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Okay cowboy, you seem to like stating facts that lack a source or actual basis. Lets examine a few of these "facts"

First of all, a new expansion is not a "catch". If you do not care about the singleplayer or the expansion, it does not affect you in anyway. The only change you should see is less players due to people leaving to the expansion.

There will always be a catch..  are you stupid enough to believe that they just want to program stuff for you to play out of the goodness of their hearts?  They are out to make money, plain and simple, whether or not i identified the catch properly is irrelevant.... there is a catch, they arent paying programmers 50k-100k per year to not make a profit.

aside from those christian childrens' fund commercials, I haven't been made unhappy recently by the ads for "head and shoulders" shampoo or chocolate milk. If marketers are really supposed to make you sad, then why did the powerbar people give me a chocolate power bar and gel after a triathlon?

I didnt say "sad" you moron.... i was referring to uncontent.  Thats why there is a bigger and badder graphics card coming out every 2 months.... they want you to think you are playing with something obsolete..... or why does Nike come out with a new Brand of Air Jordan sneakers every year.... to make you feel like your old shoes are "played out"..... or why does each new game constantly try to outdo each other?.. because they want you to feel like your old Half Life 1 isnt worth playing anymore...... or why does Head and Shoulders come out with products that say NOW with extra dandruff fighting ingredients  ...to make you feel like your old shampoo is ineffective.  Its a fact of marketing... their goal is to make you uncontent with what you have and make you wanna buy MORE stuff that you dont need.  Because they know what you already have is sufficient so they gotta find some way to hook you in and make you think you need something better.  Just like the paper towel commercials that tell you that if you are using some old generic paper towels... it isnt enough... you HAVE to have super duper whooper absorbancy BRAWNY to clean up those spills !!.  I cant believe i even have to explain this shit to you.

Ultra repetitive means boring? you mean like halo? thousands of "regular" people would disagree with you; or how about a popular game on these forums, CSS or BF2? all you are doing is playing the same map over and over with the same weapons, the only difference is the enemies act different.

BF2 and CS isnt boring because you are playing with REAL people.  You arent playing real people in FEAR singleplayer, and HALO is ten times more interesting than FEAR.  In FEAR all you do is constantly perform slo motion attacks.  and AI is always overrated.  I remember when Quake 3 came out and everyone thought the AI was great on that.  Oooh enemies will hunt you down and even call for backup!!!.. yea big shit ... how hard is it to program an AI nowadays?  Make the enemy hide and group with other enemies.  Whoop- dee - doo.

How about pacman? do you consider that a crappy game?Inefficient? I can run it perfectly with most of the settings on maximum, all the firefights are extremely visceral with dust clouds in the air from the building getting blown to pieces and flashes of gunfire reflecting off the walls creating a strobe effect in dark areas, oh and did I mention, this is on a 6600gt, about $130 Canadian right now, and will arguably be obsolete in a few months. Heres news for you, a 9300 does not constitute a good or even average GFX card, nowadays all those are good for is writing an essay. There are too many people on the internet whining how games have "poor coding" and their system should be able to play it because they could play the first one in the series. Quite often these people have a 3GHZ p4 with 2GB of ram but terrible graphics card like a 5500. That is the equivalent of taking a tank to tow a Winnebago but connecting them with a chain of paperclips. I would imagine your friend is running a "paperclip" system just like this.

Yes pacman sucks.  And you cannot play FEAR maxxed out with a piece of shit 6600gt.  What a dashing joke.  You probably play it with med-high settings but on a low resolution like 800 x 600... and because your card is so obsolete  there are probably many things the card just ignores and disables just so you can run the game.  You probably have no clue what the game should really look like.  Cause you have probably never seen it played on a  highend rig.  My friend has a AMD 4000 setup with a X1900XTX .... I have a AMD 4000 with Dual 7800 GTX's in SLI.  We get about 60-90 FPS with everything on max and at 1600 x 1200 res.  Thats pretty inefficient coding when you can get hundreds of FPS on DOOM 3.  I would expect a game to stress such high end systems if it were truly next generational...but FEAR isnt a generation ahead of HL2, DOOM3, or Oblvion.

