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Hey old timers! I was going through some of my old bookmarks in Chrome and saw Fed2k Discussion as a link and I just had to visit. I remember this forum being one of my daily visits back in the early 2000's. Nice to see the forum still up and running after all these years. Great work Gobalopper!
I remembered my fondness for this forum and had to see it again. Great job Gob keeping it going all these years! Every other forum I have been a member of back in the early 2000's has pretty much disappeared. Happy super belated birthday(s) to Edric O
April 26th-27th sounds good to me. I will put those dates on my calendar.
Sorry I missed the planned weekend to play Emperor. Maybe we should plan out a month or so to give some more old timers time to plan to join in? I would be definitely down to playing with some forum members.
That would be the most brute force method. I like the way you think Gryphon :)
It's great to see you again too Edric O. My interests lately is XBox 360 gaming related. I picked up an XBox 360 back in 2009 and have really got back into console gaming because of it. I have not played many games on my PC lately other than Civilization 4 and 5 and every once in a while get games off of the "Good Old Games" website. I will have to boot up Emperor some time this weekend for some nostalgia :) I am not much into discussing politics since those type of discussions can get quite involved and in the end people are going to think what they are going to think regardless of any arguments you make. Still it is fun to read those types of discussions from time to time.
It has been a while since my last visit. I like the new forum layout. This forum has always been a favorite of mine. Glad to see the site still up even if it is not as active as is used to be. I miss the old days on this forum when Doc Nyar, Gryphon, and others would help people with their game related issues. Emperor Battle for Dune is still one of my favorite RTS games of all time. I hope everyone is doing well.
My wife and kids have taken over my gaming PC or I would. The laptop I use has a crappy video card in it. It's not meant for gaming. When I do play games now it's more on the Wii or XBox 360.
Hey Nyar! I miss the old days on these boards when I too was a Landsraad member. I just swung by the www.gameheaven.nl/forum and perused the old Landsraad board. That sure brought back some fun memories ;). I am glad to see both dune2k and Gameheaven still running after all these years. I take special pride in being part of starting Gameheaven with Doc, Gryphon, and Timenn. Who would think a game like Emperor Battle for Dune would bring together so many cool technical people like ourselves :) Man I want to install Battlefield 1942 now and find a teamspeak server :D
Nice to see an old familiar face :)
Sorry for the super late response. If you are just learning the basics of Linux then any version will do. There is only so much you can learn at home though. The really tricky stuff you can usually only learn through OJT. I started learning Unix on SunOS 4.2 and Solaris 2.5. All that I had learned there helped me with Linux. I think the big things to learn now is how to make Linux work as a file server with Windows machines so knowing how to setup Samba is probably real important. Setting up shared accounts on Domains is probably another big thing to know. I am a programmer so I really don't know what is super big in Linux IT, but I have worked on systems that use Linux/Unix and these are the things I see the admins doing. Good luck with the new carreer!
I stop by every so often. Nice to see the site is still here. I would have to say that Gobalopper and this site is one of the main reasons that I really got into forum discussions in the first place so I hope this site stays online for a really long time. As we say in The Village "Be seeing you!"
Unless you are in the market for a brand new computer or have really new hardware there is no real reason to upgrade to Vista yet. Actually it is really best to wait a year or 2 to let MS work all the bugs out of their latest OS.
Well done Acriku-! Well done indeed!
I will say in all the CS classes I took in college I never had an assignment like this one and that is why I gave such a simple answer. Based on the little information that was provided by the student my example would meet the 10 nested loops part of the assignment. I guess you could add the 10 Dimensional arrays (I am assuming 2 dimensions) 10 Single arrays, 10 string conversions(toupper, tolower etc..) to my example to handle all the work at once. Really when an instructor is vague like this how can he/she expect anything useful at all. All it sounds like to me is that the instructor wants the student to become familiar with these very basic programming concepts. This is one area where the student really should make sure he understands what the instructor is trying to teach and not look for examples online. You can't be a good programmer without learning how to solve problems yourself. Sure everyone looks at examples for new concepts, but the programmer needs to able to apply this information to the specific task at hand.
