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Guys, please, can you upload the full Soundtrack to this game. I've been searching this OST for whole year (It made a great impression on me)...if you can upload it, do it in rapidshare........sorry for my POOR English  :( :'( :'( :'(


I have the OST, i won it back in the starting of emperor where there was Devs vs The PLayers evenings. However i dont think im gonna bother uploading it :( I hope someone else will though


I have the OST, i won it back in the starting of emperor where there was Devs vs The PLayers evenings. However i dont think im gonna bother uploading it :( I hope someone else will though

Hey harkdawg, EA stills owes my friend some kind of T-shirt he won with that devs vs players evenings... did you ever receive it ?  ;D


Hey harkdawg, EA stills owes my friend some kind of T-shirt he won with that devs vs players evenings... did you ever receive it ?  ;D

Yep, still have it somewhere. A brownish colored shirt with a Emperor logo infront and Fremen Sniper on the back :)


I am having either a blonde day or a senior moment, but whats a OST ? On Screen Track ? Oh Sh*t Tank ?

Hey, lets make up more of these (and someone tell me what the real one means!).


ost means in german east....so he wants a cracked east copy of emp...probably from russia....but nunu, whatever he wants, he dont want an Original SoundTrack!!!!


Why do you want the OST if you have the game itself? The music is there, it is just hidden.

Use one of these tools (either DuneEx or BagTool)


to open the music.bag file located on every House CD-ROM (each one has different music) to extract all the mp3's to any place you want. The mp3's are only numbered like "HK12", so you have to check the txt file for the names of those tracks.


GUYZ, I need This one:


1. (AT01)The_War_Begins

2. (AT02)Sand_Excursion

3. (AT03)Assembling_the_Troops

4. (AT04)The_Spice_Must_Flow

5. (AT05)The_Overseer

6. (AT06)Battle_of_the_Atreides

7. (AT07)Ride_the_Worm

8. (AT08)Infiltrating_HK

9. (AT09)Unsuspected_Attack

10. (AT10)Fremen_Alliance

11. (AT11)Assassination_Attempt

12. (AT12)Fight_in_the_Dunes

13. AT_Map1

14. AT_Menu1

15. AT_Score1a

16. (OR01)Not_an_Option

17. (OR02)The_Strategist

18. (OR03)House_Ordos

19. (OR04)Ghola

20. (OR05)Executronic

21. (OR06)Deception

22. (OR07)Sabotage

23. (OR08)Dream_of_the_Executrix

24. (OR09)A_Plan_of_Attack

25. (OR10)Ordos_Control

26. (OR11)The_Specimen

27. (OR12)Infiltrators

28. OR_Map1

29. OR_Menu1

30. OR_Score1

31. (HK01)The_Machine

32. (HK02)Surrounded

33. (HK03)Tribute_to_Evil

34. (HK04)Harkonnen_Force

35. (HK05)Legacy

36. (HK06)Unstoppable

37. (HK07)Dark_Alliance

38. (HK08)War_for_the_Spice

39. (HK09)Defenders_of_Arrakis

40. (HK10)House_Harkonnen

41. (HK11)Invincible

42. (HK12)Victory_is_Inevitable

43. HK_Map1

44. HK_Menu1

45. HK_Score1


Why do you want the OST if you have the game itself? The music is there, it is just hidden.

Use one of these tools (either DuneEx or BagTool)


to open the music.bag file located on every House CD-ROM (each one has different music) to extract all the mp3's to any place you want. The mp3's are only numbered like "HK12", so you have to check the txt file for the names of those tracks.

I haven't got this CD's that's why a whant you to upload it :(((((((


Turn the music off and run your choice of music player in the background.

Is that really possible?  Sounds hi-tech to me.  I dont have time to do that level of hacking, I'm just a simple man.


If you don't have the game, it's actually illegal to obtain the music this way, as its part of the copyrighted stuff. From your first post I assumed you had the game. If that is the case then the only way to get all the music is to extract them out of the game files, as I think the OST has only a selection of them.

Gunwounds, you can insert music into the music.bag file as well as you can extract from it. Use the same tools I mentioned above (DuneEx or BagTool) and open up the music.bag in your Emperor folder (Emperor/data/music/) and insert any mp3 (I don't know how Emperor handles other codecs) in that file.

Then open up the General.txt (I'm not sure about the name, I don't have the game anymore, but there are 4 text files, 1 for each House's Campaign, and one for skirmish & multiplayer), it is in the same folder. There you see a sort of track list, now add the tracks there you have added (and remove those you don't want anymore). You have to specify for each House what music you will hear. Just look at the other entries in that file to see how it is done.

Needless to say to backup all files you edit.


If you don't have the game, it's actually illegal to obtain the music this way, as its part of the copyrighted stuff. From your first post I assumed you had the game. If that is the case then the only way to get all the music is to extract them out of the game files, as I think the OST has only a selection of them.

Gunwounds, you can insert music into the music.bag file as well as you can extract from it. Use the same tools I mentioned above (DuneEx or BagTool) and open up the music.bag in your Emperor folder (Emperor/data/music/) and insert any mp3 (I don't know how Emperor handles other codecs) in that file.

Then open up the General.txt (I'm not sure about the name, I don't have the game anymore, but there are 4 text files, 1 for each House's Campaign, and one for skirmish & multiplayer), it is in the same folder. There you see a sort of track list, now add the tracks there you have added (and remove those you don't want anymore). You have to specify for each House what music you will hear. Just look at the other entries in that file to see how it is done.

Needless to say to backup all files you edit.

I sad it before...I have a game (1 cd,only game)...but in my country (Kyrgyzstan) there are no 2,3,4-cd game Emperor...that's why a want you to upload it and i could import in my game (If KG have this CD, i would buy it,but it's impossible :((((()

I have only tracks which are on the Emperor-audio download page :(

PS Ok, tell me, how many CD contains Emperor??

  • 1 month later...

PS Ok, tell me, how many CD contains Emperor??

There are four disks -

1) Install, 2) Atreides campaign 3) Harkonnen campaign 4) Ordos campaign

The UK version can be bought from Amazon.co.uk marketplace for


I got mine with 5 discs, it came with a full soundtrack CD, still have it too, just found it when i was throwing away old stuff  ;D

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