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2004 Presidential Debate (Live)

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All I have to say is

Bush is a tool.

I don't think he knows what he is talking about.

At the first..

"I would like to thank the University of [xxxx] and .....

and then he changed the subject.

Bush screwed up, replace him.

Although I don't like how Kerry keeps nodding at Bush when Bush is speaking.

How did you like the debate? I thought they were not allowed to show the other candidate when one was speaking.

I love how the whole debate is about the war on terror. Who cares about health care, education and other social values. Sure USA is safe from terrorists, but will they end up having health care, education etc?

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I caught the last half-hour or so.  I thought Kerry both spoke better (Bush pulled a Bush) and knew more of what he was talking about.  I noticed that Bush tried to incite fear a couple of times by saying something to the effect of if the President waivers then catastrophes are bound to happen.  That kind of style really put me off.  Kerry just seemed a lot more positive.

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I watched all of it. Most of Bush did could be summarized in one sentence - "Kerry is a flip flopper, haha!". Kerry in my opinion effectively defeated that by basically saying that certainty is dangerous in the fact that you can be wrong and stupidly stick with the wrong way. You'll be very certain and very eager to continue the journey on the wrong path...or you could look at the directions and make a turn. Everyone makes mistakes, fixing those mistakes is what makes a good president - examing your actions and opinions and always trying to find better options.

Bush had no clue what he was talking about, while Kerry knew a lot of specific facts - this is very funny, considering that the President has led the country for four years and you'd expect him to know more about what he has done and what's going on than a Senator.

Kerry won this debate, clear and simple.

EDIT: And yes, the whole idea of attacking US in Iraq and US generally because they don't like the idea of freedom in general is incredibly stupid. "Spreading liberty" is incredibly cheesy - sounds like we're spreading the flu.

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i noticed Bush made a few good strikes at Kerry by using his own words against him.

for instance .... Kerry kept saying it was the wrong war at the wrong time.... and then Bush came back and stated that Kerry had said "A good president would not let saddam hussien stay in power"

LOL Kerry had this blank look on his face like "oh shit did i say that?"

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see I totally agree, bush lost the debate in my opinion. He stuck to his old platitudes of "we ahve to fight the enemy." or "That is the way the enemy works, they are evil". I mean he is so vague with what this "enemy" is that it just sounds like a way to appear noble and just. He also kept repeating his ideas over and over, and said what he said in really slow and unmethodical ways. He also seemed frustrated at times and it just was not cool for him.

Kerry has a background in debate, I mean in his college years he was the head of his debate team, and not only that but he became a high class lawyer. He knows what he is doing and it sounds like that. But he suffered from a problem I knew he would suffer from.

He constantly talked about "his plans", but he never went into detail about how his plans would be better, just said they would. He kept saying that bush would only bring more of the same, but kerry didnt say how he would change this. He just babbled stuff that seemed impressive, but in reality was so general that I really didnt get an idea of how he would be better. I have heard this was a problem for many others.

bush lost though, no doubt about it.

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He constantly talked about "his plans", but he never went into detail about how his plans would be better, just said they would. He kept saying that bush would only bring more of the same, but kerry didnt say how he would change this. He just babbled stuff that seemed impressive, but in reality was so general that I really didnt get an idea of how he would be better. I have heard this was a problem for many others.

See thats exactly why i think nobody won... because if you read what i quoted here.... it is evident that Kerry

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GUNWOUNDS, in a debate there is going to be a winner whether or not they did a stellar job. It is a versus situation, not an individual competition. Somebody wins, somebody loses. Kerry won. Bush lost. It's so simple to see that.

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GUNWOUNDS, in a debate there is going to be a winner whether or not they did a stellar job. It is a versus situation, not an individual competition. Somebody wins, somebody loses. Kerry won. Bush lost. It's so simple to see that.

I think it is possible to have a stalemate due to mutual shitty debating.

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Ya I think it was pretty obvious Kerry came out ahead but to have Bush actually win a debate where he isn't reading from a prepared speech would be a miracle. :)

rofl, you really think so? seriously I agree, I've seen 5 year olds with better argumental skills than Bush.

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According to a BBC poll which was held at the end of the first debate, a neutral selection of American voters lent towards Kerry as the debate winner, but I personally think Bush came off best, But what it really boils down to is whether you agree with the bush policies or the Kerry one's, neither of the debaters really excelled, maybe round two will be more entertaining.

Shy  ::)

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See thats exactly why i think nobody won... because if you read what i quoted here.... it is evident that Kerry  said nothing but "I am better than you neeneer neeneer"  .... I mean i could have gone on stage and said the same things kerry said.  "oh the prez is doing a bad job... i can do better!"

Reminds me of that song... "Anything you can do .. i can do better !!"

On a serious note though ... i guess i have high standards for declaring a winner of a debate... and  i wasnt impressed by either.

  Well put.  Only thing I will add to the Debate issue is, I myself will not base who I am voting for from the outcome of a  Debate were the winner is pre-determined by who spoke the best, had the best responses, looked the best, etc, etc. but more so as to what either has accomplished

thus far.

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Round Two is the 8th of October.

Anyhow, I think Kerry clearly came out on top as Bush fumbled words, and kept trying to break debate rules and interrupt his opponent.  Also some of Bush's faces, as well as Kerry's note taking were hilarious. 

I loved how I turned on Hannity the next day and he was talking about Bush's astoundingly wonderful victory, and how he ground Kerry into the ground.  Blah blah blah.  I'm like "Wow, the spinmasters are fast".

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