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Harkonnen newbie vs. Ordos homeworld


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I'm playing the Harkonnen campaign (finished the Atreides campaign first) and am now trying to win the Ordos homeplanet mission (Reduce the city to rubbles, destroy everything that moves!) :)

I've made several attempts, but can't get through...

First I tried building a nice base, some air defenses (missle tanks + troopers around my base) while sending moderately sized armies towards the enemy. This goes well, until I am hit by chaos lighning plus deviators (the enemy has no lack of money) my army gets too small to break through his defenses, so I have to wait until more money arrives, but that gives him time to restore and repeat the trick.

To defend against chaos lightning, I tried to spread my force over a larger area while marching up, but this makes it easier for the enemy to pick of my units, because singled out, my rate of fire is too low.

So, on a next occasion I tried to make a cheaper army, but that left me with too small firepower to overcome his defences, while in the long run I again ran into financial problems. When my money is zero, it is not possible to replace troops lost to deviated/CLed units.

I didn't find any strategy tips for this mission on this forum, so I want to hear your tips/opinions on this.

BTW, proclaiming that AI is dumb and easy to beat is not, I repeat, not a helpful advise (esp. for a newbie like me) nor an interesting comment/discussion.

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I played that mission, and it was peace of cake :P

use fremens to destroy their deviators and infiltrate their base, destroy buildings. fedaykins are excelent in destroying laser tanks, deviators and apcs. and don't have your units too close to each other then the chaos lighting will have smaller effect. after they have launched it, attack and destroy as much as you can. use fewer of more expensive units, videly spread. my advise would be combination between sardaukars and devastator

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Thanks, I will try to use fremen more than I did.

On a sidenote, when I finished the emperor worm level with Atreides, I was a bit dissapointed with the dying scene of the worm. It just sat there at zero health for a bit, then disappeared -> victory. I hoped it would be more spectacular, eg.explosions, rearing its head etc. , I mean, it IS the final battle after all.

Did you have the same feeling or did I miss something? (In the latter case I may be seeing it again when finishing the Harkonnen campaign )

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To get rid of the chaos lightning make a palace of your own, scout his base and constantly use your death hand to get rid of his palace, which makes the chaos lightning.

To win the game, make alot of gunships (spread them in groups of 2 in your base so that they're not targeted by his chaos lightning) if you have the ixians as your allie make 2 projectors and constantly project EXPENSIVE units and put them in a corner of your base with no units near them, the AI targets the best target, and 8 devastators is an atractive target.

Use ADP's (Air Defence Playforms) combined with buzsaws, missile tanks, scouts, fremen warriors) make sure that the ADP's protect you against things like lasertanks and deviators, the scouts are to protect you against invisible units, the fremen warriors are used to get rid of fremen units/infantry. Use your missile tanks to get rid of kobra's and use your buzsaws to atract fire (let enemy units fire on them) only use your buzsaws to atract fire when your against for example a group of kobra's.

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All you need to do is destroy the House of Executrix and the Palace. I built a palace to destroy the Ordos palace, then used gunships to destroy the House of Executrix. It would probably make much more sense to use Fremen Feydekin to destroy those two structures, however.

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Thanks for the help, Fremen are really useful in that level, although it is strange that they fight alongside the Harkonnen... So, after using them to clean the Ordos base defences, when I sent in the gunships for the final strike at the House of Executrix, I killed them with the tanks that marched up behind them *evil grin*

Now that's how we say thanks on Geidi Prime!

(And still they join me on the Emperor Worm mission; they are stubborn)

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