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George Bush the Worst President in 100 Years?

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Now all that is required is that their production is not wasteful via utilization of the shoes upon the faces of Bush and others.

Almost all would agree that just 2 shoes could never suffice (in physical punishment or in adequately expressing the magnitude of disgust). I wonder how many shoes Obama will require? Is it time to invest in the shoe market?

All this support and activity is likely to help keep the issue in the minds of the Iraqis. Then again, it kind of feels like things are quieting down already.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Know what's cool?

Looking at Bush's legacy only at start and end.

When he entered office gas prices were low. When he leaves office they will be just as low.

When he took office there was a recession, and now that he is leaving there is a recession.

Bush sure seems like a "stay the course" person :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

CIA destroyed 92 interrogation tapes

George Bush was telling the truth when he said the USA does not torture. That is because they destroy the evidence, redefine torture, or pay someone else to do it.


Bush administration memos claimed vast war powers

The secret legal opinions issued by Bush administration lawyers after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks included assertions that the president could use the nation's military within the United States to combat people deemed as terrorists and to conduct raids without obtaining a search warrant.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times in one month.

It's not torture, and it is very effective at getting intel from terrorists. That's why they had to do it 183 times in one month.

I'm sure after the 180th time, the terrorist, really thought they were going to drown him the next time, and so he began to cooperate.

Idea of torture is not to scare the guy by making him think he is going to die, many patriots and fundamentalists would rather die that reveal information -> martyr's death

The idea behind the torture is to crack the person and that is done by administrating pain until the person can't take it anymore and starts talking.

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Er... Tatar, I think that he was trying to imply that the torturerer's claim that the waterboarding gains info not through torture (pain) but by life-threatening (fear) and that of course the victim gave in through pain and not fear (after 183 dunkings, Andrew suspects he knew they did not intend to kill him) and that this was the intention of the torturerers and thus that they torture through pain, knew it, and then lied about it....

Rather than him thinking that he the man gave in through the fear of the ''fear interrogation''.

Not to insult or anything, language barrier and all (certainly no insult there, even though I don't say anything the language skills of the non-English seem impressive). Maybe I'm the silly dodo who's misunderstanding? :D

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According to segments Daily Show aired on Monday, the person gave up intel before the torturing started. And did not give up any afterwards.

Although there was an article about the released documents that said torture did save American lives and prevented terrorist attacks, which the media is ignoring.

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Er... Tatar, I think that he was trying to imply that the torturerer's claim that the waterboarding gains info not through torture (pain) but by life-threatening (fear) and that of course the victim gave in through pain and not fear (after 183 dunkings, Andrew suspects he knew they did not intend to kill him) and that this was the intention of the torturerers and thus that they torture through pain, knew it, and then lied about it....

Rather than him thinking that he the man gave in through the fear of the ''fear interrogation''.

Not to insult or anything, language barrier and all (certainly no insult there, even though I don't say anything the language skills of the non-English seem impressive). Maybe I'm the silly dodo who's misunderstanding? :D

Well true enough but in the regular torture they would have changed the method but since waterboarding is not considered torture somehow they have to keep at it until they would wear the guy down.

According to segments Daily Show aired on Monday, the person gave up intel before the torturing started. And did not give up any afterwards.

I guess they thought he was withholding something. After a 183 tries they could have gotten tired.

Although there was an article about the released documents that said torture did save American lives and prevented terrorist attacks, which the media is ignoring.

Willing blindness is common in people, however the idea that certain things save American lives and prevent terrorist attacks could be stretched quiet far and wide.

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''I guess they thought he was withholding something. After a 183 tries they could have gotten tired.''

I guess an important question is whether the intel he gave up was some of what they were looking for and how much he gave up. A tad vague just saying he gave up SOME info.

Completely understandable though, if the article had no details.

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Andrew, is this what you were referring to? http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/22/us/politics/22blair.html?_r=1&hp

I think so.

More specifically:

The CIA's Questioning Worked

In releasing highly classified documents on the CIA interrogation program last week, President Obama declared that the techniques used to question captured terrorists "did not make us safer." This is patently false. The proof is in the memos Obama made public -- in sections that have gone virtually unreported in the media.

omg Obama lied again!

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