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INOCPRIME Modding Forum


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Go check out my new modding forum:


Frodo made everything, lol, and did a great job. Please register everyone :)

Also, the forum will eventually have a fan-fic section, and I will be extending the offer of mod hosting (a board that is) for anyone who wants it.

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I recently recieved permission from Edric O to host a board for the Kwisatz Haderach Mod Series. The board is located at:


I know this probably just looks like another chance to advertise my site, but I just want everyone to know the fact. Nema is currently a forum member, and I hope to get the other KH staff members to join and moderate the board. Who knows, you might find out something there that you didn't here ;)

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this thread has been here. it would be sent to the dungeon, but it extends the offer for someone to have a board for their mod, so, i may be wrong, but i think it is within the rules. i will have to ask edric or gob. but i did merge the threads, no need for two.

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