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there is some problem with emperor in atreides mission 7. it does have ai but make rare trooper or light infantry to attack me 9when i put emp base on map) that harvester thingy there was one thing about one of ordos modified missions that ai was making MCV for no apparent reason. gruntlord developped them before t he made dune 2000 portable.
for now they can be created from new one but not more than 9 for now. maybe in future we can have more than 9missions
you may find many PSP PSX emulators but their functionality is very poor
gruntlord , take glitched unit with carryal to repair pad. it goes onto .. about starport reinforcements what you want achieve , reinforcements in first mission? crazy
there are some weapons that were never used in game. so it could be converted to medic. i know that it can be done as i was VERY CLOSE. i could convert weapon so it was doing no damage.. but its hard to find right value to make positive damage (increase hp)
did he use ati radeon card?
you need create new sound files and linking in data files
so why airstrike , remen and saboteur can be created low on power?
some DLL files are missing? try compatability with windows xp. try install it again and then place tilesets to directory tilesets then run, select dune2000 dir and create map. if its still crashing. then something is done wrong way.. i had to copy one of msvbwm dll files into system32 as after installing i was unable to run it i have windows vista ultimate 32bit
anyone can check all dune2k sounds? and check heal sound if it exssist in dune2000 we dont need more.. healer shall be no problem to do. we need change warhead data
any progress for campagin missions?
i know that right now we cannot do it. is there any way to open or rip apart bin files? we need to know structure of that files
i know how to make weapon that do no damage add +1 to weapon example to bullet14 if you make +200 then it make instant kill same as -1 there must be somethiing done to warheads to make it works so then we MAY HAVE medic because always there is 1 and 0 . we just need find value that instead of taking away start adding HP points to damaged unit/bulding tw . if you add spiecexpl weapon in tibed to unit it can generate spice on mapp. if it get used on rocks game crash. dune2000 can be modified in many ways. we are not experienced eoungh to make new units/buldings etc. bon this website i have found many screenshots with units that appear in red alerrt 1 .. that pickup truck..im not sure if was photoshopped or fake, i belive that someone CAN modify game eoungh to achieve that. - as far as i know to add new unit you need implement its data to data.r8 and data.r16 also to bin files and into dune2000.dat in tibed you can just create entry for new unit, but you need data for that unit to be created and implemented.
evrytime you die you need know what time elapsedd ebfore first strike and another. this helps a bit to workout strategy. important is to annihilate sonic tanks and missile tanks , quads good for siegetanks for missile tanks light infantry to kill sonic missile tanks. dont put bulding near each other unless you have rocket turrets near
3 factories eacht ype get speedup , it works. tested and evryone know. but you need good spiceflow to keep fast production
if you give -1 at missile tank for weapon damage it make instant kill .
how i do that mission? 1. kill units around base 2. capture construction yard 3. build barracks and make 1 engineer 4 capture wind trap 5 build two refinery 6. build another wind trap 7 build heavy factory and 3 harvesters 8 build outpost 9 another wind trap or two 10 light factory 11 another refinery now start making tanks and quads A. build 6 quads, move then on top left corner , there is atreides base, destroy refinery and leave it B. produce 5 troopers to destroy rocket turret on bottomside passage. C. capture ruined atreides base , bring ix research center D make sonic tanks, and quads with missile tanks around E. manage to get 3 high tech factory <atreides version> upgrade them and hold airtrike F. build 40 troopers and take them with escort to second base , ther is alot of turrets. troopers can destroy them. tanks needed to kill trikes and siege tanks take you army into atreides base, and start mass destruction, destroy first high tech factory, then refineries and construction yard.. after some time bring enginers to capture them all. important is to learn to survive attack forces that go agaist your base
copy tilesets from install folder there is named zip file d2ktiles , extract them to tilesets in shai hulud directory.. then run shai huluud with administrator rights - then it will work
i am trying to find facts.... if its not choam so then what is light brown color atreides? mis file allow 8 houses bu you can get to work with 7. did not you see a problem? i dont want to be i credits of any program either.. im not helping deelop them ... some things were found just while finding other things and have been forgotten.. i just want them to be researched and see result. you evade question for modyfing skirmish stuff. you say its impossible or equal... i know that skirmish mis file is different structure than campagin - that true... but there must be something that prevent execute events and conditions. - question what is it.. what just want to try say? create multiplayer missions... and dontt say its impossible , for now it may be just difficult.
theres something more, im not sure what command is used but i was random editing and after launch i got multiplayer window seelct for online or practice
gruntlord , go and edit sandworm stats and then talk. IF IT WAS NOT SANDWORM unit type.. NOT SANDWORM but similar to it.. then it would move on rocks. it has weapon like trike. it must be HMG or something.. its not infantry and not sandworm but it does share function... its useless unit? not sure, if we find out how to change its weapon , it can become dangerous i have found why is that if you set trike weapon as anti aircraft, it shoot carryal but no damage.. so try bring carryal at place of strange unit. gruntlord did you try my level? for harkonnen 4? there is choam house added on top right bottom right. i just copied ai from other mission and pasted in .. problem is that map editor dont support all houses so i have to change another house owner to that choam. so i cannot make FULLY survival mode.. i have finished own version of it and release soon as finish testing gruntlord i have one more pleasure to you... find real sandworm on map, bring your glitched unit and look at radar.. what you see? i see sandworm as white dot, and glitched unit also white dot.
my theory about it is that they wanted to make true sandworm but they encountered some problem maybe like this and they abadon it so they made another one. that started to work properly is there more glitched units? aboout map editor, there are concrete slabs that can be placed on map or spice textures but they are unaccessable (cant go to it_ and these concrete slabs cant build .. interresing too
then why it cant move on rocks and attack buldings? buldings on white sand take no damage too.
if it kills infantry but not tanks. weird. chem spray infantry? if it kills infantry instant .. something must be on going. look at gun turret it cant shoot air targets but ground yes. i will test something more. i placed bulding on sand ill try touch it and see results.. ================ look at radar screen when controlling these units and look at sandworm when its around map - color of dot is same
well. i have checked the gllitched unit.. its not infantry its sandworm. it move slow and it cause damage to terrain, it can move only on white sand cant go to rocks. it has no weapon thou that why it cant damage enemy unit or weapon has no damage effect. gruntlord , can you get to work with tibed. , edit sandworm speed too speed of harvester or faster and then use glitched unit/sandworm. if it start to move faster , then we know its sandworm. another research for missions and map making.. that house 7 called sandworm is wrong. that is brown atreides it might be CHOAM here are my reearches in missions/maps http://shinano.netii.net/Dune2000/ i have fixed not working smugglers in mission 06v1 and o6v2 added choam house to harkonnen mission 4 enchanced fremen bases and atreides - all tech levels set to 7 except harkonnen + extra reinforcements for all . how long you can stand and deliver? all other missions have been improved (more enemies) some may crash due to mistakes i will be releasin soon atreides test mission that uses test.map as survival mode ========================================================= i have finished production. but still want add one house but all i can do is six ai players in campagin map. the choam house (atreides) would be additional one as mis file allow total 8 players. so why not get use them all insetad of 7.. what i want to say? just to make new mission for survival mode but cannot add next house since map editor has only 6 to select. mis editor allow 7 + me = 8players on map.