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  • Location
    Toronto,Ontario,Canada,Earth,Milkyway Galaxy
  1. This is musically related A dune song called Sandrider by star one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXwVvMPg9WY
  2. I cant vote yet, but I know my parents and grand parents are voting NDP; personaly I would also vote for NDP. I've met jack layton before, I waved to him on my way to school a few years back, he seems like a good leader, plus im more lefy wing anyway.
  3. why thank you, i have hamachi, so ill i do is install the protocal and make a room on hamachi?
  4. anyone with steam can add me at: steven_15 I have Half-Life 2 deathmatch.
  5. at least tell me how to play on Lan using direct IP adress
  6. Blue oyster Cult - Don't fear the repear :P
  7. HI, I need help in connecting with the online serve, ive heard its down so how do you play dune online
  8. its a good game though ive never played it I have played the developers other games(Dragon Age: Origions) and from what i experianced in that game, Masseffect2 is awesome!
  9. Im gonna play this tonight! :D
  10. hey, where could i download the game?
  11. he knew about the 2 towers boming before it happend, and used that exuce to attack Iraq for the oil! he should be HANGED!
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