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Everything posted by Antagonist
[hide] I ment his facial features. But this is probably just my fantasy though, still it struck me that the crafts smuggler origins were mentioned at least twice. [/hide] Smugglers hadn't been mentioned for a while.
Thanks Andrew. [hide]Near the end of Chapterhouse there are a lot of references to the smugglers craft. The Bene Geserit recognizes it and judges its interior, so do the Honoured Matres. Now this is a very long shot but Gurney Halleck has always been known for his relations to smugglers, and it is probable that the capsule in Scytale's chest also holds the cells from Gurney, and considering all the Duncan Idaho experiments I think that the Tleilaxu have also grown Gurney gholas. The Cyborg's features were never revealed either, kinda suspicious. [/hide]
My favourite metal band : The Kovenant has made a cd with a lot of Dune influences. Some tracks are completely dedicated to Dune, I will list one with the lyrics. This track is called the sulphur feast from the cd Nexus Polaris Thirsting, waiting... I drank a sulphur feast. Then, silently... In an instant. Your flesh become me and I was forlorn. My grave rose to the west... For centuries long forgotten, Relentless as the hungry gates of dawn. And there, amidst the rubble... Of stones and earthly flesh, I laughed and served a sulphur feast. And still it haunts me... Drunk, with power... I striked at the sun, Engulfed, fiery instant Gobbling, gobbling... I devoured the stars, My universe torn asunder. Then, as dusk unraveled The brittle of my bones, A shredded mold of obelisks grotesque. I stive beneath the essence... Derived from mortal men, Caught between two parallels of death. Thirsting, waiting, I sailed a sulphur sea, Of putrid furious flesh - a parody of feasting fools... Where prophets and madmen walk hand in hand. Bringer of the sixth sun from the same cd is also dedicated to Dune.
Just finished chapterhouse half an hour ago for the first time. [hide]Near the end they send out the smugglers spacecraft and the pilot is a cyborg, the Reverend Mothers were amazed but upon inspection the honoured matres appeared not to be. It is a long shot though, in first instance I would go for the Face Dancer Prodigies.[/hide]
I just finished Chapterhouse, ending my exploration of the Duniverse by Frank Herbert. The series has had my attention for the past 9 months or so, and I have totally immersed myself into these great novels. Insisting upon reading Franks original words by dismissing the translations and going for the difficult original English text. When I was nearing the end, around 50 pages I realised that I was reading the last pages of the Dune epic, and that Frank isn't around to write any new novels. :-X When I read his finale note about his wife's unfortunate death I started crying. I have never had such a reaction to any type of literature but this really made an impression upon me. I am not a sentimental person, but I feel very emotional now, I realise that I have learnt a lot from these novels, not only language wise but also about speculative science fiction. These were the best books I have ever read. :'(
Okay I hardly ever remember a joke, but this one is just bad. I probably only remembered it because of that. What is the difference between a truck loaded with bowling balls, and a truck loaded with black babies. You can't unload the bowling balls with a pitchfork. :-X What do you get when you mix a mexican with a black. A thief that is too lazy to steal.
On second glance the pictures look very informal, looks more like a dress up party. ;D
Interesting pictures. So what is is your rank and position in the army ? Also what 'weapon' are you in (infantry, cavalry, logistics, medics , comm) In my army :) a 2 star luitenant would not have his picture taken while wearing his hat getto style, then again you seem to be having a good time with the ladies. I am a private third class (basic training) and I signed up for a sergeant function at the communications department. OT: Indeed a coincidence that a lot of Dune readers have an interest in the military.
Here is a pic of me. It is a picture from the end exercise of my basic military training, I am the third from the left with the phone in hand. btw: I am not cross eyed :P I was just staring towards the sun 8) [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
The console isn't much of a problem. All they can do their is exploit some textures and make smoke textures a bit less irritating, it is not gonna cause aimbots or anything. Once VAC2 (Valve Anti Cheating 2.0) gets released they should ban the serial AND IP of anyong caught cheating, also maybe they should consider some sort of age verification because most of the 12 year olds or younger are 1337 h4x0rz .
lame sarcasm...
