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Everything posted by Duke_Alex_Atreides

  1. yes i agree the harkonnen didi fight better than in the mini, but another thing bugged me, the characters didn't look as they were descired in the book, heh
  2. for the first time this weekend i watched the new dune mini and it sucked, 'cause it doesn't follow the book at all, for instance in the book chani asked paul, "tell me of the waters of thy birthworld, Usul" and in the mini she askes "tell me of the waters of thy birthworldm Muad'Dib", your views please.
  3. Is it possible that it could be Chapter House? 'cause nobody really knows where that is
  4. I would just like to know out of curiosity what happened to Arrakeen, any views?
  5. I don't care if Leto II had children, all people have fantasies you know, so if i decide to have a little imagination sometime, it has absolutley nothing to do with you Jacob, Alright!, I dont comment on you, so dont comment on me, and for your information I've read all 9 novels at least 5 times so i KNOW whats going alright!
  6. they gave my planet to hasimir fenring before arrakeen and before my birth, my great grand father LetoII said that later his father gave caladan to earl halleck
  7. all true the praecher is paul, the mask is fake leto becomes a worm etc etc.
  8. Caladan, case of its nice seas and rivers and stuff
  9. Atreides sniper of course
  10. House Atreides, they will always be the only house i pledge allegiance to
  11. thanx alot ill give it a try
  12. Someone who would stop that for me of course
  13. House Atreides will always be the best House in the universe, they are kind, loyal, honest, but they can also be very ruthless when they want to be look at the kanly between Harkonnen and Atreides, everone expected Harkonnen to win because they thought us Atreides weak, our legions took out two legions of sardaukar on IX, Duncan Idaho slew 19 sardaukar before he fell in that passage at arrakeen, just look around you almost everyone swears allegiance to Atreides Why, I ask you?
  14. i am just tryin gto trace back 4 royal houses back in time but i'm not getting far, but her's what i got, feel free to add or change whatever you want House Atreides ? | | | | Milkos Atreides | | | Kean Atreides | | | Paulus Atreides---- Helena Richese | | | Kailea Vernius----Leto AtreidesI----- Jessica | | | | Victor | (deceased) | | Irulan Corrino-----Paul Atreides-----Chani (Muad'Dib) | | | LetoII & Ghanima Atreides---Farad'n
  15. i know i may sound dumb but its a question i have to ask, can any of you shed light on this
  16. fremen will always be the best if under the governing of the Atreides
  17. Duke_Alex_Atreides


    True The Atreides have always been allies with house vernius, the only reason why duke paulus didn't help dominic is because he feared repraisels from the lands raad
  18. Where the atreides take on the ordos and harkonnen
  19. Yes she is, LONG LIVE FED2K Atreides Out
  20. thanks for all of your understanding i promise it wont happen again
  21. My house Is Atreides forever
  22. I'm sorry for all the trouble i caused, and if you wish to kick me out, i will fully except that, once again i'm very sorry for the trouble i caused
  23. i agree dune2k forever
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