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Guild Wars worth geting?


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NO.Ā  Do not get this game.Ā  You say you don't want to pay a 'stupid monthly fee'?Ā  Well you'll end up paying the equivalent in Expansion Packs, believe me.

Guild Wars is heavily instanced; that means there's about 2 or 3 places in the entire game where you can talk / interact with everyone.Ā  Everywhere else you go, you go alone, or with up to 4 others.Ā  That's it.Ā  Hardly what I'd call Massively Multiplayer.

Add to that the fact you can only go one race, and you've got the recipe for one crap game.Ā  Lots of people are drawn to the "NO MONTHLY FEES!" sign that Guild Wars takes huge pleasure in plastering everywhere.Ā  You think server hosing is free?Ā  You think that just game sales alone will pay for the tech support, patches and updates?


You'll be forever buying "new content" in Expansion Packs (which will be labelled as "ONLY

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Uhm, even pay to play games have costly expansion packs. It's not that...

It's just that Guild Wars doesn't last long enough, meaning that it's only fun for about a week or two, perhaps three if you have nothing else to do.

World of Warcraft, for instance, is fun just about forever.

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its definately worth it to play MMORPG's as the fee turns out to be like 33 cents a day.... thats chump change.

However i would NOT recommend World of Warcraft if you have already gone through puberty.... i played the Beta and it was very poor... its a game for kids because:

1.) You cant lose your items

2.) There is no penalty in death... just spawn back in a graveyard with minimal xp loss or take your ghost to get back inside your body....lame.

3.) Its too easy to level up.... you will be bored in 3 months.... once you maxx out your level you just sit around camping spawns for uber loot... like everquest...lame.

WoW is bascially for kids as it is cartoony and has no risk vs reward.

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It seems like you forgot half the game called World of Warcraft, Gunwounds.

It's called pvp. When you reach level 60, the game experience has not ended; it has entered a new state.

Instead of hunting just monsters, you can enter something called Battlegrounds (well, people below level 60 can too, it's just that it's not very fun, as level 60's get more out of it). In Battlegrounds, two teams, the Alliance and the Horde are, for instance, fighting a capture the flag match. It needs extremely careful planning to be the best, and to reach high in the ranking system you must play very often, and be level 60 or very close to that.

I see you don't like cartoonish games. But that doesn't mean that it's for kids. There are many cartoons out there made for grown ups too, and this is just as good for grown ups as it is for children. I know the game quite effectively removes the fear of death, but it isn't necessarily negative. As it happens, it leads to more pvp, which is fun (and manly, if you like). I guess in the other games, you just run away, because you're basically so scared of dying that you don't really want to play at all, hehe.

However, I agree with you, Gunwounds, if all you want is to level up and see the number above your head, so that you can tell all the others how much better you are, you shouldn't play World of Warcraft. In World of Warcraft, the skill of the player behind the keyboard has more to say than the actual number above your head, which becomes quite present when you get to level 60, and all other players do the same.

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Oh i didnt forget about the PvP in WoW.... i am completely aware of how inadequate it is.

oh i agree that removing all risk from death does encourage more PvP... but its all very shallow... and to be honest... if i want to play a game where i just "capture the flag" in a "battleground"

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oh i agree that removing all risk from death does encourage more PvP... but its all very shallow... and to be honest... if i want to play a game where i just "capture the flag" in a "battleground"Ā  then i can go play HALO2, COUNTERSTRIKE, or BATTLEFIELD 2 .... for FREE.... if i am gonna do mindless "capture the flag"Ā  PvPĀ  i will do it for free with games that are much more fun.

There is no capture the flag or battleground mode in Counterstrike GunsĀ  ;)

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Well, it depends on what you seek in your game. I'm afraid enough of dying as it is here in the real world, and so it's quite fun to just go online and be able to die without losing anything but time. World of Warcraft isn't such a big game as EVE, and you can get to the place you want without having to cook some dinner and then watch a film, before finally arriving. And the same way as you think EVE is so right, I find Battlegrounds and town raids to be very fun, and very well accomplished. I have never been so focused on defending my flag as in World of Warcraft, neither have I had that adrenaline rush as when I finally cought up with the undead flag bearer and nailed him down a couple of seconds before he would have delivered it. Counterstrike, Battlefield and especially not Halo can give me that much fun, even though Battlegrounds is just a sub-game of World of Warcraft.

In later updates, and probably in expansion packs, I think the game will expand, and new features will be added, hopefully making the game even more fun, though I'm having enough fun as it is.

The fact that you level so fast in the game makes me able to play it, since I usually only have a few hours per day to play.

Don't get me wrong, though, Guns. EVE isn't a bad game, I'm just saying that for me, World of Warcraft is the best.

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alright i understand why you like WoW Cyborg ... but i do want to address one thing...

The fact that you level so fast in WoW makes me able to play it, since I usually only have a few hours per day to play.

Just so you know EVE is one of the most friendly games in that respect.... you dont have to "grind" to level in EVE.... you acquire wealth and buy skillbooks that you basically "download" into your brain ... sorta like the matrix... basically you buy the skillbook and then select "learn" and then you learn 5 different chapters.

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Well if thats the case, I think I will stay away from the world of MMORPGS, unless someone is paying for it for meĀ  ;)

Seeing how bad our economy is (in the USA that is) a MMORPG could mean certain doom for me latter on as Bush continues to screw up the econemy.

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OK, let's see...

Uhm, even pay to play games have costly expansion packs.