Sounds like a lame programming assignment to me. this is what I would submit: while(1) { print("lame 1"); while(2) { print("lame2"); exit(); } } while(2) { print("lame 2"); while(3) { print("lame3"); exit(); } } while(3) { print("lame 3"); while(4) { print("lame4"); exit(); } } while(4) { print("lame 4"); while(5) { print("lame 5"); exit(); } } while(5) { print("lame 5"); while(5) { print("lame 6"); exit(); } } etc..... Is this assignment that hard really? Maybe you should find another course of study?
The basic strategy to use against an opponent who has more reach than you is to force in-fighting (close distance). If you can get in close without being hit you will then have the advantage because your opponent will not be able to hit you as accurately as you can in close with your shorter arm. The key to closing distance is to take control of your opponents blade as you advance or simply close distance very quickly (change tempo).
At my club we always teach extend then lunge. The master at my club is a firm believer in this. In Epee it is important to have the arm fully extended before and after the lunge to keep your arm and wrist covered while attacking. The tempo can be altered as well. Extend the arm in a fluid motion, then an explosive lunge which makes the move appear to be done as a one motion. We drill a lot with changing the tempo while practicing lunging. It helps a lot during bouting.
Debussy - Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun A wonderful piece of music. For the uninitiated read about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prelude_to_the_Afternoon_of_a_Faun
Another interesting aspect of this topic is that it must have come before Nyarlathotep was given the official tech support board of Dune2k that we all now take for granted. I know that this site is mainly focused on Dune2K, but I for one was drawn here by Nyar and his game tech support thread from the official Emperor Battle for Dune forum. If I remember correctly Gob was a moderator at the EBFD official forum prior to starting this forum?
I forgot to mention that we do not use real blades when blind folded. We have some foam cutlass's that our coach made so it is very safe and we have a ref as well as guides if they get too far off course.
I am glad you enjoyed your first lesson. I find lessons can sometimes be more challenging than competing. During a lesson the instructor is forcing you to concentrate on a specific series of actions which is not what you do in a real bout. Lessons help you improve and they are vital to becoming a good fencer so it is good you enjoyed it. I prefer to bout over lessons, but I still appreciate the lessons I receive. It's funny you bring up the blind fold. Every christmas my club has a series of crazy fencing games. One of the games is to blind fold both fencers and see which fencer can hit first. It's really funny to watch.
Thanks. I don't have that many gold medals. I have 2 gold and 1 silver from the last year. Before that I was not competing as much as I have been now. Out of the 18 years since I started fencing, back in 1988, I took a 8 year hiatus starting in 1996 and just recently got back into it in 2004. So I am not as experienced as you may think. Though it was relatively easy for me to get back up and running since all my footwork was still pretty solid. I never fenced your head coach though what I have read about him he appears to have done a lot to promote the sport. Good luck with your first lesson from the master! Lessons are great for perfecting your form and working on strategies. At my club you can't even get a lesson from the Fencing master until you have been formally reviewed for form on several basic/intermediate fencing moves as well as a formal written exam.
The competition went very well today. It was a Mixed 3 weapon team event. A 3 weapon team consists of 3 fencers one in each weapon. Mixed simply means the team can be composed of men and women. My club fielded one team and hosted the event. There were 4 other teams, 2 from 2 different clubs. University of Maryland (UM) had an A and B team and Tri Weapons Club (TWC) had an A and B team. My team had a 3-1 record and the UM A team had a 3-1 record so we were tied for first place. We fenced off for first place and beat the UM A team 15-14. It was a good competition. Lots of good fencers, some highly rated (there was a B rated epee fencer on the UM A team). During the epee portion I did very well winning almost all my bouts which was critical in 2 of the rounds. I had some trouble with the B rated epee fencer, but I was able to limit the amount of points he could score against me and I got in a few well placed hits (one right in the middle of his chest after a parry riposte). So I am very pleased with the outcome. I have another gold medal to put on display.
Sure I can do that. I actually know a fencer who can fence equally well left or right handed. I find it difficult fencing lefties myself.