Is that illegal where you live ? ;D Next time when you see him, tell him not to pick up the soap . ... Anyway, hope he get's out soon. :) lmao well i think everyone knos not to pick up the soap or drop it for that matter. u kno i never want to go to jail,it must suck u dont have the right do what u want to do ( even tho my mom stops mine) :(
jacob that song is so old explore new paths sure oldies r good but nah and gunseng or watever R N B hahah i laugh at that shit and hoes dont sing they show how high their voices can go not singing
yes but tha "after life" is split up in four places u got tha celestial kingdom(tha best), terrestial kingdom, telestial and outter darkness which is hell and tha way to get to outter darkness is to see a vision of a angel and still not belive in chirst. actully read tha whole thing then u would know of it(i got taught this at church)but i still hate it coz i go every week
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