And the cherry on the cake is that FEAR has had ABYSSMAL sales.  Explain that Mr. Redwire FEAR-Fanboy.  Actually dont cause i really could care less.  Its just pathetic that you took it personal and got mad when  some of us said there was potentially a catch to this.  Its a dashing game man!  Just because we criticize some game developers doesnt mean we are attacking you personally.  Grow up.  The way you are defending the game you would think you had some fanatical obsession with it. If Scar posted a thread about some game and i criticized it... do you think he would get mad at me?... no he wouldnt because he understands that he and the game are two seperate things. Next time i wont ever say a contradictory word in any thread you make so as not to hurt you wittle feelings.


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I didnt say "sad" you moron.... i was referring to uncontent.  Thats why there is a bigger and badder graphics card coming out every 2 months.... they want you to think you are playing with something obsolete..... or why does Nike come out with a new Brand of Air Jordan sneakers every year.... to make you feel like your old shoes are "played out"..... or why does each new game constantly try to outdo each other?.. because they want you to feel like your old Half Life 1 isnt worth playing anymore...... or why does Head and Shoulders come out with products that say NOW with extra dandruff fighting ingredients  ...to make you feel like your old shampoo is ineffective.  Its a fact of marketing... their goal is to make you uncontent with what you have and make you wanna buy MORE stuff that you dont need.  Because they know what you already have is sufficient so they gotta find some way to hook you in and make you think you need something better.  Just like the paper towel commercials that tell you that if you are using some old generic paper towels... it isnt enough... you HAVE to have super duper whooper absorbancy BRAWNY to clean up those spills !!.  I cant believe i even have to explain this shit to you.

Couldnt agree more...

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Pretty much, but in multiplayer there is an object you must find and hold to use it and when you have it a red icon apears over your head that can be seen through walls; when you die you drop the device and anyone can grab it. Fortunatly, very few servers run with slow-mo enabled because I would imagine it would really lag older cards and its just unfair.

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Cowboy, I am not going to even bother dignifying your post with a proper rebuttal until you remove from it the crude insults, foul language, and inflammatory comments.

So you mean to say he should hit the Delete botton ?  :P

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Cowboy, I am not going to even bother dignifying your post with a proper rebuttal until you remove from it the crude insults, foul language, and inflammatory comments.

Which is the usual responsefrom someone who has been dealt a blow by a kung fu master.  You last couple posts i found to be very condescending, insulting, and offensive.    Dont be surprised if you get less flies with vinegar than with honey.  Anyways its good to see you finally came back to your senses and stopped with your childish flaming of people trying to simply express their opinions about a freaking game promotion.  This is a FORUM after all.

And yea scar the slo mo in FEAR is just a rip-off of Max Payne.  FEAR was just the first to implement it in multiplayer.  Well thats not true.  Matrix on.ine actually implemented slo-mo in multiplayer first.  But FEAR was the first FPS shooter to do it online.

TBH i tihnk slo-mo makes the game way too easy.  I mean in Max Payne I felt invincible.  And i beat it on all 3 diificulty levels so i could see the alternate ending where Max gets married.


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Which is the usual responsefrom someone who has been dealt a blow by a kung fu master.

A kung-fu master is balanced in both in the body and the mind; I doubt one would be so quick to lose their temper as you. Perhaps your analogy would make more sense if you replaced Kung-fu master with rampant flamer; regardless, you should take the time to re-read my first post directly pertaining to you, for if you look closely you may find the first half does not refer to you but rather the theories of the other board members.

Regarding the second half of the post, I am certain that if you took a survey of the people who have purchased an FPS/action game such as FarCry, Splinter cell, half-life1/2, etc you will likely find that an overwhelming majority bought these games for the singleplayer mode, as you might well guess that is why I found your assertion made in the post which I alluded to, rather silly.

