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Everything posted by Ninja_Sher

  1. The word for this is 'fanaticism', which is even for good cause does not give a good outcome. ps : I guess too have this type of fanaticism, but in thoery. I want to rip of one's tounge and do 72 hit combo with the Nightwolf's finishing move against those who speak ill of Napoleon Bonapat, but serioulsy though I have never tried it on anyone ( fanaticism takes absolute madness ).
  2. Ninja_Sher

    New game

    plus the fact the general ( I say general stupids ) destroyed the reputation of other C&C games, just look at the movies and cut scenes!
  3. Ninja_Sher

    RA2 (YR)

    Hey you are like me. For me EBFD is the best RTS there is ( along with AOE and tibsun and wc3 ). I guess people do not like EBFD is for the lack of Sea units and RA2 has more superweapons and buildings and it has waypoionts and beacons and more control buttons. But the EBFD environment its subhouse gameplays and the futuristic looking units make me more attracted to it then RA2.
  4. Funny thing is that the confederate in the game use the same flag the csa ( the confederates of america ) had used!!!
  5. slovaks suck :P Checks rule ;) ( in soccer and hockey, they reached semifinals both at Euro Soccer and World Cup of Hockey )
  6. Why, is infildel an arab word? ;) ( It is the birth place of Osama is not it? ). All the people of America or Canada is also not always rich, as a matter of fact the most of the mideasterns have alot of oil money but many of them still seemed to be disturbed!!! ::)
  7. I got a fresh new question : Did Leto III ( Leto II is Paul's 1st son ) knew that he would die by a duncan or did he plan stay alive longer? If he planned to stay longer than for what reason and when would he have 'gone back' to the desert?
  8. what is the web address? ps - I would have bought it but can not find in nearby store so do not mid please. Anyway I ilked it more than ra1.
  9. Boy I love the technique, and still makes me laugh, hahahahahhaaha ooo hoooo ;D :D ;)
  10. So rich asian countries like Japan, China or that infidel Saudi Arabia does not enjoy the quality of life as you do? Boy no wonder you are from Israel, you all are ignorant and believe only what your media has told you to believe!!!
  11. The Israelis caught Mr. Vanunu in a very funny way. They used false passport there too, but that was not the funny part!
  12. Man I played it and really really liked it. And I remorse for not making a copy of it, and still searching for it. KKND was never a C&C clone. Tt had option to research much like AOE. I would say it is mixture of both AOE and C&C. And a good one. The aussies really know how to make a good game!
  13. Dude how can Plaestine have authority if their police has to ask the Isr gov for permission to use the gun?
  14. Funny part is that Raszagal mutated a bit, just her mind been controlled by Kerrigan. Though overmind said it was possible I did not see any Protoss/Zerg hybrid in the game.
  15. Ken could you please give the atreides basic rush strategy?
  16. Hey you have to know exactly where to hit not only what to hit with. As a matter of fact if you can buy their leaders or lawmakers you could probably rule most of the world ... except Japan they are too much honorbound and fanatics to keep their country free.
  17. ah guys do not you think that is too much off topic. IMO Raynor is not tired or done and from the looks of it he has vengeance for his Protoss ( Like Fenix ) and Human friend in his mind.
  18. Hello, the Jews also hated it. Or their Messiah did.
  19. As long as it does not want to be dominant and powerful and have no natural or ... artificial ( not sure what would that be ) resources, I guess. Or not of Strategical value or ...
  20. Or just to satisfy your goal of getting infinitely rich and powerful ... which is for ... well nothing it is just the challenge of getting it.
  21. The Israelis are biggest failure at that. Try to Remember who is it that killed their own PM Itzhak Rabin and for what reason? ps : So it is truly 1.3 Euro given as a donation to help rebuild Palestine infrastructure? That was teasing.
  22. And I thought NOD was an yankee corp he he.
  23. Yea if you support American occupation you are like [insert your words] and when you call for freedom you are an extremist. That would make Americans and us extremists too ( We did battle for freedom under Mckenzie and Papineau ).
  24. Israel is not the only country that lives under fear dude! hahahahaha You are still trying to make me laugh.
  25. As a matter of fact many of us unknowingly live under other's influence. For example Countries where drugs can be found easily and cheap, there the drug lords actually dominate the country. The oil exporter countries are run by oil companies, and etc etc ... but * I can't have satisfaction so I try * and thus they try new things. No one needs to know to tie his shoe to be like Alexander the Great. ps - Mr. Moore beleieves Mr. Bin and Bush working together to acheive a common goal.
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