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a quicky :-)


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just an update..... xyroco is not mordusxx... xyroco is pearlmans.

Also i never pause anything..... Except gunships, drones, or advanced carryalls.... everything else is full throttle all the time.

that is all we now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

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just an update..... xyroco is not mordusxx... xyroco is pearlmans.

Also i never pause anything..... Except gunships, drones, or advanced carryalls.... everything else is full throttle all the time.

that is all we now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

HUH.. im gona have to watch your biold a little more.. seems im pausing my fac at the beg of a game for cash in upgrading ref..

u never pause facts..

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pearl man, is a great player, and a great pretender, he actuly cast his spell on most of us speacialy me when he told he never played harks befor and that he think they are eazyer to playe than ordos.

anyway i like the topic of this post more than i like my other posts at least we get some advice.


  so here is some summery:


  siolentee  think we should pose      inf

  doomnukethemall  say pose            fac

  gunwounds      say                no posing  (even if u hit zero)

  scar            say                spicy its ure fult u are slowing us all down  :-X


guys can u agree on somthing?? the poor nobs are trying to learn somthing new at leat 2 of u agree on an opinion

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And BTW I didn't say your lag is slowing everyone else down it's just mainly hurting your production and your limited until you get a better connection is what I said. But now that you put it that way, nope I don't like playing in it one bit. But I do tolerate it,and do play with it.

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If you agree that Gun,Doom,Pearl and myself have diff bo's that we use at diferent times, then you have agree that everything mentioned was a valid response. Sometimes you may have to pause sometimes you may not have to. If we all did the exact same bo then maybe 1 answer would be correct, but we don't.

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well scar i am talking about one single similar case with all bos, whitch is riding zero

if u have a bo that dont reatch zero then the post dont consern you. like going 3 ref lol

  the question is again what would you do when u run out of money early in a game? not what your bo is!

  ok  majorety say  pause fac,,,    not inf  ill accept that as a resolt unless some more vots

  go to pausing inf,

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  ok am pausing vhicles from now on...no matter haw less buzez i make than my oponnent.

  sorry pearl  i want to listen to you and pose inf whitch sound more effective.but i cant

  help to hear the voice of majorety. 


    a non realated  note:  did u guys see the harck palace loading the war head from the palace

    hull to the luncher? i just sow  it today  i like that move ;D

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  well. after testing i guess pausing inf  is not good enough, i mean i may agree on the idea but

  the cach is still low and building gets realy jamed, and having long delayes.


  haw about this:  i will pause both, inf and fac, to speed up ref upgread and have more spice



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oh well everybody seems to do something else, but i have found that pausing vehicles when ur running low are the fastest way to get it going up again, but then again, i only pause when im running really low, but preferrably i dont wanna pause anything, as we all dont, but incase u do, vehicles are fastest to get it up again, if ur a noob called kalony  ;D u can pause inf or what not, its just what u think works best. In any case, dont forget to UNpause again :-)

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[quote author=emproworm link=http://faq.dune2k.com/emprworm/bosecrets/secrets.htm

Principle One- The Key To This Game (all houses):  Pausing.

Always...always....always pause vehicles when riding zero.  Never ever pause Sards or Fremen.  Never pause any upgrade to your refinery or any building of a refinery (only exception is if your partner is rushed and needs a turret ASAP).  If you have a Mino at 50% finished and you hit zero, and your upgrade refinery is almost done, consider canceling the Mino in order to finish the ref upgrade.  When my money is at around 200 and dropping, I will always pause my vehicles.    Keep them paused until the money goes back up to 200 or more.  It sounds so strange that you will build FASTER this way!  Yes!  Through pausing alone, I can get more Minos and elites faster than you will without pausing- guaranteed.  The reason? 

