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"According to the story, God made us practicly pefect. All we (Adam and Eve) had to do was follow His instructions. We failed at that and we're the result of that. Humans are imperfect, there's nothing wrong with that as long as you can accept it. I doubt God is playing with us though.

If you're dissatisfied with yourself, you may want to try and figure out why"

righteous, put better than I ever could. hehe :)

By the way acriku, they werent apples.lol


Apples was a common symbol of eating the tree, so bugger ye off. :P

Humans are imperfect, but not because we "fell" from Eden. It is because we have flaws. Nothing more nothing less. So if you want to use a fairy tale to explain our imperfection, fine by me. I will remember this fairy tale to tell to my children along with Santa, until they get to of age and then I can tell them Santa and God do not exist. Because, as I see it, God is the Santa for adults.


Perfect beings cannot exist in an imperfect world, and imperfect beings cannot exist in a perfect world, or there would be neither world nor beings.

Something I picked up somewhere, hope you consider it. It derives from;

"Perfect works cannot exist in an imperfect world. Thus I must place a tiny flaw in each of my works, or there would be no work at all."


I still think that being perfect would be boring.

When perfection is reached stagnation is reached.

Stagnation means slow, painful death.


Therefore I could never be perfect as I would be bored to death in a perfect world. :-

I shall live wih that burden all my life. ;D


Look at it this way:

Why would he, give a rat's a** and take the time to create humans? I don't want to offend any christians here, (as I said before), but this is something w/c has been bothering me since my high school days...

And maybe I'm dissatisfied w/ the life I lead right now...and my past (w/c has something to do w/ it...clue on my first paragraph) can be something you might not have gone through...

(Oh well, this is becoming a sticky topic, as I saw a while ago...)


"as I see it, God is the Santa for adults."

Hehe, another immature atheist. I suggest going to the atheism thread I made acriku. havent learned much there at all. You dont learn when you have a closed mind.


Oh look another Acriku-bash that is not centralized (see Council of Nicea thread for more info on centralization). Oh did I hurt wittle Tma's feewings and he got mad enough to bash evil satan Acriku? Oh kiss kiss Tma. There it's better. Tsk tsk tma, you should stay ontopic.


I think the word perfect is used the wrong way.

The human's bodystructure is far from perfect, which I doubt it was when God created Adam and Eva(as I don't think he did ;D).

We aren't perfect because we cannot achieve all goals we might think of.

We are born destructive and meterialistic.

What part of us did God make perfect?


Therefore I could never be perfect as I would be bored to death in a perfect world. :-

I shall live wih that burden all my life. ;D

Perfection need not be stagnation as perfection need not be the same. To clarify; in a perfect world, you would stay at home, and that would be perfect. The next day you would go out, and that would be perfect too. The day after you could think 'hmm... maybe I don't want to go out or stay in.' And that would be perfect as well.

Perfection would defy bordom.

And God didn't create us, so the question of what he created perfectly is unanswerable.

(But IF he did then it would probably be something along the lines of us being in his/her image).


You know, I really like this imperfect world BEACAUSE it's imperfect.

Perfection means "end of the line" in evolution. That means stangation... and that means death. The death of the humanity.


Since I don't have wads of time on my hands, I'll just share my opinion.

I believe we, the world, and everything is imperfect. This is because humans are formed by amino acids and proteins, imperfect compounds, but perfect for our creation. So, on that hand perfection is subjective. This world and our personal bein could be exactly what we want, thus things are perfect. Or it could go the other way around.

Imperfection, is simply my view.


Perfection is what remains when you erase everything bad about our world.

When you'll take out all problems, both real and unreal: the need for food, for any kind of goods, eternal life, etc.


Perfect is the most useless word I know of, because even though it's an adjective, it doesn't fit to describe anything...


I think perfection is objective, because it wouldn't be a person's opinion - it would be what it is. But everybody likes different things, there is no single thing that we all like and so anything perfect is and always was impossible. And also, imperfection can never come from perfection, otherwise it wasn't perfect to begin with.


who says imperfection and perfection are seperate objects or ways? I think that perfection can falter to imperfection by free will. Your idea of perfection could only come from some sort of atomiton that breaks the rules of thermo-dynamics.


Here we go again... Let's try and prove their is someone out their who created us and is the ultimate-perfect being. Who has seen or talked to god? noone.

Oh yeah and howabout sasquatch. He must exist because their are pictures of him. OOOhh OOOhhh and Nessie!! Don't forgot everyones best friend Nessy!

comon people! what is the point in this? You've been raised and brainwashed to turn out christian, i was left to become an atheist by recognizing reality... You think you're right, i think im right. If youre right, can u prove it? No. can i prove my pooint of view? No. Your opinion is your OWN opinion, and only yours. Your opinion only has an impact on yourself, therefor it is only worth something to yourself. Your opinion is no good to anyone else seeing as how they have their own conclusion. You live life everyday for yourself, because u r an individual. individual physical charactoristics, as well as individual beliefs. you have these things for your individual self and not for anyone else.when u die, ur individual self dies. When u feel sad or happy, your individal self feels that.

So if u believe something, youre not wrong because u believe it for yourself and noone else. If someone else thinks differently than u, theyre not wrong either,nor shoudl they think u r wrong. How can u be wrong or right about religion if u cant ptove it? Why woudl u argue about something that isnt provable? When u argue you are attempting to come to a conclusion... but if u argue about something that cant be backed with proof... u cant even come to a reasonable conclusion( a true one anyways...)

Im not even sure what im talking about, or the intentions of this post anymore so i think ill just stop right here.



Well, if that was true, it would go towards atheists who post their dogma on the message boards as well. No double standards. The denial of a being does take a sort of faith.

sorry acriku, that is my opinion, and many other's too.lol so you might as well not post about the last thing I said. ;)

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