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spicy's posts is hated on all dune2k forums. and getting locked and deleted all the time..

and spicy is being called a spammer and not a nice person,

i am not like this guys and i will prove it to you all by leaving this web site..

i will only post at gaming section at bf2 thread because i still have things to talk

about there.. i left emp for the lack of players and i will leave the forums for the

lack of understanding ... thank you all and sorry for anything bad i posted all that

time...  deathand999 (known before as sp1cy)

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they don't hate me, they just don't like my posts. and my English. and i allways get

negative replies and admins warnings like in every post i make look here

Sp1cy the best thing for you to do is to shut the f^^k up.Alright thank you.

You may not be intending to hurt whoever, but your post always sound negative so what do you expect...

It took one post from Gun to solve the answer to this thread.  In all of your 9 post, you contributed nothing.

So in closing.

to sp1cy

this is called passion for the game, obviously you don't even have passion for a woman never the less for a game,

maybe you will have some passion for the guy across the street from your house, and then and only then you may understand

what is all this about.

in the mean wile have a wonderfull evening.

Never mind sp1cy's usual exceptionally optimistic comments. I fail to see what such comments add to topics showing initiative.

The game sounds promising, though keeping us posted is always a good way to hold the audience's attention. :) (Don't forget there are alot of people here who only read, but rarely post.)

If it is finished, a news post about it wouldn't hurt. Keep it up.


and this post were my replies has been deleted and i was called a spammer


those posts came one after the other in some way and i don't feel OK about this and i don't feel

that i am adding anything useful and am not a harm person in my nature so thank you anyway

no one even thought about replying after 4 years of my daily posts here so that means i am

doing the right thing.. :"(

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Come on, everyone has his little peculiarities. I'm not very good at this myself. Those with the talent of expression are blessed.

Everyone has a different background, and you have yours. Take the nick you prefer, and up to you.

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Sweet, I got quoted.

Anyway, there is no need to overreact dude.  I don't hate you.  I said what I said because well it needed to be said to stop that pointless argument that was going on.  I wasn't implying it to other posts you were making outside that thread.

Sp1cy your post also kinda sounds like you think I'm one of the admins.  If only. ;)

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egides its not about changing the nick man, you saw what happend at that thread about (is god evil)

were they deleted all my replys and called me a spammer just because i was positive

and told my own secrets and what happend with me in real life...

this is all about me only posting at bf2 thread as deathand were i still have things to say there.

jeff i don't mean to expose your reply as a stand alone, but as you see it came as one

in a wave of anti sp1cy replys in just few dayes...

i know your not admin but admins had to delete and lock lots of my posts as you see above

and timenn called them pointless ...

this not another post were i cry of peapol attacking me, i mean i am realy scared now

before i make any post that i will still have peapol angry at me...

i think its the lack of topic that is effecting my expression. since i stopped playing emp

i didn't have much to say or much relation with this web as i am not a chatter by nature i came here to

playe, i played and it was great but everything ends.. i playe bf2 now so i will still be

at bf2 thread.. for the rest of you forums i say i am not agree or sad  but my posting

is not making me any more popular there .. thank you guys for replying ..

note : this wont be the first place that sp1cy will stop talking to peapol in it...

  long time ago i have chosen to live a quite life and all by my own so i am used and prepared

for this kinds of situations  :-X

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thanks alchemy..you have allways been one of the good guys.  :'(    i loved those days man when doompower and korlover and guys like this used

to come everyday , we really had what it takes to have a good time. and to be a team.

its not just emp that died, believe me i don't know what happend to me in those few years.. i hardly playe games anymore am always in serious mood and shit. and when i decide to playe something its usually last only for a few minuets lol before i enter a depressed mood again...and feel sick.

so i don't want  a mission impossible by trying to playe a dead game(emp) as i don't need more deaths in my case (after the death of my mood) i just need a fuking crowded servers with 64 players in it so they can try and make me laugh or something lol .....


you wont be sorry for your 20 dollars ...

i still believe in leaving here in quite.. i didnt mean by this post to shout load

but just to leave an impression ... thanks for your nice words...

at least no one said : well then Sp1cy good that you are going , see you in hell

or stuff like that which i have been hearing lately 

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Welcome and thanks for the invite, i too struggle these days to find time to play, job promotion and a hectic life leave me with little time to play.

Emperor for me is like a comfy chair, i don't really have to think about or learn the short cuts, it's all auto and as long as I'm having fun i don't really care whether i win or lose.

