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  1. i made repack of Emperor: battle for dune which include patch by Tom Mason who restored and patched the game for modern computers in professional manner. this is his web site https://wheybags.com/blog/emperor.html Works fine with HD resolutions on Windows 10, 11 on modern computers. You might get a virus warning, but it is a false alarm. Patch is made by professional programmer and developer, and it is safe. Easy to install simple launcher, no need for CD key, patched to 1.09 Online multiplayer fully restored with direct IP connection, deathmatch and Coop campaigns fully working. Easy to connect, you simply input IP address of the game host into launcher. Direct IP connection, no need for Hamachi or any LAN emulation Settings for multiplayer game speed in options are finally working, you can finally set normal game speed for multiplayer. you dont have to download multiple ISO files and patch, just download one single exe file install then run game with shortcut on desktop and play, all in one installer! also added 16:9 patch by Moro DOWNLOAD more information and online players you can find on our discord server
    2 points
  2. Hi, I just finished my new Sandworm update for Dune II that allows the user to actually train Sandworms from the barracks and order them from the CHOAM. I accomplished this by replacing the Soldier with the Sandworm. I have also updated the controls of the Sandworms so they now have the ability to Hunt. Each Sandworm you train/order will only eat once, so I made the cost very cheap so you can easily train/order more (but the game default Sandworms still eat 3 times). Also your enemies also have Sandworms, and your Sandworms can eat enemy Sandworms as well. FYI, it helps to build your barracks by the sand so that your Sandworms can deploy on their own, but if not, don't worry, they will be picked up by a Carryall. Yes, Sandworms will actually be picked up by a Carryall. Funny right? My update works for Dune II and Super Dune II. The zip file contains an updated version of Dune2.exe, a profile.ini file, and a basic test scenario to make it easy to test the update. I would also appreciate any feedback. If you are interested in my update, you can download the Zip File from the Google Drive Link below, or from the Download button below, or email me at jessemiv@yahoo.com and I can personally email the zip file. Enjoy! Shai Hulud. Zip File to download the update: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KW_nuq7S2C31Adqz9K2D7zL5HFqREiVB/view?usp=drivesdk sandworm-update-video.mp4 Dune2 Sandworm Update V1.zip
    2 points
  3. Its been a long time since the last update to the installer, and the previous version had 274922 downloads of downloads! Thats a lot for such an old game. In order to celebrate the installers success, as well as to address the many community updates that have happened to the game, I have decided to create a new version of the installer that improves upon the previous ones in several ways. Changes include: Added updated Mission Launcher by Feda, allowing players to easily install mods made by the community and play them without menu changes or overwriting base game data Updated the main exe to support changes made by Klofkac that allow a huge amount of new mod features using his latest tool Added new tools from Klofkac to the D2K+ install Added additional installation logs to show what is happening while the installer is running Fixed an issue where the installer would not download the cutscenes Fixed incorrect music playing in Rise of the Mercenaries Mission 1 and 2 Fixed the Mission briefings in the launcher and in game for Rise of the Mercenaries Mission 1 and 2 Fixed issues with some of the base game missions having leftovers from previous versions of high resolution support, they are now the same as the versions included with the original cd Fixed the non functional updater, updates are checked before running the launcher, and a choice is given to run the update or skip it. Improved Launcher, it has been completly rewritten from scratch. Launcher changes include: -No longer requires administrator access to run the game or the launcher -Improved viewing of the updates page -Includes support for custom missions via Feda's Mission Launcher -Code is more optimized and less buggy Improved the installation speed of the game Improved Cutscene installation, now happens without additional user interaction Improved the size of the installer, it is now 116mb smaller then pervious version Removed several files in the install directory that are no longer usedYou can head over to the download page to download the new version of the installer, in the coming weeks I will be working to try and make it even easier to install community content and expand the game's potential. If you have any issues with the new version or ideas for how to improve it, please feel free to let me know.
    2 points
  4. By accident, I found an Easter Egg. Choose Crampton and the DB18-201 steam loco. Or choose Trevithick and the Class 232 loco. Instructions in this video:
    2 points
  5. Railway Empire is a good game but can get expensive if you want all content. There is allegedly an editor of sorts bit only with the steam version as part of the steam workshop but I dont know - Kalypso sell via steam I believe . I got a free version from the epic game store (1 country only) and I bought all the content on offer from Good Old Games as I found the game to be OK. Neither of the games from those sources has any editor so once its done its done. Not bought the 2nd version but might if it ever goes on offer - I've never heard of an editor for that. It is a different game with some similarities so not directly compable to Railroad Tycoon 2. Its years since I played it. The video below may show how it works.
