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Scenes you'd like to see in the new Dune movie


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Off the top of my head, the fight with Jamis, with Jessica calling Paul a killer afterward; and the scene where Thufir is told to kill Paul.

Oh, and the battle between the Sardaukar and the Fremen at the Seitch would be interesting to see.  I;d love to see the Sardaukar resort to firing their ships' thrusters to keep back the horde of women, children, and elderly.

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The conversations that the Baron had. In fact most everything to do with the Baron. He's one of the best characters, really.

Jessica's suspicions about the spy as well.

It's been a while though, I should really get around to reading the book again so that I can refresh my memory of all the great things.

Also Stilgar stabbing the prequel authors repeatedly. Preferably with a line of Ixians in the background, doing the cancan.

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The scene's I've missed have more to do with Messiah than Dune.

Such as the interview with Bronso of IX and the vision of the falling moon.

I can't really think of any particular deep scene from Dune that hasn't been adapted already.

Shallow-wise, I always thought the fight in the ornithopter between Paul and the Harkonnen Gaurds, if done properly, could be pretty awesome.

Coem to think of it, the post-Feyd/Paul fight where Fenring, Paul, and Shaddam have there three-way stare down is one scene fromt he book I've always loved that never made any filma daptation.  And I still say no one can play Fenring but Christopher Lambert.

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I was thinking something similar about Messiah. Except I'd like to see the scenes with the conspirators done well.

Paul always stuck me as more of an interesting character after he became the prophet anyway. And when he was Muad'dib, he was less interesting himself than the characters around him. Usually.

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I was thinking something similar about Messiah. Except I'd like to see the scenes with the conspirators done well.

Paul always stuck me as more of an interesting character after he became the prophet anyway. And when he was Muad'dib, he was less interesting himself than the characters around him. Usually.

The conspirators done correctly... that's another good call there.

I think Newmans portrayal of Muad'Dib in part three of Dune and in all three parts of CoD was pitch perfect.  Just the right amount of self-pity, self-hatred, and a certian, how to put this, omniscience.  A way he behaved that let you know that he knew everything going on and was three or four steps ahead of everyone else.

Even the way he bought into the whole "Stagnation! Death!" arguement against the golden path, and his sadness both at his sons loss and at the fact he thought his son would fail were great.

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Oh Newman was great as Paul, but Paul himself always seemed a little empty to me when compared with Jessica, the Baron, Mohiam, Fenring, etc.

There's another one, giving Fenring some screentime would be nice.

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I disagree with Paul being empty, I think he's the great character of the series (along with Fenring).  The kid banished to the desert, a boy struggling with his destiny, his maturing into a Messiah, his fighting against his own wars and godhood, his preaching against his own religion, his sacrifices, his decision to go against the golden path because he thought it would fail, his argument with his son and final surrender to the golden path....

To each his own, I suppose.

Fenring getting screen time is great on one condition:  It's the Fenring from Dune, not the Fenring from the prequels.  His character assasination in the House trilogy (and upcoming Hero trilogy) were, to me, the worst part of thee new books.

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All things considered, I think we can agree that the less input from the prequels the better.

Paul was complicated, and he did a great deal, but... I don't know, I never quite clicked with him. Perhaps it's just been too long, and I remember better the characters I liked more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

<b>I would like more input from the prequels.</b> We allready have one movie and one mini-series from Dune, and I would like to see something new added to the story.

Righto. There's what I was missing! So you think the story needs something new, huh? ::)

While the notion of the cymeks might make an interesting movie, if it were made I would strongly object to it being even remotely associated with the Dune label. Because it isn't Dune.

Complete agreement. (That last's a bit like "It simply isn't cricket," eh? :) )

Personally, I would like to see Kevin appear as an extra...as a Sardaukar in the Battle of Arrakeen, I think...and get eaten by a sandworm. SWEET! ;D

(Dunenewt, I saw you mention Cydonia above and that reminded me: About a year ago did a real wackjob by the name of Bob ["Mad Martian Bob," as I like to call him] come through flogging a project for giving names from the Dune books to objects and locations in the Cydonia Region of Mars? He might have used a name like "rwh007" or similar. I'll have a look through the members list after posting this, but thought I'd ask if you here have encountered him. He's good fun when stirred up. ;) )

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I just thought it would be nice to see something new, and I think the prequels have many scenes which could be interesting to see.  ;)

I thought that the mini-series was extremely accurate acording to the novel, and most of the scenes were just like I imagined them when I read Dune. Thus, I would find a new story more fun to watch, since the original allready has been filmed. 

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