At the moment I'm waiting for the arrival of the new settlers game rise of empire or some such and I've ordered the 25th anniversary edition of settlers 2.

Still battling away at Rome Total War and Warhammer 40k Dawn of war and the sequels, playing with the kids on the gamecube (Simpson hit and run mainly) and the wife want us to get a Wii for family fun nights.

So Battlefield is on a backburner although i should really make the effort as there is so many old friends on there, maybe if i get round to upgrading the PC I'll invest.

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So Battlefield is on a backburner although i should really make the effort as there is so many old friends on there, maybe if i get round to upgrading the PC I'll invest.

Yea, it's pretty damn cheap to buy now. The headset would probably cost more than the game itself.

@ Spicy. Dude this is a forum, people are going to disagree with you. Doese'nt  mean we hate you.

One post you made a while back kinda pissed me off. It was about you claiming WinAmp was a virus.

Now,If your going to take the time to make the post for Gryphon to sort or try to sort it out for you, then listen to what he is saying. you had already posted in another forum about the issue.

Simply put take the advice given, especially by Gryphon, He is very smart cookie at tech. issues.

I'm not gonna turn this into another WinAmp thing. But, virus's can be inside anything from .Gif,.Jpeg, in short almost any program can carry a virus. That dosen't mean the program itself is just a virus. I enjoyed playing some games with you,and nobody wants you gone...that's just silly as hell. Best advice I can think of is to grow a pair, and take your medicine when your wrong. We have all made stupid or lame responses...but the difference is we get over it fast.  ;)

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i didn't argue with gryphon he said other applications may take the same

name as winamp but he didn't want to listen or explain why the file was

in winamp folder at program files? you think another program has put it in there?  the file name was winamp exe and was in winamp folder and i looked

at it with naked eye .

so i had a reason to worry and the virus was so strong i had to format

even if another program has put it in winamp folder that's enough reason

not to install winamp...

winamp was so bugged anyway and was giving me a hard times

but i know what you and him are saying, i didn't mean that installing winamp will

give you a virus.. the installer exe is normal and the files olso..

what i said is winamp imported the virus to its files and that is a big security leak and

if i am wrong its ok i hated winamp anyway

i have posted at pc mechanics and they did suspect a security flow in winiamp


i didn't mean to say that gryphon is wrong  he miss understand me

but what i meant is to me winamp will still be dangerous no matter what he

say ..but that doesn't mean that am saying that his wrong...

as for the other posts you just don't get it scar.. i get spanked every time

i say something ,anything,anywere. and in all posts..

you saw what happend with elspue post...

Finlay i started to develop a sense of fear every time i want to say

something.. its silly and not necessary at all..

lets take hate out of this.. its just looks that sp1cy always saying

the wrong stuff at the wrong place .. so am just pooling him out

in just 3 dayes i pissed peapol off at emp forum and at tech forum and at

religion forum and my posts were attacked locked deleted and burned..

i don't see any meaning in continuing with this and surly i have

better things to do with my time...

don't worry ill still be at the bf2 forum you wont get rid of me that easy

and we had more than some games you and me. i remember that we played

almost daily  for more than a year..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that winamp thread was hilarious.. :)

He scanned the file, and winamp is a virus PERIOD :)

Then lots of ppl have their computer infected :) (including me..)

But Sp1cy.. see it from the bright side..

You learn a lot from us and maybe one time you will become a IT pro like we (Gryphon, me, and all the others I dont know of being IT professionals.. ;)

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Phoenix. gryphon is the sweetest guy ever. and i did learn a lot from him and some other members

on this site. in fact most of what i know in PCs and net i learned here from scar and erjin and you others..

i don't blame gryphon coz he misunderstood me.. he thought i was saying that the install file

of winamp that u download from winamp will install a virus on the PC.. but that not what i said.

i said that while using wingamp it has a security flow and has imported a virus from the net someway.

he was thinking that i said that installing winamp will infect the PC and that is not true..

anyway am not a lose canon by anyway and am not leaving this forum at all.. i will just stop sp1cy from

replying to every post here and there and get insulted . and i will use deathand account only

in gaming section and for technical help emergency's ..

if you look at the technical board you will find 2 of my posts at top(i hop u reply to them lol)

but i will not continue on the other forums as i don't playe the game anymore and as u saw

peapol don't like my openions so....

thanks man your a good Friend

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