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Mozilla FireFox

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I have the follolwing installed, of which I will make pink and bolidify the most important:

DOM Inspector (?  :O)

IEView - Open "this" page in IE (very useful for pages that require ActivX)


All-in-one Gestures - Joint favourite, tottally needed. Control browser using mouse.

Open Long URL - huh ? where did this come from ? Never used as far as I know.

SpoofStick - Tells you exactly what site you are on, no spoofing me !

Context Highlight - Highlight words using context menu, but I just use the Find function.

Reload Every - use it on pages that do not auto refresh to reload, set custom times. Yeah baby !

Tabbrowser Extensions - The other joint favourite. This alone owns IE. Eat my poo, IE !! hehe.

Tabbrowser Preferences - Will this make my wonderful tabbrowser prefs better ? Oh, it will ? Great, I'll take one.

Download Manager tweak - Improves the already better then IE download tool. Not a lot better, but enought to make me want to download it.

CookieCuller - Allows me to set which cookies get killed and which stay.

undoclosetab - Undo those tabs you close either by accident or dont realise you need. And it keeps the history too ! How can anyone say IE is worth using ?!?!


Andrew, I had another idea for your firefox and dune2k site issue. Can you make your keyboard aim at a file on your HD and not only to a program ? Could you aim it at a batch file that contains the link, in lowercase of course, to firefox.exe www.dune2k.com/forum ? What do you think ?

So you would have a batch file, with the one line, C:firefox.exe (whatever it is) and http://www.dune2k.com/forum...

Then point your keyboard proggie at that batch file, and whoohooo !

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I am getting couple of those extensions you mentioned. omg mouse gestures is the best thing ever!

About the keyboard, I think I tried that but it didn't work.

You mean create a shortcut to the firefox.exe and in the shortcut under properties change something in it to the website. If it were to work, I would need a coupld of them. Will try.

When I do that, it opens a new browser page and goes nowhere.

Actually I just cant get it to work. Please explain more.

In Firefox under tools, it says I have 1 new email when I actually do not.

Read Mail (1 new)

EDIT - I uninstalled tabbed browser extensions as I read it had many bugs and not supported by mozdev. But I dont need it anyway, I only used to it have the little close box on each tab, but with mouse gestures I just use my mouse to close the tab.

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Tell me about the mouse gestures ! The most importnat extension I have next to tabbrowser extensions.

As for the keyboard thing...

Make a batch file (a text file containing the line <path to FF>Firefox.exe http://dune2k.com/forum)

So if your FireFox is in C:program filesmozilla thenn it would look like this:

"C:program filesmozillafirefox.exe" http://www.dune2k.com/forum

including quotes.

Now rename the text file, after saving it to the desktop, from name.txt to name.bat and confirm you do want to change it.

Now try to get your wonderful keyboard proggy to point to that file when you hit a button.

Write back if you have any Q's.

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It works!

Thank you very much. You have completed my quest to completely revert to Firefox.

Mouse guestures would be very useful when you get to know them. There are 70 guestures you can program to do different things in the browser. Most common would be:

History Back, History Forward, Reload document, Close Document etc etc.

I would recommend getting it.

You hold down the right mouse button while moving the mouse and you eithor go up, down left right or a combo of those. Get it. :)

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Glad to have been of service  8)  just need to make one batch file for each "troublesome" webshite.

As for mouse gestures, yes, alone owns IE-e-e-e-e, hehe.

Also, you realise you can go back and forward by holding either button first, then pressing other one ?

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Omg, now I do! Come standard?


Its excellent, huh ?  :P Its part of mouse gestures. Probably my best feature. Now I do that in Windows Explorer absent mindedly.....doh (!).


I've been having fun going to any website I can think of and blocking as many ads as possible.

Becuase you have to block each ad individually, I got a bit tired as I use the web a lot, so dont bother blocking them.

Does it seem to matter if the ads are different, but in place of one another ? So today an ad for webspace, tomorrow an ad for virus scanner, will it still block it automatically ? Becuase you told it to block one of them...

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How can anyone say IE is worth using ?!?!

remember, Microsoft is being attacked because it has lot's a build in features accessable to everyone. .. havinv those options doesn't make it suitable for using. Just one quick example, a sharepoint / bizztalk / SQl office environment.. .. try that with FireFox at present day.

Like Scotty ones claimed. . How many times do I have to tell you. . the right tool for the right job !

little side note, although the Who's online page indicates I am using MSIE. . . quietly it's FireFox.. ;)

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Does it seem to matter if the ads are different, but in place of one another ? So today an ad for webspace, tomorrow an ad for virus scanner, will it still block it automatically ? Becuase you told it to block one of them...

That is why I look at the url/script for the ad and try to find something similiar.



*/banner/*  etc etc. Although I also have *ads*, so I wouldn't need */ads/*

It blocks all images with a directory/filename containing ads in it.