??? what do you mean exactly ?
Well it sure as hell isn't france ;D Yea Holland, right now I am not yet in active duty. I am in training right now, I hope to become a communications specialist. ::) Still will have to wait till I hear what my position will be.
The Ultimate Old School Pimpage - My P3
Antagonist replied to GhostHunter's topic in Technical Issues, News, & Reviews
I have a some p3's laying aorund somewhere. Had one with 512 aswell and clocked it 1t 800 mhz, ran Windows XP and BPFTP like a charm. Old Skool computing is neat, but my ultimate Old School Pimpage is my Macintosh SE from 1986, operating system still unopened in box ;D -
::) Ain't no sardaukar yet but I have to start somewhere.
It was a very shitty game, males fighting against females. ;D I just wanted to see how bad it was. ;D
I hate it when people pity themselves, you should love and cherish yourself. A lot of youngsters get into a depression because they aren
Prime minister Balkenende of the West european Alliance sends you a message: Drugs are bad mkay, stop poisoning our youth. We demand the immediate destruction of all the drug manufacture facilities, the apprehension and deportation of all the drug barons and that you declare your loyalty to the Dutch republic. This is your first and final warning, if you do not stop the drug trafficking we will be forced to take action and send out an expeditionary force. You have been warned...
Not meant to be offensive, but I think suicide is for losers. It is a quick and easy way out of a potentially joyfull life, that can be a burden sometimes. Of course I can imagine that some people consider suicide an option, whould I by any chance be convinced that suicide will be my only option (having a week to live due to some sort of fatal disease for example) then I would wrecklessly live out the remaining days and make a change in the world. Like kill some dictator/child mollester and make a change. Whatever the outcome you will be dead soon anyhow but you would have done something to be remembered by. Consider the fremen view on suicide, perhaps the old crippled people would willingly suicide for the good of the tribe and for the preservation of their water.
Might aswell drop a line here. ;D I am not very tall, about 5'6 or so, weight is 65 kg. Build is muscular :) no facial hair, a shaven head and a short mohawk. I consider myself a healthy person, I work out A LOT and I don't smoke or anything.(just the occasional beers) That's about me :)
What does Dune need to make itself popular again?
Antagonist replied to Dunenewt's topic in Duniverse
I am afraid there can be no movie that can do the original series justice. The book is written in a way that it requires a lot of consideration and understanding to get every detail out of it, if they would have to make a movie about this it would be way, and way too long. Also most people wouldn't understand it. Also the general oppinion is that SciFi is for geeks, people rather see see soap opera's and adrenalin packed action movies then a movie that goes in depth on the subject of statecraft. Dune isn't for everyone, and it shouldn't be made in a form to be suitable to the general masses, we already have starwars for that. Just be glad that the dune series are still alive, we still see new releases and even the fan fiction is very amusing. Dune should remain cult and underground, that's how its most appreciated, and thats how it remains true to its roots. -
No offence but can you stop the annoying spelling ? >:( There is no fun in writing comedy if you cant understand what you are saying. Every 12 yr old can type and read 1337 5p34k but after 12 people often realize that its childish and annoying. I read through the first posts, which were quite good but after that I started to get some severe head trauma due to the annoying charactars ??? ??? ??? So, please continue with less of these unreadable phrases and focus a bit more on the jokes. laterz...
No matter, If anathema doesn't care what happens to his country in this dimension, then I will take control. I am now Prime Minister Balkenende, and the first thing I will do is gather my military forces (loyal CDA supporters) and march towards the Hague and invade the parlement. I will publicly behead our monarchy and take control as the new dictator. First up I will invest all our national treasury into our military forces, every fund will be drained apart from healthcare and education (they are empty by policy). ;) And as I build my might I start to forge alliances with neighbours Belgium and Germany. (this is of course pure fiction and is in no way related to my oppinions about our glorious country)
Worst game ever... I have been playing since the Amiga age and I have come across a lot of shitty games. Though I am a big shooter fan there is a lot of crap in that genre. I guess the game ZAR is really really bad, its a shooter made entirely out of sprites. :-X Gender Wars (rts) sucked balls too.