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Bush wants EU to eat gen-modified food

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just read it in the news, that Bush demands that EU abolish their legislations on gen-modified food. I don't think he'll get far with that tone. He can kiss my white arse for all I care, I'm not gonna eat it anyways.

What pisses me off was that he uses Africa as a shield and says that EU are forcing Africa not to invest in the gen-modified crops out of fear of being boycotted by EU. The EU said that they neither could nor would deny Africa to invest in the biotech.

Anyways Bush has drafted EU to the WTO so we'll see what it all adds up with.

According the american corn producents the USA looses 300 mio USD on a yearly basis due to the EU boycot. (and he uses Africa as a shield well fuck you Bush)

My proposal (if I was in charge) ok we'll cancel the boycot and you'll accept a new harder Koyote deal otherwise fuck off Bong Head.

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The reason why Africa doesn't want genetically modified stuff is that, thereafter, you have to buy each year the seeds if you want to have anything to plant. So Monsanto or other modified seeds producers can do what they want from the moment you're dependant on them and do not have normal seeds anymore in stock. GMO (genetically modified organism) have be bought each year and the consequence is that you're reliable on an American close-monopoly for your food.

Then, USA has you at the throat. China is stuck with this now if I ain't wrong.

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They did this shit to us before, with the beef hormone thing a couple of years back. We ended up having to pay 100 million dollars every year because we didn't want to open our markets for beef that had been polluted with unsafe growth hormones. Well fuck them.

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Namp, believe me you wont have the choice. In Canada, I am NOT ABLE to not eat GMOs. It's not marked anywhere! The companies succeeded into blocking any way of differentiating GMO and non-GMO. The only way I'd have would be to buy directly from a farm I know doesn't use them. I can try buying "bio" food, but even then... Even with all this, GMOs tend to migrate...

The grocery's tablets almost are covered of GMOs since it all has some ingredients that are GMOs: rice, soya, corn, other cereals, perhaps some fruit/vegetables...

Basically we were denied the choice to chose in Canada.

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People are modifying structure of plants for whole history of agriculture, where is a problem with some higher technology? Same djihad was done against artificial fertilizers, and now we see it's better way than burning out forests...

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and we will think the same when all humans are pure white with blue eyes. This is my personal view. I don't like, and this is not like burning woods. IMO Bush can eat all the GMO corns he want and may he choke in them. I'm so pissed at him demanding of other countries, the next I presume would be that he demand a loose legislation with arms.

I think it's time he stopped intefering with internal policies of EU, last time he wanted us to accept Turkey in EU (to get a second front against Iraq) It's ok for the US to have embargoes on steel etc but other countries are not allowed to boycot the american gen-modified food and hormone poisened meat, damn he's getting off track f****** hypocrite.

Bush isn't president of the world I sure didn't give him my vote....

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look I don't like the idea of toying with genes I don't believe it to be right, if the plants were ment to be like that they'ld evolve. IMO playing with plant and animal genes are as wrong as playing with human genes. Fortunately the EU seem to share my view to some extent.

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Then I recommend you to not look at contents of pharmaceutics... Anyway, do you know what I see on it? You are like whole western EU. You are so secularized, that you cannot see a difference between human and other living beings.

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@ NaMpIgAi and Egeides,

Excuse me ?

If you don't like GMF (transgenics) then just don't buy it. But you cannot pretend to decide for others what they should eat or not. You want to boycot, go ahead and don't buy it, but let other's buy if they want to.

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Harkonnen: I care about no prooves were ever given about HEALTH and that farmers are thereafter dependant on companies as Monsanto.

zamboe: The problem is that I CANNOT chose to not buy GMOs. It's not written "This food was made with GMOs"!! It's written no where. My point is not about chosing for others (which I'm against) but about letting everyone the choice to buy a sort or another, and to plant a sort or another.

Frankly, I'll be glad if they prove (finally, after a few decades??) that GMOs aren't nocive to health.

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"The problem is that I CANNOT chose to not buy GMOs. It's not written "This food was made with GMOs"!! "

What?! Does the law there mean you don't have to put all ingredients on packets, either? My goodness, that is pretty nasty lack of food-labelling.

Mind you, I had to laught when France wouldn't accept British beef at a point late on in the BSE problems, despite the fact that our beef had more restrictions on procedures (no spinal cords/brains etc) than France, and was by that time safer than French Beef. Unfortunately, the EU did nothing about it, because we're but peripheral to the EU. cf LoN...

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People used to think eating food from microwaves would kill you, well it didn't. I'm more concerned with the environmental damage GM crops could cause.

I think I support this statments since it comes from a republican.

Supporting a stance only because a particular person or group does so is wrong, and stupid.

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There are a lot of other already legal food and drink items out there that are far worse then genetically modified foods. So be sure to add alcohol, tobacco, etc to your list of bad things that people shouldn't have.

Can you base these assertions? We have NO information about if GMOs are nocive or not, so how could you have any source? The problem is that it's on the market... untested.

About the environment, well until now we don't know its effects, simply. It may help, it may be dramatic. Not tested. Some are talking about diminishing biodiversity as a consequence. Some researches are saying so, but it's still not final. No certitude here neither.

We know one thing though: economically, it brings the farmers to be dependant on GMO companies like Monsanto. Am I wrong when I said they gave some "free crops for a year" or almost? Once you're with GMOs, hard to change and you have to pay each year (except if you want ZERO production).

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look I don't like the idea of toying with genes I don't believe it to be right, if the plants were ment to be like that they'ld evolve. IMO playing with plant and animal genes are as wrong as playing with human genes. Fortunately the EU seem to share my view to some extent.

We have already "modified" ourselves. What we are today is not according to the evolution. Think of all the medicines you take to protect yourself from all kinds of deceases. I can guarantee you that you, I and many people I know have at least various times eaten modified food, in one way or another. The only way we get to know it is hearing it from someone else, like the media. And they can always be, well, bribed a little to say the meat you eat daily is 100% pure...

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There are a lot of other already legal food and drink items out there that are far worse then genetically modified foods. So be sure to add alcohol, tobacco, etc to your list of bad things that people shouldn't have.

Can you base these assertions? We have NO information about if GMOs are nocive or not, so how could you have any source? The problem is that it's on the market... untested.

About the environment, well until now we don't know its effects, simply. It may help, it may be dramatic. Not tested. Some are talking about diminishing biodiversity as a consequence. Some researches are saying so, but it's still not final. No certitude here neither.

We know one thing though: economically, it brings the farmers to be dependant on GMO companies like Monsanto. Am I wrong when I said they gave some "free crops for a year" or almost? Once you're with GMOs, hard to change and you have to pay each year (except if you want ZERO production).

sounds like the way Pushers get new "clients"

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Genetical manipulations can help even to restore enviroment. Some french scientists tried to clone a mammoth, everything is possible.

sorry for double post.

there was a reason why the mammoth died don't you think? why do thing that's unnatural and put it out in the nature? It's not right atleast not IMO.

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GM food I have no problem with. It's more adaptable, heartier, and cheaper to grow than regular crops. And to top it all off, healthier because most GM food has been fortified with additional vitamins and minerals. I fail to see what the problem is? ???

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end of story. the very idea is sick.

Gob had a good idea too. ban all cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs. as well as toxic-fume producing cars. all these things need be BANNED from the Universe.

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