Follow this logic.  Put on your thinking caps and reason with me.  It will all become so clear:

Lets say it takes 60 seconds to make a mino and 60 seconds to make a refinery with normal money flow (just for the sake of argument- i know the actual times differ).  So, we have

1 Mino = 60 seconds at 1300 solaris each

1 Refinery = 60 seconds at 1500 solaris each

Now, lets imagine you have zero money and you have only 1 harvester on the map making 1500 solaris a minute.

now, how long will you have to wait until you get your Mino and your Refinery?  Well combined they cost 2800.  And you make 1500 a minute.  And since they both build at the same speed, you will end up waiting 2 minutes.  Your production time will be doubled.  Instead of waiting one minute for that Mino, you will have to wait 2 minutes.  Same with the refinery.  The time it takes you to make both the mino and refinery will be two minutes.  After 2 minutes, you will place a refinery and a mino will pop out at the same time.

Now lets assume that I PAUSE my mino.  Now what happens?  Since I make 1500 solaris a minute, my refinery will build normally.  After only 1 minute, I will have a refinery placed.  After another minute, my mino will pop out.  So, by pausing, I, too have a mino and a ref after 2 minutes- just like you.    But my refinery was placed a minute before yours and I've been harvesting spice for the last minute, while you haven't been doing anything, hence i earned an extra 1500 solaris more than you and I can now afford a Sard barracks while you cant!! 

My friends, can you understand yet, how important pausing is??  If not, go back and re-read my example until it 'clicks.'  Your eyes will be opened to a whole new level of gaming you haven't had before and you will greatly increase your playing capability. Guaranteed. 



here u see  what emproworm means is to pose at riding zero no matter what the case is.he even

timing it with secounds  and spice units (k).  so even when ure harvs is runing you will have

long delayes with  upgreading ure refs and making new ones, and u wont even make enough

units even if u sacrifice the upgreading, as empworm say the spice will be lost

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If you agree that Gun,Doom,Pearl and myself have diff bo's that we use at diferent times, then you have agree that everything mentioned was a valid response. Sometimes you may have to pause sometimes you may not have to. If we all did the exact same bo then maybe 1 answer would be correct, but we don't.

I totally agree with scar.

spicy. we are discussing that pausing something when we playing in normal situation? or we are talking about pausing that in special conditions?( if you have just one harvester then you are going to pause mino while upgrade refinary. it is one of special situations)

You should dont think about pausing unit too deep. If you play longer, you will know it instinctively when you have to stop some units or no need it. Yes, bo or pausing some units is important in emp. but just let me say what is most important thing in emp. I will say that PARTIAL TATICS.(battlefield unit formation and micromanage unit or something)

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yes, good point pearl, i ve been trying  to say that all the way, am not talking about pausing

in long games when u allready have 6 refs on. i mean just what emproworm say. its that early

minuts in the game when you are still powering up ure base while trying to make as mutch units as u can...  lets say u have 2 ref,,, but the secound ref is not fully upgreaded.. here u have 3 processes going:  making units,upgreading ref,buliding.

and belive me guys the upgreading and buliding process can realy get slow if i keep making units,

i saw some players massing there units at start  and upgreading there 2 ref not carring for

making the 3 critical sard buildings. so they get behind in bo.. for some extra 10 bicks.

well i hop i make my openion more clear.

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Also, notice what is said about pausing, mainly the last 3 words say it all in a nutshell..."Always...always....always pause vehicles (when riding zero)."  For me I cannot remember the last time I had to pause something, and it is also about the last priority I even have to think about when I play come to think of it. Unless my spice is getting smacked, my riding zero if it even does is a momentary thing. I wouldn't get too hung up on pausing stuff, I know there are alot of good basic things on that site, but Emp. has evolved into way much more hardcore fighting early on than it used to be a few years ago. If you want to stay current on the game, take advice from todays players and not a post or website made 3 or 4 years ago. Just a fact, things have changed.  ;)

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Spicy try doing what emprwrm said and adapting to it in a game today, then change his ideas in someways like BOs and placing your refs closer to the spice, even if it means putting it near the edge.

coz every little thing helps when you need fast cash.

All the people who have posted in this thread are of todays players, heh.

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