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Emperor : Guild Wars New Mod


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hehe, ok. And for the Skare Trooper, I meant that it's like a AA Trooper, it doesn't track units, slow, slow reload, like a deviator sort of..Also, are we gonna use guerilla and guerilla tank, or not?And are we also gonna use the Ix-Stalker? Guerilla (Infantry) - It gains stealth on first Rank level. Uses IMADVSardaukarKnife, and tosses grenades(ORGasTurret). It also does good dmg on armour, and has lowered dmg on infantry. Guerilla Tank (Tank) - Holds Infantry. Resembles a Smugler Quad. Uses ORAPCGun. Has extended range. Can crush infantry, and has increased HP and much more increased dmg.Is also faster. Ix-Stalker(Infantry) - Stealth when still.Instantly kills Infantry and Buildings.Has range of 0. Has no effect on tanks. No armour, medium health. Crushable. Ix-Elite Stalker - Stealth when still. Instantly kills tanks. Has no effect on infantry. Has range of 4. Medium armour,medium speed. medium reload time. Extremely expensive.Crushable.

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yeah i like the disrupter idea

shouldnt really be niab tho cos that would make it too powerful.

u cant add two turrets to an infantry unit like that cos its not mentioned in the xbf

id add the berserk effect of chaos lightning which i thought of doing ages ago but never got around to. Also we shudnt have the tank shoot a missile cos the lightning effect of the niabs is part of their model (like flame and gas)

I JUST read this post of urs...

That would look cool! The NIAB Tank shoots a laser, then the target gets the lightning ring around it and goes berserk...

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Ok..Apollyon, so far, we've finished editing the beta, and now we just need to fix out the bugs, change sum things, and add sum things..

But I need yo ask one more question, we deleted the factory and all those other buildings, right?

lets re-add sum... It would be weird to just have the main tech tree..

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re adding the buildings now would likely cause problems

we could possibly add 1 factory that can be built by all houses and can build generic vehicles i guess but other than that it will just mess up the illogical maelstrom that is the combination of IGs programming and my own (and its pretty chaotic i can tell u ;))

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Also, I think we should add some hidden units?Maybe only available in crates I suppose...but we gotta make more crates with units...And these units will have no gender, and sum units(2-3) will just be utterly useless, just to spice it up a bit.Also some units hidden in tech tree or when u capture an enemy building(any or just a certain one) and u get mixed units unavailable to all houses, subhouses, and crates. A SUPER RARE UNIT u could call it.Also, all the units that u can build available in crates at the moment, make them unable to get in crates. So that only RARE units can be gotten from crates.Lets discuss this privately....to surprise the folks who gonna try Guild Wars 2.0 ;D ;D

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It was kingpin to thank for discovering the hidden units in a tech tree idea, and I was the first to implement it into a mod.

You should make it that you have to capture a building from each house to be able to build it.

Windtraps work well, because noone thinks to capture one, if the capture a conyard, they can't build it, etc, so its much harder.

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