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remember, Microsoft is being attacked because it has lot's a build in features accessable to everyone. .. havinv those options doesn't make it suitable for using. Just one quick example, a sharepoint / bizztalk / SQl office environment.. .. try that with FireFox at present day.

Like Scotty ones claimed. . How many times do I have to tell you. . the right tool for the right job !

little side note, although the Who's online page indicates I am using MSIE. . . quietly it's FireFox.. ;)

shure, but for straight browsing, IE is well behind now.

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Yah. Has IE even changed much over the last 5 years? Other than security and other stuff the average user probably does not notice.

I havn't noticed it change much since 2002.

You would think with such a big corporation with billions of dollars worth of cash, they could have done something with it. But they didn't, mostly because they had a big share of the market, and since it came with windows, which 99% of computers use, how could there be competition? ::)

My guess is they are just waiting for the next version of windows. Which will gain them more market share and they will probably make it harder for other browsers to use microsoft websites (compatability).

This happens to a lot of companies with large market share. Eventually they will fall if they do not stay ahead of everyone else.

The Phone company on PEI used to be government owned (or heavily regulated). Then once it was deregulated competition came in and are hurting it very much. Especially since the company went on strike for 5 months. A lot of people would have switched to competition because of the lack of service.

Firefox = Better service? (Along with a better product so far.)

I mean would microsoft offer an adblocker in its next service pack that will block its own ads?

Sure, it incorporated an adblocker to block popups (Although I think it is very annoying). But I love how Hotmail now has no ads. Microsoft cant make money off of ads when no one sees them. They will have to adapt. Or think of ways to get around adblockers, which is not a service to customers. Because if it was, there would be the option to see ads or not for FREE.

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www.hotmail.com when you login.

I also use outlook, but not for all 3 of my hotmail accounts.

Besides, the junk mail is not sent to outlook, so I enjoy deleting my junkmail every so often. And to check if any get put there by mistake.


I've been starting to convert my friends to Firefox. Maybe even a couple companies and organizations if possible. Got it installed at a workstation my friend works at.

Pretty sure my university has Mozilla suite installed. But I don't think that includes Firefox.

Why isn't Firefox and Thunderbird included in the Mozilla Suite if they are supposed to be the best products? Or are they the exact same, but different names?

I just installed Mozilla calendar for Firefox. Not much to it yet. Will look forward to when they get a finished product for it out (my guess 2 months if they focus on it more). *Uninstall*

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I installed Foxytunes.


Seems like it might come in handy at times. Although, I'm not sure it it will be quicker to click on the buttons in the browser or the global hotkeys in winamp.

Here is my current status bar with the media player.


I also just got the "spell checker" and "minimize to tray" extensions.

Although I find it funny that the spell checker requires another component installed, the Spellbound win32 components.

EDIT #2 - Switched from All-in-One mouse gestures to Mouse gestures 1.0

They should really merge some projects. Hard to know which is the best one.

[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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Firefox finally crashed on me.

I was browsing some websites, only had 3 tabs open, and I noticed it started to go pretty slow. Things stopped working properly with Firefox. So I decided to completely shut Firefox down and restart it. (I told it to shutdown and it did, I didn't need to use ctrl-alt-del)

Guess what? I can not get it to run again without restarting the computer or figuring out which processes to close down. (Saw some processes that looked like Firefox and it now works after closing to Firefox processes that were running.)

Now when I just started it up it took like 10 seconds to load. About 3 times the normal length.

Here is what I got after I closed Firefox and tried to restart it.

[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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I get those often enough, but still use it as its not enough to get me back on IE.

Especially on the Who's Online page for emperor when it cannot retrieve the data from the game server, and responds with many lines saying "error such and such". CPU usage goes to 100% and all sorts.

I close Firefox using CTR+ALT+DEL by finding the process firefox.exe. If you close the window, the process can keep running, and I have seen Word do this when it is set as my email composer through Outlook. Means it starts up in a flash, but thats becuase the process is always running.

Another thing I get a lot, is "Cannot connect to <URL>". It happens way too often, and never with Ie, unless there really is a problem. If I refresh it works. This is on a mahcine I have used IE on with no problem. Wierd.

By the way, the skin that Dragoon recommends on page 2 of this thread, I used it, and WOW ! It is nice, check it out. (I had to refresh the first time I got a Cannot conenct to <Whatever Website> hehe !).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I seen that today at another website and did what it said.

I think it helped some.

Although I think I may get rid of

Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0".

because it sounds like it uses more CPU just to get the page to show up faster. (What's wrong with waiting 1 second more?)

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The last thing it says to do may not be a good thing to do depending on how fast your computer is.

If you take care of your computer and it is relativly fast, I would see no problem. But on slower computers my guess is it might interfere when going to each website.

I got rid of it (the last thing to change to firefox) because my pages load fast enough anyway and I don't want it using more processing power to get it to appear a fraction of a second faster.

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