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Everything posted by Duke_Atreides

  1. The actual president of Syria,Asad, is the son of HAffez Al-Asad...you see, never changed. His info came from those links?....hehehehe poor sod. Someone should go medieval on his ass.
  2. With some hebrew touches.
  3. Nothing about Tiberium or Scrin, the other pic has the same phrase. I should replay Renegade... Is that map located in the Midle-East? I think that is some Genesis verse, can
  4. It says IHWH (iud-he-vav-he) commonly misnamed as Jehova, that is why i wrote
  5. I know hebrew and there is written: Abel, He-bet-lamed. And the text above says something like: God chooses Abel better than his brother.
  6. because those things weren
  7. No,blue griffin is Harkonnen crest.
  8. No, because Atreides means *Sons of Atreus*, and unless Atreus
  9. Wrong, MEnelaus was the first Atreides, he was the elder brother ;)
  10. Menealaus was also an Atreus
  11. I
  12. If I Remember Correctly. Yeah, it
  13. That is answered in God Emperor of Dune (can remember the page), when someone (Moneo,Siona or Duncan) ask to Leto II why he didn
  14. You have a point here, she must have sex first.
  15. EEHHhh??? What?? you can
  16. It could be great if you write *SPOILER* before your comments
  17. it seems that the Enemy of many faces will be the Cymeks or something.... Like the Enemy of the new Trilogy will be the enemy in Dune 7... :( I expected more, like some ALien race or the Ultimate Face Dancer. not just flying/walking jars.
  18. I just want to know when they will begin to mess with Time-Travel, and many Kwisatz-HAderach.
  19. To be fair is MentatS ;)
  20. Ohhh! Touchy ;)
  21. I think that any of F.Herbert
  22. Good...A new game for Navaros to complain.
  23. Yay! I
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