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Second Landsraad Tournament


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19)Voodoo Daddy



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  well then  in that case  SPICY  is too hot for you i hop you know what that means newt

but i want to know first at what times you gonna play? am 2 hours ahead of gmt dont tell

me to wake up at 5 am please

one more thing newt haw about expanding this tournament to have 2 titles 

1vs1 and 2vs2  matches  and we want the setting that we are used to play with 10k and  fisher

plan map    not the so called qm  setting i played for 4 years and we never did a single

qm setting game and am not going to start now .. if you want to see real powerful

players doing real bos  you need the usual online setting 10k fisher map 

just few thoughts  listen or ignore you are the boss 

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It should be qm match setts to be fair. ;)

and a reasonable map not fishers for 1vs1 i suggest either spice bowl or patch mesa.

Fishers is just too big for a proper 1vs1 IMHO.

Sandy Pass is a good 1v1 map.  I think that was the name of it anyway.

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sandy pass

spice bowl

fishers plain

cradle basin

those maps I recommand the tornament mapss.



qm sett..sw on 6k prebuilt on and fog..on or off?? I dont know what is it fog good though now. ::)


10k no prebuilt sw on fog off

those of setts are good to battle to tornament I guess.

...I cant gurantee I can come to this tornament. If I CAN get time, let you know when I decide as soon as.

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with all these people coming out of the woodworks, three games is going to be hard to get, who knows how long one game could last between two people, i think it should be double elimination, winners bracket losers bracket. then the people that are on all the time can get there games in and the ones that lose will be able to see there next game and schedule it with there opponent,

10k spice bowl, thats just how its going to have to be. fisher plains is not a very viable one vs one map, takes too long games get laggy, etc, spice bowl will be a good one to choose, as far as the ten k settings, most people, if not all of the emperor community is used to 10k, yes there are some of us that can play qm sets just as well but i dont think it would be "fair". this is just coming from the guy that plays constantly and has no life as of yet =P disregard if you wish.

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sure mord ure the man ... am one of the people who came to emp at late 2004 10k was the rule

and i build my bo over the years on 10 k there is no way am building my bo all over again

am retired anyway i was just going to refresh my memory about things i would come anyway

but i wont be playing seriously

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i agree with alchemi/pearlman/darkd3th

i'd love to see BO3 with qm settings and 10k settings

qm settings will finally add some new "long absent" excitement in the games. the 10k games have been perfectionised, everyone almost uses the same perfect BO, the one building the fastest without running into 0 will have a big chance winning the game. While QM u're able to use some sneaky, rare stuff.

Anyway, a good emperor player imo should be able to play aswell QM as 10k settings, as it both have been a huge part of the game.

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Like i said in the above post, i would love to play something besides ten k sets, i am a very exceptional qm player, used to play gzakilla and drnknmsta all the time and they'd hate playin me =P. BUT alot of people are not very good at those sets, and they are good on ten k sets, changing the game all around for these people will result in them not wanting to join the tourney, but like i said before i am not the one starting this, im just the one giving advice.

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What do you mean by Double Elimination Mord?  How does that work?  I was thinking a simple knock out tournament, where you get drawn against one other person, and if you win you go through to the next round, if you lose, you're out, but I'm up for suggestions.

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