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How did you get into Dune?

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Hi there, this is my first topic, so pls be kind if I'm going over old ground.

Well, how did you get into Dune? Me? It was about 3 week before the release of D. Lynch's masterpiece, so it must 'ave been something about sitting in the front row at the local Odeon's 70mm screen, awesome. After that it was the task of saving up my pocket money to get all the books asap!

Needless to say I've been reading them ever since.

So how did you get into Dune?

rsvp ;D


My dad had Dune Messiah and I remembered watching Dune (Lynch), so I read it, and liked it. So I then bought Dune and then Children Of Dune. Then I watched the movie again, and again, and again, and stopped for now. This was a few years ago. My dad and I talk about Dune now and then.

Guest Eric E.


I first heard of dune when i bought Red Alert 2. I saw a picture of ''Emperor - Battle for dune'' at the back of the Cd-rom case.

Later on my brother bought the game, and played it for about 1.2 year(s). Now i have my hands on it. ;D. And a ''Newcomer'' will emerge to crush The Emperor titan's. <===== ME :P


Huh spooky I got into it the exact same way as you Acriku my dad had messiah so I got the film and Dune and it all took off from there.


funny story about that. you see, most people would think that it was b/c of seeing to movie or seeing a preview on TV or something. actually, i used to play ra2 a lot. a friend of mine bought EBFD and told me it was by WW. He also told me the game freakin rocked. so i bought it and we played online together for a while. then he got tired of the game but i only started liking it more and more. so actually it was like a freak coincidence. lol


I'd heard a good bit about Dune on the internet, and I saw that Sci-Fi was doing a miniseries.

I had my parents record it while I wasn't there, my Dad commented on how violent it was, which piqued my interest ;), and when I fianlly sat down and watched the whole thing, I was hooked.


my brother suggested reading his copy of Dune because he said it was great. So I read it then everything else followed. yeah! lol


Ok where to begin? Let's see. Firstly, I saw a guy playing Dune 2000 on a computer in a store (when Dune 2000 was a new release). I saw it and was interested in it. I ended up buying the game at a different store. The movies between the levels in Dune 2000 were very interesting. Then I saw the book 'Dune' in my former school library. I borrowed it and liked it. So I read all the books in the series up to 'God Emperor of Dune' (which were all the Dune based books the library had ;D). When I heard that Emperor was going to be released, I just had to get it because it was the official sequel to Dune 2000. Now here I am, and I still love the Dune Universe!! I have to read all the other books and buy the DVD! ;D


!*This is NOT Khan Talking this is is Brother*!

You guys seriously need to get jobs, lives and/or get laid.

NOW!!! This stuff gives the internet a bad name guys, its like obsession only worse.

BTW Admin guys, dont block this user name or my little bro will get upset ;)



You guys seriously need to get jobs, lives and/or get laid.

First one, fair enough, second one, I have enough of a life, and I certaintly don't need the third one. Btw, I think posts like that might get your brother's account banned, and he might not be happy about that.


ahhh im sorry guys, no offense intended, i just stumbled onto the link in a bad mood, and anyway, everyone needs the thirdone, apparently even priests. :-X


You guys seriously need to get jobs, lives and/or get laid.

NOW!!! This stuff gives the internet a bad name guys, its like obsession only worse.

Wise words. All, remember:



Labour liberates? You're starting to sound like a commie Caid ;)

I once had a 400 mhz AMD computer and it didn't run Ra2 (apperently that game wasn't made to run on such a processor). I was in dire need of more RTS ( ::)) and I got myself Dune2000. It was sweet :). Later I got Emperor and saw the movie, then read all the books. (exept the BJ book.)


yeah whatever joe blow.lol ;) the funny thing is I did NOT want to read dune, I was forced into it by my bro. Then I read it and now he regrets it I love it so much.lol


So Caid "Work Brings Freedom" does it really? I thought the whole idea behind human progress was to free it from this ideology. Do you also carry a little red book?


Ok this goes back some time...

I was staying at a friend's house overnight and he introduced me to this great game... Dungeon Keeper II! (You thought I'd say a dune game didn't you? HA! :P ) After playing it for some time I decided that it would make a great Christmas present (for me). So I asked, and got even better than I thought. There was a pack on sale and so along with DKII I got Driver, Gangsters, Theif: the dark project, Tomb Raider III, Silver, Outcast, Dune 2000 and a few others. Dune 2000 hooked me, I loved it. I can't remember which came first after that, Emperor or the books. Either way, by then my friend had bought the books and dune 2000 because I said it was good. He thought the books were too complicated, didn't get further than halfway through Dune: Messiah. I spent over

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