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The land of Junigard - A D&D RPG


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Race: Elven

Name: Akshell

Class: Thief

Starting Location: 3

Items: Duel Daggers, Elven hood, Light leather jerkin, silent boots.

Akshell is young and brash, going against his father's wishes he abandon his village and the prospect of becoming a paladin. He now spends his years on the outskirts of the elven village working as a thief, and assassin, for hire.

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MESSAGE TO: Turgon Fingolfinson

Welcome, Turgon!

Your attribute pool:








Welcome to Junigard, Akshell!

Your attribute pool:







MESSAGE TO: Nema Fakei

We're not playing a certain edition, but close to third.

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This sounds like it would be really cool. I play Desktop D&D every week where I live, and I can't get enough of it... this sounds even better. Here are the basics you asked for.

Race: Human

Name: Leivan

Starting Location: 1

I've got a couple of ideas regarding Class, but I'll wait and see what my Attribute Point Pool tells me. Thanks.


|| Dragoon Knight ||


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Race: Human

Name: Leivan

Starting Location: 3 - The City of Dockport

Class: Dragoon Knight

STR: 17

DEX: 18

CON: 16

INT: 12

WIS: 12

CHA: 16

Class Description


A Dragoon Knight is a strong and dextrous warrior, his superior swordsmanship and athletic skills justifying the title of 'Dragoon', a name given to those akin with the dragons. Though no Dragon blood flows through his veins, the Dragoon Knight is excellent at using swords (inc. long, short, broad, bastard and wakizashi, but not daggers) and can also perform spectacular feats of athletics, such as jumping, strafing, somersaulting, backflips. Alongside this, Dragoon Knight's have the ability to imbue their swords with different elements, the potence of the Element Blade increasing as the character develops. Wearing blue metal armour, with a pair of red wings engraved upon his back, the Dragoon Knight combines speed and strength to create a deadly quick and agile character, who can also put great force behind his blows.

Equipment: Masterwork Steel Broadsword (+1), Dragoon Armour (AC +6), 100 Gold Pieces

Character Description


Leivan is an adventurer, roaming Junigard in search of challenges and wrong-doings. His business has brought him to the City of Dockport, where he has heard a rumour from travellers from the North-West that one of his old friends, a Drow by the name of Elv'tyrr Zauafin, was seen heading into the Caves of Vargard. Leivan is now preparing to depart the city, and head towards the Dwarven Mountains, to see if there is any sign of this friend from the past.

As for Leivan's nature, he is generally kind and considerate, but will stick by his friends first and his morals second. At 26 years old, Leivan has almost reached his peak ability, training constantly when there are no real battles to be fought. Despite being involved in many memorable fights, Leivan has endured very little physical or mental scars, and retains his good looks and people skills.

Sorry that this post is so long... I... I like to write... [sobs]

Dragoon Knight.

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