You misunderstand; the issue I'm trying to address is that Guild Wars will be forced to create a lot more expansion packs than, say, WoW.Ā  The cost of hosting will eventually catch up to these people, and expansion packs are going to be the only way to finance the developers, who will be constantly pestered to come up with new content.Ā  Other than that, I think it's safe to say that I agree with all of your other comments. :D

However i would NOT recommend World of Warcraft if you have already gone through puberty.... i played the Beta and it was very poor... its a game for kids because:

1.) You cant lose your items

2.) There is no penalty in death... just spawn back in a graveyard with minimal xp loss or take your ghost to get back inside your body....lame.

3.) Its too easy to level up.... you will be bored in 3 months.... once you maxx out your level you just sit around camping spawns for uber loot... like everquest...lame.

World of Warcraft is not a kids game, Gunwounds.Ā  It's been designed for a broad age group is all.Ā  The box says "12+", which means that there are inevitably going to be stupid 12-year-old kids saying "OMGWTFLOL PWNED!!11!1eleven".Ā  But that applies for all MMORPGs; there will be some of those in EVE right now, and Vanguard when it comes out.Ā  It's just something you have to deal with.Ā  Having said that, though, I have never met even one person who acts like this.

You also appear to class WoW as a kids game due to its graphics?Ā  Then I suppose I should class "Sin City" as a kids movie because it's based on comic books?Ā  Oh, it's based on an "adult" comic book, is it?Ā  Then I rest my case; just because a game has a certain type of graphics (like Sin City heavily emulates comic book style), doesn't mean it's just for kids.

Let's also address your three points.

1.) No, you can't lose your items.Ā  In fact, Blizzard are so adamant about you keeping your items, that they make some of them "Soulbound" to you.Ā  This means that only your character can use them, which goes a long way towards solving one of the biggest problems in MMORPGs; eBay.

Selling your items for real-life money happens every day in relation to other MMORPGs, but it is drastically limited in WoW.Ā  So your first point is merely a matter of opinion, Gunwounds; you might like your hard-earned items being stolen from you, but there are a lot more people who don't.

2.) Yes there is a penalty in death.Ā  You seem to be ill-informed about the WoW death process.Ā  When you die, you can either ressurect at a Spirit Healer, or make the long journey from the nearest graveyard back to your corpse.Ā  If you choose to go all the way back to your corpse, you have a long walk (or float) ahead of you.Ā  When you respawn, you're likely to be surrounded by the mobs that just killed you, so there is a challenge in getting yourself to safety with about half-health and mana/energy.

Alternatively, if you choose to resurrect at the Spirit Healer, you suffer a 25% durability loss on all of your items (eqipped and stored in bags), an XP loss to cry for and 10 minutes of Resurrection Sickness (all stats reduced to 25% of total for 10 minutes).Ā  So don't tell me there's no penalty in death, because there quite clearly is.

3.) No, it's not "too easy" to level up.Ā  It takes time and effort and plenty of it.Ā  Who's to say that the other MMORPGs aren't "too hard"?Ā  It's a matter of opinion, and most people don't share your view.

I've been playing for three months; still not bored.Ā  Moving on...

"Camping spawns for uber loot", eh?Ā  Nope, doesn't happen in WoW.Ā  The only "uber loot" you'll find is held by extremely tough bosses in Raid Instances.Ā  These "dungeons" require anywhere between 5 and 40 people to complete, with the record for one such place (Molten Core and fighting Onyxia) being 22 people.Ā  There is absolutely no way that any one person can do them on their own.Ā  So no, Gunwounds... you don't sit around camping spawns for uber loot.Ā  You want any Epic gear, you have to work as part of an effective team to get it.Ā  And since the drop rates on Epic gear are pretty small, you can bet there's plenty longevity left in the game even when you "maxx out your level".

Now, since I haven't played EVE, and most of the rest of the conversation seems to be focused on it, I can't really make any further comments.Ā  From the way you put it, Gunwounds, it does seem like a good game.Ā  If I ever get enough money to pay off my overdraft (caused by Year 1 of University ::)), then I might even buy it.Ā  But the next time you want to slag off an MMORPG that you haven't played since the BETA, try and seperate fact from opinion, and get what facts you do have correct.

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even what you just said doesnt convince me dragoon..... 10 minutes of temporary debuffed stats with decay on some items or walking back for a corpse isnt all that big of a deal....especially since people have a teleportation option to go back to a tavern. Not only that but i am a fan of realism ... i like games with engines that push the graphical envelope because believe it or not..... graphics do have something to do with IMMERSION.

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I know what you feel, Gunwounds.

Sometimes in World of Warcraft, I'm in the lands of the Horde, and orcs make chicken gestures at me and such, and refuse to turn on pvp. I can't do anything else than ignoring them, even though I'd really like to crush their face into the dirt and dance on top of it afterwards.

When the fear is mutual, I love it. Games that can balance free pvp are really fun. The reason why I don't usually like it is because it's poorly implemented, like in some other game a friend of mine played, called Xenimus, where all the high level characters, once they got bored of leveling, had nothing else to do than go around killing. Too many of them were losers and went to the newbie places to stalk them. It just wasn't fun when players who are soo good that they can teleport around your screen fifty times a second can just flash over your screen and kill you. It's not even a fight, not a warning, you have no chance to hide.

Anyway, EVE sounds quite fun, but I'll keep to World of Warcraft as that's what I'm playing right now.

I did love Freelancer, but it wasn't fun anymore after I found out that you could only pilot small ships.

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i will look into that... i know there is something about a free 2 week trial on the website somewhere.... hopefully i can get anyone on here a free trial.. if i cant do it for everyone i will get some of my corporate members to sponsor others.Ā  I'll ask my corp CEO about it, he'll know.

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