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Generals Zero Hour Anounced


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I think that it will be awsome.

Of course, the fact that I am formally and officially Command and Conquers' bitch assures that I will buy it, even tho I would rather see tiberian twilight.

although I hope they never make a RA3, that would ruin it.

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no, the Red Alert, Tiberium, and Generals games are in completely different worlds. What happens in one does not affect the other.

And for the record, I loved RA, it was one of my favorite games ever, but RA2 was just to cartoonish and campy

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I don't wish I'd even care.

EA violated C&C. I have no interest in their games except for TT, but I'm sure they will screw it up, too, and before we ever get that game they're gonna release thousands and thousands of C&C-G expansion packs.

"Hey! We already demolished and screwed up C&C! Let's make the life of the fans even more miserable by releasing countless expansion packs for C&C-G!"

You know, EA, the last people who still care work in Your company.

- Matthew

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I have no interest in their games except for TT, but I'm sure they will screw it up, too, and before we ever get that game they're gonna release thousands and thousands of C&C-G expansion packs.

(Check the bold) That would imply that they have screwed something else up. WHat would that be? I liked TS, RA2, Emperor, Generals, and especially Renegade, so...? ::)

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Generals was fun gameplay, but crappy plot.

RA2 was mutilated. They made it so cartoony it is not even funny. It would be a decent game, if they would just admit it is a funny little comic book kinda thing, but they keep trying to pawn it off as being a serious stratagy game, which its not.

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Once you get past the single player campaign which usually lasts only a couple days plot is irrelevent anyway. Generals is overall a great RTS (it's not without it's flaws, but still a gg) and all the people who hate wc3 and generals and basically every RTS under the sun except for ones that they are good at are very...errrr...annoying. (not implying that any of you here are like that of course ;))

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Yes there will be more expansions, it said " Zero Hour the first expansion " or something like that. I personally am looking forward to it. Now there will be more armys and also, navys. Thats one thing that Generals lacked. This looks like its adding what Generals lacked. Should be awsome. Im lookin forward to it.

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No there will not be 9 new armies that you are able to control seperately (like china, usa, gla) There will be 9 new "generals". Each generals possesses unique abilities and units that will add to your existing arsenal. You can choose 1 general to add to the army you like to control best. For example, the USA has an air general that has some new air units as well as the ability to buy air units for cheaper. He also gives you new generals abilities relating to air units.

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Generals is NOT in the tiberian series OR the red alert one. It's a completely different game that has nothing to do with C&C, but EA decided to call it "C&C" anyway, so it would sell better.

That being said, I agree with Duke Leto. I was REALLY hoping for Tiberian Twilight. Or even Renegade 2.

But knowing EA, I'm afraid that if they do make Tib Twilight after all, it will be a complete bastardization of the tiberian series... :(

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But knowing EA, I'm afraid that if they do make Tib Twilight after all, it will be a complete bastardization of the tiberian series... :(

You like that word, don't you. ;)

But no, when it comes, TT will be good. I liked Generals OK, and I do look forward to the expansion. I hope it will be a better expo than The Frozen Toilet. (Well, TFT isn't that bad, but don't you like "Frozen Toilet"? Get it? Throne? Toilet?)

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I got a look at the newest screens over on IGN.com's PC coverage. The gunship - an update of the venerable AC-130 Spectre - looks pretty sweet; from the screenshot, it looks to be a General ability (like the fuel-air munition) rather than a purchased unit.

There're other nice additions, to be sure... I wonder if the expansion will include the ability to 'retrofit' these to the original campaign.

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But no, when it comes, TT will be good. I liked Generals OK, and I do look forward to the expansion.

Maybe it will be. The thing is, the CNC games(except RA2 and Generals) Relied on a good story and originality in the game, and while Generals is a good game, it neither has a decent story or very many original things in it.

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And the campaign ojectives are just getting way too repititive...Its just the skirmish that keeps me into them....but the skirmishes are getting too repititive as well.In WC3 at least there is a hero but its repitive too but at least just a little more fun.And since Blizzard is still around,the online factor is one good reason I am into it.

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