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gunner, missile tanks cannot destroy a mino in one hit. If it did it would have to have 2 cheverons.

Man u blind or something???

Hark missile tanks kill a non-veteran mino in just one shot. And that's a fact.

gunner, missile tanks cannot destroy a mino in one hit. If it did it would have to have 2 cheverons.

Man...are u blind or something???

A missile tank kills an not-veteran mino in just one shot.

so in a 1v1 the mino always loses, since a non veteran mino is not able to destroy a missile tank in one salvo.

And that's a fact.



Atreide's just suck at pure assault. Mongoose's will be shredded to pieces by the tanks. Also do note the Buzzsaw can beat a Mongoose  1 vs 1 when the buzzsaw uses their full guns. And Since Harkie's are more faster then the mecs. The Missile tanks can retreat and attack, retreat attack etc etc.


Missile Tanks will retrain their firing tubes when they're standstill.

When Missile Tanks fired a salvo at a mongoose (killing it) and then runs (on the move), for like 5 minutes and then you ask them to attack a Sand Bike, the Sandbike will get to pump some shots in before being taken out by the salvo.

Why? It is because Missile Tanks only reload when they're not doing anything (as long as they sit where they are and don't move, reloading is about 10 seconds in singleplayer {No lag} )


No, actually I don't think Missile Tanks have to sit still to reload. They automatically reload after firing their missiles, regardless of whether or not they're actually moving. That's why I always use a fast unit as bait for a Minotaurus, and when the Minotaurus stands there reloading, I hit it with the Missile Tank and come back so the Missile Tank doesn't get wiped out.  ;D


I remember my missile tank attacking some minos and a mongoose, we lost, but I had some units fleeing. And like 4 missile tanks were fleeing with some assault Tanks.

When I was suddenly ambushed by a couple of Kobras, I tried to fire, but had to wait to reload, when they were still it took them about 10 seconds and another salvo went off.


Mongooses have the best firepower. But assault is designed to be the best on frontal assault.

Hey it's in the name... ;D ;D ;D ;D

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