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the group is good. In no uncertain terms this group kicks butt, and should be listened to by all people. Coldplay and weezer as well. Has anybody heard of the group? if so what do you guys think of their music? I really want to hear from other people.


I did not realize that it was Coldplay who did the song Clocks which I like so much.

I have not heard much more of them but I like that song.


Coldplay are a very good band, often critised as being overly depressing which i do agree with. Not the band to listen to if your upset or having a bad day!


I like a few coldplay songs. Clocks and Scientist duh! Althought he scares me when he is doing clocks live and is like headbobin and jerkin while playing the piano part......

But anyways, there pretty good.


Weezer is great but I don't like coldplay all that much (although I do like them somewhat). I find their songs slightly repetetive and I prefer Travis.


I was a fan of dave matthews band for a while, but then the songs just all started to sound the same. they are great dont get me wrong, its just repetitive is all.hehe

not a big fan of punk, but if I did like punk than good charlotte would be a good group.


okay how about Radiohead?

Creep is my favorite.

I also like DMB but not when they first came out, I kinda grew to become a fan of them.


Man coldplay is god like ive seen them 6 times now. I even met the drummer once backstage. Ive been a huge fan since beofre they came out with theire first single. Same with radiohead. HAs anyone got their new album Hail to the Thief.


Coldplay sometimes put me to sleep, but I still like them. Parachutes (an earlier album) is pretty good (it has Yellow and Trouble (I think that's what it's called) on it).

Clocks is good. I don't like Politik - I think they played it at the Grammys.


yellow is good, and damn funny too, the part where he sing: you're skin, oh yea you're skin 'n bones it sounds like he sings : jeg sked oh ja jeg sked en bums.

translation: I pooped, oh yea I pooped a bum.


LOL this thread just turned into a all out music thread.

Anyways I have heard that one Oasis song, dont know the name but its pretty famous. Its pretty good. The singer has a good voice. Although I normally like music thats harder than that its still pretty good.


I have just heard Coldplay live at this years Roskilde Festival(Denmark).They did an exelent job,no wonder when theres 50.000 ppl listening.

Personally I think they can get a little too melancoly for me,but hey I like them tho.


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