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Everything posted by Hawat

  1. You can alter settings, like starting credits, max. units, starting units etc. in one of the dune data files. So 300 raiders aren't impossible. (Ok, i never tried it myself)
  2. oh yeah, the fallout endings were really good. That's an idea that hasn't been exploited too much, i think. An ending that depends on how you acted throughout the game, not just "multiple endings." btw, i finished Fallout 2 three to four times and i always got the "genocide" predicate, because i wasn't able to save the intelligent deathclaws, though i did all the tasks in Vault 13. Anyone knows how to prevent this?
  3. Whatever the really practised - they were successfully with it. To take out a machine requires very high skill. There were surely a reason why the later ginaz swordmasters were the most fearsome fighters in the duniverse. (Yeah apart from sardaukar, though i think sardaukar were pure killing machines while the swordmasters were thougt in many disciplines - leadership, diplomacy etc.) But there is an interesting point, which also points out a major flaw in KJA's and Brian Herbert's depiction of Gurney Halleck's early years: Duncan Idaho says in "Children of Dune" that, despite his swordmastership, Gurney Halleck still beat him in seven of ten fights. I guess Halleck was something like a born fighter, with the instincts to balance his lacking instruction. Remember that fight with the water thief in Children of Dune (i forgot his name)? That clearly showed what a fine warrior Halleck really was.
  4. *sigh* i would i've had the time to learn that properly. The aborted kungfu (precisely: chi-sim-vim-chung) study was enough.
  5. I would expect nothing less from a very strict catholic ;) But i never understood why he neglected the allusions, though there are many obvious. The whole theme about "the one ring" e.g. seems to be similar to the "Nibelungen" Saga, were a ring also plays an important role.
  6. Even worse was the "Bible Code". The author claimed that through this code he foresaw events like the kennedy assassination or the murdering of rabin. (Or to put it more precisely: He discovered that the assassinations are planned but the point in time or the assassin's name were detected later. AFTER the incidents)
  7. The way you express it,it somehows reminds of the fall of mankind in the bible. Tolkien draws allusions from many popular "epics".
  8. I guessed it would be an eastern art, because eastern martial arts mainly teach to counter strength by being fluid like water (in a metaphorical way ;) ) and use the enemies momentum against him. Another principle is that your weapons are extensions of your hands. I think both principles are extremely helpful to fight something that is far superior in strength. (a machine for example). Im not very knowledgeable about western fighting styles, but i never heard about these principles thought in western art.
  9. Or the kids are adopted
  10. Hawat

    GTA: San Andreas

    Sounds promising. I still want a protagonist from a real crime syndicate, not some mobster from the hood. Well, you never get what you want.
  11. The kiddies will wonder why their father is a whitey.
  12. The "you" in Edrics post made me just a little bit nervous. In the meantime i found some reviews of his book. Two of three authors characterised the book as a "fairy tale" that draws false conclusions from correct observations. Strange, why this book gained such a popularity in the netherlands.
  13. Hawat

    GTA: San Andreas

    What a tragedy. No Tommy Vercetti
  14. That's not what i said. That Kungfu part in my last post refers to the ginaz mercenaries and not to ninjas.
  15. Btw, i hope you aren't adressing me, this isn't my theory and not in any way sympathising with it.
  16. Carotta don't want to say that Jesus and Julius Caesar are the same person. He merely claims that the gospel is just a copy of caesar's story.
  17. Don't get me wrong now, i don't want to defend this guy, but the first text i gave you is just a short description of the book's content, which is
  18. Hawat

    Thief III

    btw. Here are some links that could comfort you facing such a disgrace like Deadly Shadows Fan-made missions www.thief-thecircle.com UT mods http://www.night-blade.com/ http://www.thieveryut.com/ SP Campaigns based on the Dark Engine (Thief II) http://www.ttlg.com/cosas http://www.ttlg.com/fmp
  19. Something i stumbled upon as i recently read a science mag. "Is Jesus Divus Julius? Caius Julius Caesar, son of Venus, and founder of the Roman Empire was elevated to the status of Imperial god, Divus Julius, after his tragic exit. His cult disappeared as Christianity surfaced. Jesus Christ, son of God and the founder of Christianity, appears with his cult in the second century. No historian ever mentioned him before that time and to this day his existence is doubted. A historical figure without a cult, a cult without historical figure: a conspicuous complementary asymmetry. Is Jesus the historically maintained figure of Divus Julius? Are the gospels built on the life of Caesar, just as the first Christian churches were built on the foundations of antique temples? Corruptions in the copying of texts, misinterpretations in translating and the transformation of iconography have been traced to their beginnings and made evident: The Gospel proves to be the history of Roman civil war, a
  20. ...a saber throw is also sufficient. Don't know what needs more mana, life drain or the throw Light-sided heros always had the boring powers. Since Jedi Knight. Can't they come up with something new and creative for the Jedi?
  21. If you want to express yourself more respectable you would say "eine Pr
  22. it's "eine Pr
  23. Great Story. Interesting approach on the "christians and violence" theme
  24. Hawat

    Thief III

    P4 2,8 Ghz, nvidia Geforce Fx and 512 ram. (Remember it's a laptop). I wanted to say that if you have the possibility to rent or to borrow it, then do that first.
  25. Ninjas were never trained to face strong enemies in direct combat. As trained assassins they would rely on a quick direct kill from behind. (Just my assumptions plus some infos from a martial arts trainer i know) My bet would be an eastern kung fu style (i don't refer to that kungfu from the movies, kungfu normally is used
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