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Female Discrimination

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Lowzee is Singaporean.

Also Alia, what do you think of that birth control education? I don't know exactly what you mean by it.

I think they should be teaching about it in school teenagers are going to be curious and want to know about sex... They should be educated on how to protect themself from diesases and pregnancy.

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I think we are starting to go off topic so lets just end it with not everyone learns things on there own there are those out there who know nothing.

But to bring it back to Lowzeewee topic...

And now the new topic we will focus on-Boys being preferred over girls in births...

Boys can do further education while girls can only do a basic education,just because they think the girls will only become homemakers,so they dun need much education.

One reason I think boys are perfered over girls is that the boy child can carry on the name. A female child takes her husbands name.

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‘’Also women were the first doctors, pharamists and priestess if you believe in the anicent rituals of Greece, Rome and Egypt.’’

First doctors? Whoever were the first doctors cannot be decided because their were doctors even before the classical era (EG: first scientist was the person who discovered fire, the first doctor was the person to first use anything for medical purposes… and who knows when somebody first tried covering a cut with a leaf:D or wondered what affect plant fluids would have on a bruise).

What the hell is a pharamist? (I assume you mean pharmacist, or I am just to tired right now?:D)

Lol, of course the first priestESS was a woman… that makes sense:D

That statement pretty much shows how much you know…. J/k all round…

‘’ With society discriminating against females, I don't see why an establishment of religion would not do the same’’

Was that just a cheap shot? Society has done/does many horrid things that religion does not

On a serious note though... I don't care about what goes on in primitive and/or crazy societies, because that is why they are primitve and/or crazy...

Their are still some countries in the world that practice insane/discrimanatory/cruel activities, but I don't care about such things because it is known that these practices are wrong and something should be done about them, but I cannot currently do anything about them so I do not concern myself with such matters. Thus, I don't even see why such practices are mentioned just to state how unfair and/or cruel they are...

As for women getting 85% of the profit men do, who cares... In an earlier post regarding modern female discrimination many minor acts of unfairness against men/supporting women for no good reason were mentioned but these things are not significant as is females on average getting 15% less than males

Besides, you're figures are almost certainly innacurate... unless you're telling me you're scource found out the average income of the entire population of America? taking into account difference in different sectors of work (some of which have extremely varying wages/salaries), unions,e.t.c

Very unlikely... besides you're scource was probably YOU or cosmopolitan or some such scource as they are probably the only scources that would mention such a thing j/k

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two reasons for preference of male child, one to carry on family name, other male child brings wealth to the family female chils cost money ie the dowery.

All change comes with eduction be it practical or theory.

Here in UK women began to want rights after manpower shortages due WW1 after seeing they could do what men did they were not happy to return to role of submisive wife. same after WW2.

All in UK have same rights supposidly but there will always be discrimination against one group or another until ideology changes through education and experience.

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Yes,it is to carry on the family name...and not to forget,in rural areas,they think that only males can do farm work so they would rather have sons than daughters but in the end,it is the daughter who takes care of the parents when he is old as the son simply runs off after taking advantage of the parents' pampering...

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Yes,it is to carry on the family name...and not to forget,in rural areas,they think that only males can do farm work so they would rather have sons than daughters but in the end,it is the daughter who takes care of the parents when he is old as the son simply runs off after taking advantage of the parents' pampering...

Very true lowzeewee. Also I believe that the woman taking the man's last name after marriage was also at one time to signify ownership of the woman. You know she was so and so's woman now..

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As I asked earlier; Why discuss what goes on in such primitive and arcane systems? Everyone knows that such systems are are fualt and are unfair/cruel, but that is something that must simply be improved and therefore their is little to discuss about such matters. If this thread is simply for leisurely non-argumentative discussion though, then thats fine

BTW: Alot of the unfair things you have mentioned are simply carried out/followed because they are tradition. Tradition is followed despite it usually being illogical really just for the sake of it. When it comes to following tradition, their is also little to discuss, people who follow tradition often know that tradition can can unfair but they follow it just for the sake of.

Personally, I find following tradition to be an illogical practice and care little for it

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Horrible article. >:(

And this is 1955,only 48 years from now,so its not "primitive".And it is only in recent years that women are gaining more power,they are becoming country leaders-Phillipines,Indonesia,New Zealand,England[Margaret Thatcher(was ;))]But people still oppose their leaderships because they are "afraid that women can't handle the pressure and amount of work"....and now women are also holding high positions in big companies around the world as well,mainly in developing and first-world countries only. 8)

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Not to forget,the arabs also want their women's faces to be covered.

This is called "morale". We agree with bared decolts and short skirts, muslims just don't do so. At least they have fewer rape causes in year. However, according to Koran, muslim women have great rights, especially after marriage. In Europe, home is usually considered as domain of man, who defends it etc., but muslims have for it wife. Fact they don't have sexual freedom as Europe nowadays has doesn't mean they are discriminated. In fact it is this abusement of freedom, which causes spread of AIDS and syphilis here on the west.

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