    1 point
  6. I'm so sorry, leechboi. It's been some time since I've visited this forum, so it's many years past when you left this message. I tried downloading the file you mention, and it no longer works for me either. I've done a search in my old drives, and couldn't find it anywhere in there. As such, like the programming for the RRT2 game itself (apparently), it is lost. My apologies for not noticing this earlier, but it's been several years since I've visited this forum.
    1 point
  7. When I signed up here back in 2004, one of the first FED2k people to greet me was Nema Fakei. He had a link in his signature that would lead to his homepage, which, among some other things, had re-arranged MIDI tunes from Cryo's Dune, Dune II, and a few other games. Unfortunately, his page is no longer up, and the Wayback Machine copy has not preserved the downloads. However, I downloaded those tunes back in the day, and recently rediscovered them among my backups, so I'm sharing them with whoever may find them useful. Personally, this is quite nostalgic for me. Nema_Fakei_MIDIs.zip
    1 point
  8. That's over 2 billion, which when expressing thousands would accommodate 2 trillion dollars, both plus and minus. Since RR Tycoon doesn't suffer inflation like the real world does, 2 trillion should be adequate for all cash amounts in the game.
    1 point
  9. With the unofficial patch and the opengl wrapper mod it works fine on Windows 11.
    1 point
  10. Excellent research -- Yes, that answers my question perfectly.
    1 point
  11. The station "receiving the delivery" drops in demand and recovers: one primary station and one secondary station if deliver to primary station -> 5 demand initially Jan 2029 drops to 4 demand one month later Feb 2029 2 demand after 6 pax car delivery in Mar 2029 Recuperates to 4 in Apr 2031 Recuperates to 5 in Dec 2031 if deliver to secondary station -> 4 demand initially Jan 2029 (starts at a lower demand) stays at 4 demand one month later Feb 2029 2 demand after 6 pax car delivery in Mar 2029 Recuperates to 4 in Apr 2031 (I didn't catch the exact month) Recuperates to 5 in Dec 2031 (I didn't catch the exact month) Both stations operate the same as far as I could tell. There was no noticeable difference between demand dropping in the primary and secondary stations. Am I answering your question? caveat: (it's possible if it's covering a city of 7, one station might slightly faster recover because the game might split the houses to be 4 at the primary station and 3 at the secondary, but I don't have motivation to be that precise).
    1 point
  12. Aha... It's that month delay that I never put together. When you delivered pax and the demand went down, did it decline at both stations (eventually), or just the one receiving the delivery?
    1 point
  13. ah, apologies that I haven't responded; we noticed this post but I was busy patching some other stuff ^^ for anyone else having the same issue, I'll elaborate: once upon a time, in order to play missions with mods, players had to copy the mod files into the folders and stuff themselves. it was a huge pain in the butt since you had to back up everything, and then replace later with the original files when you wanted to play different missions Feda's upgrades to the Mission Launcher do this on the back-end, automatically copying mod files under CustomCampaignData where they're needed, when they're needed, and then replacing them with backup files when you're finished with the mission. this is how the mod files from one campaign get into your main data folder in the first place as for why they remain there and why the Mission Launcher doesn't replace them with the backups, that probably has something to do with the read-write permissions of the install directory. I don't really know how it works, but what I do know is that trying different install directories or adjusting the permissions for the directory you install to can remedy this issue I hope that helps anybody encountering the same issue
    1 point
  14. Things understood: Fully delivering from a farm or cattle or other simple producer facility will result in business profits around 10% of the business purchase price. Delivering more loads from a meat packing plant in the previous year (the year you see when hovering profitability) will increase the profits of that year. Delivering about 2 cars worth per year seemed to result in business profits around 10% of the business purchase price, more would be higher. This aligns with Maglev's comment. (on the hardest difficulty) Demand does not matter. I supplied a town bakery (w/ extra supply trains) before supplying grain from my farm (demand was 2). I also did a save and stopped the extra supply trains and then delivered from my farm (demand was 5). Farm profit was 25k each time. I delivered 6 cars that had been stockpiled in both runs. unclear: I was unable to replicate the lumber mill described. I had 50k (25% of business purchase price) average return sending to 0 demand towns using 2 lumber camps as a source even with some congestion. Most likely the OP was not sending enough per year due to high congestion. I don't understand relative profitability. With the relative profitability of 100 for grain farm I expected profits to be considerably better than cattle but it was not. Both were around 10% of business purchase price. untested: Economic cycles affect on businesses.
