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Everything posted by raven3563

  1. Thanks for the help.
  2. Ok, I'll give it try.
  3. I forgot how to take screen shots. Can someone please tell me how to?
  4. Thanks for the help. :) The turned out to be easier than I thought.
  5. I have not installed any mods.
  6. yes that is what happens.
  7. What are some good strategies on Worm Mission when you are the Ordos allied with the sardukar and fremen?
  8. I sometimes get stuck with different houses even though I never selected them. It seems like the computer selects my house and subhouses at random.
  9. I selected my house as Atriedes and subhouses as fremen and sardukar in the options menu. When I go to play on QM my main house and subhouses are always switched around. >:( Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?
  10. Look around for infiltrators, on some maps you can find them lying around.
  11. I think infiltrators work good against a computer too, but they require to much micro managing to be used affectively against a human opponent.
  12. yeah the harkonen retreated only several minutes after i started the mission too.
  13. if you use the tilexu you only can build three or four vats before your units start getting lost in the slow animation of the vat.
  14. I selected Atriedes w/ fremen & sards as my preference, but when I play QM this sometimes gets mixed around and I end up with the hark or ordos, or sometimes with ohter subhouses. Is this what QM does, just randomly selects your house and subhouses?
  15. i've tried building infantry right away but that doesn't seem to work well.
  16. i need some strategies as the atreides to stop the early rush from hark players with buzz saws and troopers.
  17. thanks for the advice :)
  18. alright, i was the atredies with fremen and sards. my opponent had destroyed many of my harvesters and was blocking me in with kobras, elite sards, laser tanks, dust scouts, etc. i need a good strategy to break this blockade or prevent it.
  19. atredies can only stick infantry back in, not vechiles or planes.
  20. Was playing the 4th atredies mission once and i sent some troopers and infantry through the pass at the bottom of the map. When my infantry reached the fremen the harks rushed in a way i haven't seen happen on that mission, and killed my infantry and fremen. I know why this happened, but I was just curious if this has happened to anybody else?
  21. that is a pretty cool idea :)
  22. After the failure of Emperor I wonder if Dune Generations will fare any better? :-/
  23. I'd pick the contaminator as the worst cauz they build slow, their only good against infantry, and they have to move right up next to infantry to kill them.
  24. fremen cauz their stealth allows them to sneak up on the enemy.
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