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originally i wasn't even gonna reply but since this thread seems to be "aimed" squarely at me i eventually decided i might as well:

there may be various reasons why i won't join this tourney of yours or otherwise play you Brennq:


lol Nav, especially when Brenn said please dont come with lame excuses and childish responses.

even more, u KNEW he was meaning you when he said it, yet u still couldnt keep it going without throwing another TROLLING post here, meaningless, pointless, moronic, utterly useless post.

Obviously ure not the kind of person who should be posting here, a wimp who calls himself a god of emperor, lmao!


harkdawg i'm only gonna ask you this once:  why do you keep flaming me every time i try to post anything anywhere?

are you still mad at me because i sided against you when Cerb/Kebab/ACElethal proved on the old Official Westwood boards that you multi-nick cheated on the QM Ladder and played fixed games vs. yourself with your fr3men nick  in order to illegally push yourself past Cerb for the number 1 spot that month?  is that why you're still flaming me - like your obsessed with me - even after all these years?

i'm not trying to insult you... i'm just trying to lay all the cards on the table so we can get to the bottom of this.

are you still mad about those days when i stood against you for cheating or what?  what's up?  what's the 411?

i seem to recall ACElethal was standing against you too.  so why ain't you flaming him to Hell anytime he posts anything?

come on man i'm open for "discussing the issues" so let's cut the flames and get this settled peacefully.  k thx

You guys ever hear "Let sleeping dogs lie"


You guys ever hear "Let sleeping dogs lie"

hey man i've been trying.  but i can only do so much if i don't get any co-operation


Nav i wasn't just point my finger at u i's pointing it at everyone . Just saying somthings are better just left alone .

yeah i know.


Many players such as brennq and dawg have earned their respect by showing how good they play, not by telling everyone how good they are. Nav,It very much amazes me that you would talk down to brenn. He is lightyears ahead of you in the Emp Skillz department. You two are not even in the same league. I very much understand why you would not want to play. Brenn would stomp you at ur own setts, and with his setts.....lmao. It seems to me that it would be much better to earn respect but showing that you are a good player and a good person, rather than telling everyone how good you are and being an asshole. Maybe you should make a new nick nav, loose the cockbreath attitude, and come play some games. If no one knew it was you, we could have some fun games , and you could get a fresh start. You might even learn a thing or two. And BTW brenn id like to play, Im not afraid of getting beat like Nav.

...but the #1 reason of all is that i don't play with or against people who mouth off to me.

I mouth off to you? ??? I only stated facts in my post, facts that u mouth off to me. What a contradiction. ::)

just FYI:

cbrick:  just cuz brennq can annhilate you in every game that he plays of Emp vs. you, that does not mean he can beat me.


Well lets see Nav , brenn can stomp me and I can stomp you. So where does this leave you?

you could not stomp me if your life depended on it. never have.  never will.  i however, have proved what happens when you "try" to play vs. me despite being not welcome.


You don't have to play me if you don't want to, but plz stop the delusion of grandure facade.

i think it is time for you to take your own advice  ;)


You guys ever hear "Let sleeping dogs lie"

guys.................do I have to say it again . I'm a mear child and Im acting more mature then all of you combined , why don't you guys realize you are argueing about a game and just play . Also on another note another saying i've heard is "if u have nothing nice to say don't say anything"


well how about we get this shit going, i am sick and tired of people making fuckin spam threads about nav, all u people who get on his case sound just as bad as him so stfu all of u. CAPISCE. and brennq hurry up and get the ball rolling only got a few weeks left till i am gone :(


Argh, the young pup's right me hearties :P It's a game Nav, no need to start WWIII over it.

i understand where you're coming from BUT i put a lot of pride into the skills i've developed over many years of playing Emperor and i don't appreciate when they are baselessly slandered all the time by harkdawg


hey Taq man i am like Pacino in Carlito's Way:

"just when i think i'm out... THEY KEEP PULLING ME BACK IN!"

it is kinda of interesting how everyone is always so fascinated about me that whenever i appear i become the center of attention on these boards.


Actually, you are always at center ring like a circus clown.  We can hardly look at anything else because you bring so much attention on yourself!

Well, at least you have always been good for a laugh, Nav.  Later, and thanks for the fun.  :)


k thx taq and you like so many others here has delusions of beating me despite the fact that that never ever happened

and that you called emprworm a "great player" - that has got to be the biggest laugh that i've gotten from these boards in months - so thank you! LOL


You dont even know how good you really are Nav cuz you havnt played a 1 vs 1 game against a good player since WOL canned the QM.

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