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Dune Emperor Battle For Dune Expansion Pack Announced


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spicy, acctually i am kind of bored, since ive been playing it for ~6 years, the same thing, over and over again. Any little twist would be nice.

And spicy, if it could be forced, it would be only on 1 server. Like on RA's server people could play the "exp" while there is still XWIS and WOL - where original can be played.

  dog. here is an idea that will work better than or with the new mode:


well we can eraze all the old maps including fisher and make a new arakies. then we can make teams

  or clans eatch with 2 players, that clain will own actuly one of the maps as its teretory. just like the single players missons. if it was attaked it will defend it self or go on to attack the attakers  home map/ this way clains will win and some will loose untill new chalenges will be made.

dead clains will be braoken an re made again and winners will becom a real heros and no one will be alowed to playe on there map. we will have tertroryes like nunu teretory or gunwounds  plains lol

the clain who have most land will rule the game.

note: it will need some hard work from the mode makers to find a way and copy the map screen from single players and lock the maps to the peapol who own the land.

it sound complicated but i got the idea during a campain misson. it will be good mode cose it wont effect units or game playe . and it will make players fight for there land

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why , imagin evry team will have his own empire to deffend, it will be like advancing on arrakies and realy live on the planet not just moving on the same place over and over

all we need is tons of map. no need to complicate, just spread sand and roll buzuz

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I don't think to many people would complain if the changes were minor, 1 or 2 extra units a house, and then an extra sub house, also giving the two least used sub houses (tilixau and guild) and extra useful unit wouldnt go a miss.

I seem to remember a discussion a long time back concerning extra sub-houses in EBFD - no one ever got it to work. I have tried to do it, I enabled an extra sub-house in the Rules.txt file but I could find no way of getting the skirmish screen to display a seventh icon (five sub-houses plus no sub-house plus new sub-house).

So the only option you will have is to change the existing sub-houses or add a few new extra units per subhouse.

Make teaming with the AI possible. That is all I ask... for now.

Again an old chestnut - cant be done its part of the GAME.EXE, modders can only change limited things in EBFD, as it was not designed to allow modding.

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I seem to remember a discussion a long time back concerning extra sub-houses in EBFD - no one ever got it to work. I have tried to do it, I enabled an extra sub-house in the Rules.txt file but I could find no way of getting the skirmish screen to display a seventh icon (five sub-houses plus no sub-house plus new sub-house).

I think the skirmish screen is an xbf...so if we get our hands on a better xbf editor, this just might be possible.

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