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The End of the World

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well, i don't think it will be anytime soon, the only things i don't thrust are nukes. But like everything, humanity and the world too has a beginning, and an end. but like i said, i do not think that it will be anytime soon

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I wouldn't make predictions. Things are too unstable. But I believe even the wort men on this planet wish good things for themselves and their little group. So if these worst element would act, they would kill everyone except their friends (and needed slaves :P). The only real danger of total anihilation I see is a crazy leader that has the whole planet's power. But anyway, all eggs are in the same basket presently (Earth) so I couldn't predict. When humans will have Mars colonized and independant, it'll be a bit different (150 years? 250? more?).

About the biblical part, well if it isn't an allegory, if it really was meant as a prediction, then I would see it as what will humanity will itself inflict to itself.

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What is the end of the world? From the biblical perspective it obviously means the end of humanity. But we are all going to die sometime, and sometime our race will die out. This is common sense. All the bible did was "predict" it (without a time slot) and promise all of the believers to be saved. This is bogus to me, and people for 2000 years have been thinking it's the current year and they even go into chaos because they believe it so much. Will it be soon? I doubt it.

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I have this same idea Herbert has, which is also coming from him... Golden Path. The path to eternal survival of mankind. How could that be? Personally, it seems like everything diseapears some day... Is there even a theoric possibility of Golden Path? Of course, not necessarily Leto's path, which is science fiction thus not directly transposable.

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Well that's the problem, there will always be a few that survive. Well, supernova maybe then, or something like that?

Btw, anybody seen Dr. Strangelove: how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb? I know I'd like to be one of the survivors after such a scenario ;D

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Who cares if the humans die out. Surely SOMETHING will survive and then they'll die out and so on. All what I care is that we musn't be forgotten.

As a Human, I'm interested that my species will survive, as a Romanian I am interested that my culture survives, etc. I don't fear annihilation, I fear that we will be forgotten. That means death, not the death of our organical bodies.

Like one of you said it is natural for one spicies to die out, but it is our duty to do everything to prevent that. I mean, would you wait to die, just because that is natural? I doubt it. Will a population just lie down and die just because thay think they have no chances.? HMM! It is quite possible for an individual to die to save his family/people/(race)/species, but you can't ask that from an entire species. If something happends to us, I can assure you that we'll do everything possible to save something. Even against all odds we'll try to prevail. (I mean us Humans)

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well, 1 asteroid killing entire human population... not likely, probably at least a few will survive, 1 man and 1 women is enough.. with me being the man and nathalie portman being the woman

Hey! That was my plan!

And Davidu: everything will be forgotten in this universe once every star "run out of fuel". Then we will be left with a gigantic void. That, or the universe will collapse and it won't matter anyway.

However, the Bible speaks of the Armaggeddon that will annihilate the human species before the end of the universe. So, start believeing in something! ;)

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I'm pretty sure the end of the world won't come until we are far past Earth. Regardless, when it actually does happen I think it'll be because of nuclear Armagedeon, or the sun's explosion (It is a star, after all), either way, Earth'll be around here for so long..Or at least the one we know.

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What a lot of people do not realize, is that Armaggeddon is actually supposed to be the name of a battlefield. According to the bible, the last battle between Isreal/Christians and the Antichrist and his armies(everyone else) It will be the last battle, killing everyone that is left on Earth(Or wherever humans are at that point in time).

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Thanx, Flame (what a pal).

Well Earth will be around here for 5 billion years more. So, we have plenty of time to annihilate ourselves until then. BTW, I think it was 1998 when at Discovery they said that is ALL the nuclear arsenals on Earth would be send directly into the Sun, then its life would be 10 billion years longer than normal. So we can actually "dope" the Sun. Cool.

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no problem mate. I do whatever i can to please my fellow forumers. And about that armageddon stuff i don't know. Battlefield, end of the world. I think it means pretty much the same in the end. Both are the end of the world right?

And i don't think the earth will be destroyed, not even after the destruction of the sun, well it will be uninhabitable. but the planet will still be here right?

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