Mocks are the previous years final examinations which we have to take in January to give us a rough estimation of what out results will be in the final examinations in June. The system might work, but it sucks none the less. I wish they could just postpone christmas until after the mocks, other wise it's revision in a one horse open sleigh for me...
Yo, got a little problem. In the storyline, the first time you see Gravemind, he is on Halo 2, right? He then teleports the Chief to the mauseleum, in the big covanent mushroom ship, right? (How does he do that neway??) As I recall, the ship never lands on Halo 2, so how does Gravemind get to the ship in the last movie? What gigantic revelation have i missed??
Are we all talking about Canada and the US as countries or the individual people in those countries. It's tight to say that evreyone in Canada ot the US is charitable/bush haters/or whatever else you want to say.
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