Hopefully this explanation will lead you to do a little research and reread the thread again so you may realize your error, but judging by the evident haste your replies have been written in, I find that doubtful. However I would love to be proved wrong but if you still chose to persevere in this argument my offer still stands and I will honour it by creating a rebuttal worthy of the effort spent in cleaning up your previous post.

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A kung-fu master is balanced in both in the body and the mind; I doubt one would be so quick to lose their temper as you. Perhaps your analogy would make more sense if you replaced Kung-fu master with rampant flamer; regardless, you should take the time to re-read my first post directly pertaining to you, for if you look closely you may find the first half does not refer to you but rather the theories of the other board members.

Regarding the second half of the post, I am certain that if you took a survey of the people who have purchased an FPS/action game such as FarCry, Splinter cell, half-life1/2, etc you will likely find that an overwhelming majority bought these games for the singleplayer mode, as you might well guess that is why I found your assertion made in the post which I alluded to, rather silly.

Hopefully this explanation will lead you to do a little research and reread the thread again so you may realize your error, but judging by the evident haste your replies have been written in, I find that doubtful. However I would love to be proved wrong but if you still chose to persevere in this argument my offer still stands and I will honour it by creating a rebuttal worthy of the effort spent in cleaning up your previous post.

I think you misunderstood what i was saying when you rashly posted to defend this game you love.  What i said is i understand that people bought the game for singleplayer.... HOWEVER the game doesnt stand up toe to toe with other FPS games... its short, repetitive, and unoriginal with its rip off of bullet time from Max Payne.  Dont quote game reviews or buyers polls.  They dont mean alot to me.  My confident opinion is that FEAR single player is so weak that it needs to build a solid multiplayer to attract players and move more towards being primarily multiplayer like BF2.  Halo is an excellent example of how even though the single player was the main focus.... the Multiplayer aspect became legendary among gamers, and the focus actually shifted to multiplayer for most people ....which is only logical once people get tired of single player.  I dont need to do "reasearch" or any or such thing.  I've been gaming long enough to recognize something when i see it and to observe patterns and trends.  I dont need to be spoonfed by a reviewer.  As far as cleaning up my last post... dont hold your breath.  You can go play your little "mind control" games with your little sister, not me.  Either you reply or you dont, i could give a sh!t less.  I post to express my opinions, logical truths, and dispel fallacies, not to read or anticipate rebuttals from you.

As far as FEAR is concerned Scar, i wouldnt buy it at full retail.... wait for it to plop into the bargain bin.  Thats all i got to say on the matter. 



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I think you misunderstood what i was saying when you rashly posted to defend this game you love.

I think this line summarizes the rest of your post, you respond without addressing the pertinent issues, wether or not I like the game is irrelevant. Actually, just for information, I do not own the game nor do I plan on getting it, and I have not even played the free multiplayer in the past two days, instead, I have decided to forgo a reflex based shoot-em-up for the likes of silent hunter 3 and deus ex, now wait, your hypocritical mind says, that means I'm wrong; but of course it would never say that because you only intended to be condescending in the first place. Perhaps I can help clear this up for you, take a look at my signature, no not the BF2 one, below that, here, I'll quote it for you

"The irony of the Information Age is that it has given new respectability to uninformed opinion"

A great quote, one to live your life online by, and the reason I have chosen it for my signature.

Someone (actually several people, you are just the loudest) comes into my thread and starts making baseless claims touting far-fetched conspiracy theories. So what do i do?

Well, when I posted this thread I because I believed it was a good thing, something I should share with other people who would appreciate it. Now I have a quote in my signature that practically requires me to oppose fallacies, so I defended my decision, you have taken this defense and instead of doing a little checking around and realizing it would be incredibly difficult to do what you claimed you instead blew it out of proportion because you don't like being wrong.

So instead of claiming to show the truth and dispel fallacies, why don't you? But then again, your hypocrisy precedes you because you will not enter a few keywords into a search engine. Don't worry though, I never expect you to change nor do I believe this was a simple misunderstanding, you act like this in every other thread you partake in violently defending your beliefs with insults, half-truths, and even outright lies.

