much money to start with.. Thing is, if I just would open a shop, I only would be able to reach the local population.. and what I'm aiming for is a larger crowd ;D

About paying online, I don't see why people are so afraid. I mean, there are loads of programs that generate a generic credit card number for you. Who's to say your credit card number is safe right now ? At least that's my opinion..

Never the less, I'm going to implement several ways to pay anyway ;D

Thanks for replying again Timenn !

Comon people, I need more replies :)


Who, take it easy. . . it's weekend I can't be home all the time ;)

I usually never make Credit Card payments via the Net. And as you might know, the delivery of Alternate is "payment on delivery". I like the service, order it today and you'll recieve it tomorrow. When they havn't got it you'll see in when you place the order or you get an email the same or next day.

When it would take longer, 2 or 3 days I probbebly go looking for another store. 2 is doable but 3 is for me to mutch. [ and the Dell site is an exeption to this, with delivery from 4/5 days to 2 weeks. ]

About that extra amount when you make the order "payment on delivery", I've always thought it was strange. Ok, you have to pay for the mailing costs, but an extra cost while the shopholder has less expences. He doesn't have to maintian a store that you can visit and sutch.

But this won't stop me from buying online, 2 - 3 euro isn't that mutch, and when the price of the product isn't higher then other stores .. . . .

[ nice he, those CC generators ;) ;D ]


I can promise you that I'm almost certain to be the cheapest (in Holland anyway). I've already done a study to compare prices ;D

I reviewed the prices in the shops and I can say that Renegade will be 5 to 10 Euro's less (maybe more, but still have to negotiate prices with the wholesale company).

That includes delivery ;D

The reason why you might (not sure if I'm going to add the extra 2 or 3 Euro) when you pay on delivery, is because the company that delivers it, is charging me also with money for it.. (I doubt I will charge extra, but not sure yet).

Btw, most products WILL be delivered the next day, including hardware..


1) Mainly stuff on games, usually fan sites (Fallout, Dune, Abandonware).  Usually something with a bit of interactivity.

2) I don't, cause it's quicker for me to go down to the shop and buy it then and there.  I also don't have a credit card and handle with cash only.


i like web sites that have music in back gound *cough cough* ;D  and some of that flash stuff is nice when you move ur mouse over stuff is cool ;D


I seem to be contradicting everyone else, but... sites which load slowly, wasting time on flash and other superficial stuff annoy me.

Oh, and times new roman really puts me off.

<|Sorry, I'll rephrase that: I don't like flash unless it's REALLY small in loadtime|>


I think he does like flash, cause it looks great..

btw, I also found a way that IF you order a game via my site, you won't need to stay at home (not if you decide to pay on delivery though) ;D

Thanks for the ideas so far guys, I really appreciate it ! Feel free to post more :)

Thanks for replying guys!

Btw, Stainless, you don't need a creditcard if you're going to order via my website. It will also be possible to pay on delivery ;D

heh, good thinking, although I live in Australia, so can't use it  :P


1) Sites with a good overvieuw of it's contents on the main page so you it doesn't take ages to find what you're looking for. I have no good example to name right now (though Fed2k is pretty good). I also don't like pointless flash animations that take ages to load.

2) I like to, but I can't for some reason ;). (technical reasons)


Hi Nyar,

I also started a bit of an online shop :D

But it can't be found through searchengines :(

It will take a while (at least 6 weeks) before the search engines will add your site  (unless u pay).

I think you should be able to search the games/software database. And on selection you should see the cover of the cd/dvd (back and front) and a description of the game.

Don't put to many adds and don't use pop ups :(

Have a shopping cart thing and before people "really" have to order they should be able to look how expensive it is exactly inclusive shipping.



Hi Marcel !

There won't be any pop ups. There will be advertisement, but it will be in a bar on the side.

Attached to the website will be a complete database, which will make my updating more easy. Also, one will be able to search on platform, name and genre..

Good to see you here btw !


Don't think you need this warning because you probbebly thought of it but still won't do any harm to post it.

There is a good reason why company's don't deliver to poeple in other country's. [ with the exeption of CC orders ] It can be miss used or drive you to extra costs [ when they don't exept it ]. There are way's around this, so it's just a warning. ;)

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