    1 point
  15. Never mind I found the sprites I wanted 0-4-0_A3.zip
    1 point
  16. I've finally figured out how to convert the bloody .CMP files in the emperor bag files. I'll soon attach all of them in this thread for the SFX. Emperor SFX.rar
    1 point
  17. Great news! I’ve been waiting over twenty years for this:) Well done!
    1 point
  18. Funny this thread should pop up... I've working on extracting everything from the game with a few batch scripts modified from the above Zenhax finds. With help from Watto (of GameExtractor fame) we cracked the .PK2 format of the expansion packs too so we have nearly everything, except for the object shadows which have odd formatting. Nearly done though, will report back when finished - in the meantime, have a search on twitter, I posted a mega folder of most of the vanilla game's sprites there only a few months ago. 🙂
    1 point
  19. I have been playing RT2 on and off for a long time, but only just recently found this site. I hadn't necessarily noticed the errors that remain in the latest official patch, but as an engineer I like things to be correct when possible. Using data from the 'Modding RT2' and 'Historical RT2 Mod' threads, I started a few small projects. And a huge thanks to everyone who contributed on those threads, particularly JeffryFisher and jcco. JeffryFisher created his historically patched exe which corrected the data errors, but also made changes specific for his US History scenario, or for historical accuracy. I could not find anywhere that someone had corrected the errors without additional changes. I therefore created this patch (replacement exe for RT2_PLAT.exe) to fix the errors without further changes. Since it builds on the official 1.56 patch, I called it 1.57ddh, with the ddh suffix to distinguish it from anyone else's 1.57. The version is changed internal to the file as well and the Main Menu properly reports 1.57ddh. Versions added for GoG.com platinum installations (1.57gog) and Gold CD installations (1.57gld). The content of the readme follows: Note: From my recent experience, guests can download from the download area, but cannot download files within forum posts. If you then create an account to question or comment on this, you'll notice that you can download from forum posts once you have an account. RT2_PLAT 1.57ddh.zip for standard CD installations of Railroad Tycoon II - Platinum RT2_PLAT 1.57 GoG.zip for GoG.com installations of Railroad Tycoon II - Platinum RT2_Gold 1.57.zip for standard CD installations of Railroad Tycoon II - Gold
    1 point
  20. Thanks for this patch! Has given me a boost by fixing the milk issue in my 1830 start on heartland expert 9 ai scenario.
    1 point
  21. Have a look here https://zenhax.com/viewtopic.php@t=16907&start=20.html and previous page and here https://hawkdawg.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4373 check eldomtom2 posts on this forum but theres very little there The sprites MAY have been rendered from 3D studio max models.
    1 point
  22. NEW FULLY RESTORED HD VERSION WITH RESTORED MULTIPLAYER: Thanks to programmer and developer Tom Mason - wheybags, who restored and patched the game for modern computers in professional manner. Download: https://wheybags.com/blog/emperor.html Works fine with HD resolutions on Windows 10, 11 on modern computers. You might get a virus warning, but it is a false alarm. Patch is made by professional programmer and developer, and it is safe. Easy to install simple launcher, no need for CD key, patched to 1.09 Online multiplayer fully restored with direct IP connection, deathmatch and Coop campaigns fully working. Easy to connect, you simply input IP address of the game host into launcher. Direct IP connection, no need for Hamachi or any LAN emulation Settings for multiplayer game speed in options are finally working, you can finally set normal game speed for multiplayer. All you need is this launcher and 4 ISO CD images, download 4 ISO CD images: https://www.myabandonware.com/game/emperor-battle-for-dune-bck Discord of Emperor Batte for Dune Community: https://discord.gg/bxNpWbXQvr
    1 point
  23. There are lots of linkts to strategy guides in this thread some of which may still work There is a wayback machine cache of the Blue Baron referenced in the above which is https://web.archive.org/web/20030106031017/http://home.revealed.net/brandonwb/contents.htm I also found the Dick Knisely guide (mentioned in the thread) on an old 3.5" floppy recently and have attached it (it's in word 97 format) RRT2Guid.zip
    1 point
  24. I create a small campaign called "The Legand of General Tao". There are 13 missions and an ending so total 14 missions. Just put all files to "Missions" folder with other missions (like War of the Landsraad and other campaigns ). No other files or mods needed. There might be a random bug in mission 12(The only one big map) . It may or may not happen during playing, so I suggest to save the game every 10 minutes.When you load the saved game the bug may not happen again. Sorry for the inconvenience! LOT.zip
    1 point
  25. Ah thanks! I was able to see the download link once I logged in. Prior to that, the links below the OP didn't show up. And thank you Feda for making such awesome epic Dune campaigns such as the War of Assassins trilogy! I spent many hours, days and years playing them and I love them! It really brings the Dune sci-fi alive! A great addition especially to the recent popular Dune movies.
