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  1. Are any of the old timers still around ill probally start playing again.
  2. Hey guys how you been? I know i been away for awhile and this is an older game but it sounds like very few ppl talk other then typing in game? or is there a group that chats on a Vent/TS or phone for group play anyway lemme know id like to get back into the swing WoW has gotten BORING!!!
  3. Its been awhile if anyones still up for some games/
  4. Its been awhile hows everyone doing this is (sendakon) im gonna start playing again are any of the old crew around?
  5. Hey quick question mord what game you going to i hear zilents is on battle for middle earth i just got it and its cool and WoW is awsome gmae so tell me what your playing.
  6. I cant get my xwis to set its ip it jsut stays on the wol ip? anyone have an idea how to get it working i was thinking a dll file might b missing cause my dad ran a registry clean up program on my laptop would that take usefull dll files out that xwis needs to run properlly?? plzz help!!!! Hope i can get this fixed soon i would like to b playing right now.
  7. Man you r not hark god by NO means im your friend but you have earned nothing we need to start playing only elite or / pro games cause it can get very boring there r many very good players coming up but many r not interested in learning i hope they see this thread and ask for help cause everyone needs to learn even the best if you dont think you dont your stupid!!!! any who want tips / help / training / hit me up ill help yaany time!
  8. sendakon


    hey vayne been a long time its good to have you back!! the game has changed since the times we used to play its a chalange now everyone is very skilled which makes for the best EMPEROR play ever in my opinion and i think most would say the same good to see you and have fun =)
  9. old friend great to have you back on EMP you have been missed cant wait to team up with you there is much to learn!!!! off topic why do ppl that dont play EMP post like they r trying to meet a quota am i the only one that finds this hella anoying / my 1st off topic moment lol i think im becoming cyrenius!!!! hehe
  10. Good 2 see ya as well i remember you 2, great 2 have you back there r many ppl playing every day make sure to tell them that you r back they will like to here from you any way ill see you for sure, have fun see you on the EMP btl field.
  11. 1ST OFF spazelords is a guy i have talked to him over teamspeak with cbrick all this is stupid mord should b back on the boards GOB he isnt cyrenius you have put up with more from cyrenius and havent kicked him you could at least give mord more then a few chances. Also most of you guys posting dont even play EMPEROR anymore so you dont know shit about what goes on in the hosted game rooms or what we talk about latelly it seems to be about about gay stuff cause spazelord and a few others have there own new gay clan FISTIN its anoying none of them r gay in real life there just trying to confuse ppl or at least thats how it was at 1st anyways i dont post much all i have to say is mord shouldnt get banned!!!!!!
  12. yooooo gza good too seee ya come play some games alot of old peeps r on
  13. yoooo zilly is hw2 as good as EMP or is it just a new thing to play just wonder you need to come play emp much you never learned many new tricks better then hw2 good to see you post and r alive buddy senda
  14. i think i have xwisc version maybe its newer i think essentials does not have it maybe try that its in dif thread 2nd page
  15. well i think that we need clouds in stead of fog of war so that clouds go by and thats the fog, better graphics of course and trees for some maps, units that r much more usefull cause guild r not a house we can use cause it means fast death to those that dont know how to use them also telax INF need to be changed so they r usefull same as guild makers possibly helicopters maybe invisible planes like generals stealth bombers, i think if we looked into the books we could find great ideas for a new game in 1 of the books the is a character called the elite sword master of gahinz something like that could b a unit like generals has jarmen kel, black lotus , and burton anyway im sure other ppl have some good ideas also just a few of the top of my head. But definatally not GENERALS just take ideas from GEN.
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