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Everything posted by King-Mega

  1. King-Mega


    Sorry I didn't see the coming and going topic. Flameweaver I do not like threats and will not tolerate them. Do not threaten me. >:(
  2. King-Mega


    This is of course a general welcome to the dune2k community.
  3. <<Tut tut tut king, you can also be banned you know :P>>
  4. <<Tut tut tut king, you can also be banned you know :P>>
  5. Ghost Hunter you may as well take a acid bath ( preferably Aqua regia a mixture of nitric acid with hydrochloric acid in a ratio of 3:1 capable of dissolving gold, and platinum ). Also I am very smart and do not doubt it. ;)
  6. Hello Gobalopper, You have met your match. Also the jip is up you think you fool everyone by making member # 3 ( so called bumbler ) well it is actually you too. Hope no hard feelings but I am too smart for you. ;)
  7. <<Tut tut tut king, you can also be banned you know :P>>
  8. Yea www.winzip.com ( for the product winzip is your best option ). I also see we have a few South American members of dune2k.com
  9. Hey just use Microsoft Web Page ( I can't remember what it's called exactly). :)
  10. It's true I never saw the Ordos ending but in Dune 2000 I have seen all the Final movies and they are quite breathtaking. :)
  11. <<Tut tut tut king, you can also be banned you know :P>>
  12. Boba Fett you are not a strategist. This Strategy is likely to put you under attack and your base. Also 5-6 quads will only be able to take out 1 in a time period. Sheesh I wonder what kind of a strategist are you. :D
  13. Edric O we meet again. " There is a 42 % chance you are a Harkonnen terrorist, There is a 16 % chance you are a atreides spy ::), We will accept those Odds my name is Edric O mentat to the house Ordos.". Taken from Dune 2000 Ordos Level 1.
  14. <<Tut tut tut king, you can also be banned you know :P>>
  15. Hello, Just a few days ago I tried to register for WOL and is says could not find WOL it said " it may be down for maintenance ". Why is it gigving me this error when I was connected to the internet. ???
  16. It's not disgusting. He's just showing his hatred ( others too from dune2k.com ) against you. 8)
  17. This game is good a rating of 7.5/10 .I like it.
  18. Nav is the King of Newbies. 8)
  19. Earth Nuker, I think I may be able to provide you some screen shots. 8)
  20. First of all facts are facts. Maybe 4.5 billion years ago a giant ape was create an as the world turned old so i the ape and grew into a hairy ball. 8)
  21. I'd rather leave a reply here. It gives me the same error with null modem an setup chat screen etc... >:(
  22. Ok I fixed it. It was the Deezire v5.6 add-on that was making the problem. I just tried it out an I am never using the Deezire add-on instead I recomend Red Sun v1.5 it is so amazing even soviets get mIgs in that Mod/Ad-on. 8)
  23. I think Shaddam will rule the Universe if they died. 8)
  24. I agree. 8)
  25. I dl'ed it first to hear all the tracks, it has convinced me that I MUST own this cd Thats the Hiddent Text . My point was for those not Computer Nerds to recognize what he said Or i'll just tell. 8)
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