    1 point
  26. Attached is the full Dune 2000 soundtrack. As we all know, when you extract the audio from the game, it's not very good. Also, since the soundtrack was never officially released we are all kind of screwed. However, Frank Klepacki (the composer of the music) posted it on his website and it is in much better audio quality. So, I downloaded it and repacked it here for everyone. Enjoy! Dune 2000 Soundtrack Best Quality.rar
    1 point
  27. Congratulations! Thank you for updating GruntsMods again! I love the passion of this small but dedicated D2k community and great timing I got my forum account back after being inactive for years! xD Long live GruntsMods!
    1 point
  28. Hi guys. Recently I'm creating a campaign and have one question. If I'm Ordos, and I capture a Harkonnen heavy factory. How can I make it to let it build Harkonnen combat tanks? Thanks! By the way I just finished playing the War of the Landsraad campaign. It was amazing!! How brilliant the creator is! It's fantastic to play D2k in Red Alert terrain :D. And the Harkonnen terrain is it from StarCraft? Amzing job!!! Please accept my salute.
    1 point
  29. They work just fine for me. Didja try to download before making an account, make an account to report the issue, and then not try again? Since the files are linked directly to the forum, an account is required to download them. If you're referring to the second link, you'll find the most up-to-date exe in Klofkac's thread, which Cm linked just after the campaign download link. Klofkac designs the new features and stuff, so his thread is the place to go! Hope that helps.
    1 point
  30. The link to the patch is still there and available on the author's original post at the top of this thread.
    1 point
  31. The real link for it is here: https://github.com/Fedal/Dune2000MissionLauncher/releases
    1 point
  32. I've created a new fork of Dune Dynasty and continued development with v1.6.0 here: https://github.com/gameflorist/dunedynasty New features include: Support for HiDPI displays by adding new scaling factors Added multiplayer Added support for new music packs (the movies as well as Cryo's Dune) More control enhancements, in-game settings and many more fixes and improvements.
    1 point
  33. Turns out that user was part of the spambot fam 😮
    1 point
  34. Last night I got into a bind where my saved game would consistently crash RT2 a few moments after restarting the clock. The save was in mid December. Since there was a motion-freeze before any end-of-year events, I knew that the game was trying to do something complicated with an AI company (such as build track). Since the crash occurred before my events, I figured that the action chosen by the AI caused the crash. My investigation (and about a dozen reloads) revealed the problem: After futilely poking at many odd joints and ends of AI companies' tracks where builds might occur (in the forlorn hope that I'd disrupt the bad AI decision), I finally happened upon a corner of the map where my track intersected another company's track, and three of my trains were stuck waiting to get across. As it happened, the AI had a train that was "active" (hogging the track) but not moving -- a sign that it had no route to its destination. My trains were stuck with their noses pressed against this moribund AI train. So my idea for stirring the pot and get a non-crash result was to build a connector to fill a gap where the AI company's track had been destroyed by an earlier event. I ran the clock, and miracle of miracles, the AI's train pulled away, and my trains began pouring through. Then the year ended, the game froze to do its AI thinking, and instead of a crash all hell broke loose. This AI company had been the sickest of the sick companies still on the map, and it had picked this year to give up the ghost. Because of my game settings, its track was being deleted from the map (along with my three trains). RIP! Apparently, in its prior configuration, my trains' noses were so delicately balanced on the edge of the AI track that the deletion did not kill the trains, but the absence of track under them crashed the game. This then becomes the latest in a whole constellation of game bugs that crash the game by somehow producing a train without track under some part of it. For the curious, the easiest such bug to reproduce is the one where a naked engine pulls into a station, then you pause the game and delete the track it rode in on. Then you tell the train to pick up a few cars of anything, and then you restart the clock. As soon as the train puts on cars, it tries to put them on the track it rode in on, but that track is no longer there. The game crashes. Another such bug, much more difficult to reproduce, but virtually the same one I encountered above, is where an event deletes track in an area where trains are moving. There's a fine line between the point where a train gets deleted with a segment of track and where a train decides that it can go forward rather than reroute by bouncing. Unfortunately for the game, a train in motion can be beyond its fail-safe point and still not be deleted when the track in front of it vanishes. The timing is thin, but if you get "lucky", a track deletion event can catch a train on the edge. The train will then run off the end of the track and crash the game. The work-around is to program all track-destruction events to also contain the train-stop effect. This keeps them out of danger, but it also means that a trailing event needs to restore train-move rights if/when you want rebuilt track to be usable.
    1 point
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