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Tiberian sun 2 ?


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1. Somebody will tell you that you should post this topic i the "Gaming" forum. ;)

2. I notice that you have been out of C&C community for a while.

3. EA killed Westwood, sorry :'( Some westwood employees are now in the Petroglyph studios.

4. There is a pic of a C&C III game, which if is made by EA, it will suck a lot.   

5. Want a sequel? Emperor: Battle for Dune was made by westwood, is 3D, it has a lot of TS things like mechs, stealth, hover vehicles, etc. Plus it has 3 sides. E:B4D is the closest thing to a TS sequel.                                                             

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There has been some concept art for Tiberian Twilight made by EALA, and according to Those in Charge, there will most likely be another C&C.

And, the important yet easily neglected fact here is that most fo the old WW employees still work at EALA.  (AND NO ONE WAS FIRED!  Those that left EA left of their own accord.)

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I would love to see the final episode of the Tiberian series. I heard that Kucan shot some clips before he left Westwood, so who knows. I mean, the Tiberian series were really good. What was tiberium (not what, but where did it come from, and why)? Who is Kane, really? What about all the "saucers" in all Tiberian games?

Anyways, I've searched some on Planet CnC (Planet Command & Conquer), and it seems that there is still hope for Twilight:

(Question for Frank Klepaki) Is there any word on Tiberian Twilight?

(Klepaki's answer) Can't tell you about Twilight, it is still in development, and it'll be a long time before I start on it's music. It has a long way to go yet.

This quote is dated October 5, 2000, this was about 4 years ago, and he said "long time", so there you have it. (For those who don't know who Klepaki is: he is the one who created all music for all C&C games, as well as for the Dune games).

There was an April fools joke "sneak preview" of Tiberian Twilight too, in 2002. Here is a link:


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Guys guys take it easy and explain to me what the hell is Tiberian twilight, is it the next tiberiansun game or what? cuse i am really sensetive guys cuse i like the tiberiansun game series a lot and i dont want the game to end in such an confusion.

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It was a future project name given to it not shortly before release of Tiberian Sun. Project of C&C universe strategy which will be based on their first 3D RTS engine (which was used, however, only for Emperor). Only a concept name, not officially announced game. Like in what was Tiberian Sun in era of Red Alert. Do you know it was originally ment to be a MechWarrior-like game?

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