I'm not going to bother responding as extensively to and further posts of yours as I believe I have made it clear to the community my motivations and they will hopefully see me in the right; as you are the master of pissing matches and that is what any further "conversation" would be.

Should anyone else wish for me to dispel specific myths mentioned in this thread feel free to send me a PM and I would be glad to help.

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    F.E.A.R review.

In a way I dont like FEAR's single player because it doesnt have something really ground-breaking..Okay there are Slow-mo effects(in my opinion only noobs use that.)&...some nice details(melee combat etc.)even doe the Alma girl is COMPLETELY ripped off from the The GrudgeRing Movies.On the other hand lets think of Doom 3.It def. has revolutionary graphics, awesome audio, but the single player is pretty repetitive and the scary moments fade after awhile and kinda generic..and still its pretty much overated.About the MultiPlayer.I think there we share the same opinions=>that means FEAR(Online) > Doom 3(Online).ANywya so all i want to say that this was my review about FEAR...Thanks


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     F.E.A.R review.

In a way I dont like FEAR's single player because it doesnt have something really ground-breaking..Okay there are Slow-mo effects(in my opinion only noobs use that.)&...some nice details(melee combat etc.)even doe the Alma girl is COMPLETELY ripped off from the The GrudgeRing Movies.On the other hand lets think of Doom 3.It def. has revolutionary graphics, awesome audio, but the single player is pretty repetitive and the scary moments fade after awhile and kinda generic..and still its pretty much overated.About the MultiPlayer.I think there we share the same opinions=>that means FEAR(Online) > Doom 3(Online).ANywya so all i want to say that this was my review about FEAR...Thanks


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Nice review Azurri.  This is what should have been posted in this thread to begin with.  Not the drivel that has preceded it.

Glad to see someone posting something relevant instead of typing rip-off mimicky "Me-too-ism" posts about how they must uphold logic and dispel fallacies due to a stupid sig they have discovered.  Who needs a sig to "inspire" them to say something that makes sense?  And who relies constantly upon keyword searches and googling to help them make thought-processes?  Cant people think for themselves anymore?

But i disgress.  I think Doom multiplayer needs much polishing for the game to have any longevity as people are probably getting tired of the single player.   I'd say just stick with BF2 and wait for Quake: Enemy Territory to come out.  That will be the ultimate in online FPS gaming.  Waiting for Doom or FEAR to get its act together will take too long and wont be worth teh wait.  BF2 is starting to get a bit old.  Quake: Enemy Territory is everyone's best bet.  So save up your coins boys and girls.

Its going to be John Carmack's next masterpiece.


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Glad to see someone posting something relevant instead of typing rip-off mimicky "Me-too-ism" posts about how they must uphold logic and dispel fallacies due to a stupid sig they have discovered.  Who needs a sig to "inspire" them to say something that makes sense?  And who relies constantly upon keyword searches and googling to help them make thought-processes?  Cant people think for themselves anymore?

I know eh? its too bad people need things like "references" and "information" to come to conclusions, just go by your gut feeling; like, seriously, "everything is made of particles", what nonsense, us geniuses know in our gut everything is obviously made of wind, fire, and water.

And just look here and here, its obvious by simple comparison that they are both the same quality, so what if it looks like one uses higher quality textures, lighting, shaders, and more detailed bump-mapping, they're both the same therefore they should play the same, duh.

Oh well, I just glad there aren't people paid to tell you things you should already know in your gut. That goes double for people flaming others because they oppose their views, glad to see that isn't happening anywhere. Especially here or just about any other topic on this forum where there are "opinions".

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That was the second quickest and most obvious example of his short fuse I could come up with. I'm sure that if you also didn't go along with one of his little delusions you would find his attitude towards you change rather quickly.

Morale of the story? learn your lesson and stop harrassing forum members gunwounds.

Anyways, I've decided this thread has served its useful purpose and anyone insterested in intelligent discussion has been scared off, so I'm locking it, a reopening in future is highly unlikely, if anyone would like to organise a match either PM me or add me on Xfire, my nick is Rewired9.

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