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to the emperor, master of the trifoil cross.

I have been attacked with nuclear tipped weapons. so called "death hand" missles. This is an open insult to all the convention stands for. I ask for open nuclear retaliation against House Harkonnan. If you do not follow these rules than you are breaking convention and therefore breaking your own laws. This war has gone overboard. It has gone away from its conventions. If you do not help me and my ally vernius. You are not the emperor we all thought you were.

The Hammer of Caladan: Duke Atreides

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OOC - TMA, reread the posts. The nukes were not dropped - only pods.

To Emperor:

We have never used nuclear weapons against the Atreides homeworld. The Duke is a liar. My fleet was equipped with them, but they were not used in battle (OOC - see the posts - doesn't say anything about nukes being dropped - just pods)

Your loyal allie,

Baron Harkonnen

To Duke Atreides:

We have not used nuclear weapons on your homeworld, but we have dropped several thousands pods on the surface. They are the project Amra. They work like a pandora's box - you'll never know what you'll get. Do not try to destroy or touch them or they will activate.

Surrender now and admit you were wrong to attack House Harkonnen and we will disable them. You have 3 posts to give your answer.

Baron Harkonnen

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Streching out his legs on a stone table Shatek relaxed and drank some spice coffe, it had been a long and hard day for the Fremen, everyone was required to join the fight against either the Smugglers or that Atreides base. Shatek still liked the Atreides but knew he had to send men to help pay back the deptb they owed to the Harkonnen, so he went against the Smuggler base. Both bases had been liberated very well and quickly. He looked upon the Loses and smiled.

Atreides Attack:

Men Commited: 2,345,678

Lose: 3,478

Atreides Man Count After Harkonnen Raid: 3,456,678

Lose: 145,672

Smuggler Attack:

Men Commited: 134,567

Lose: 2,459

Smuggler Count: 456,890

Lose: 346,678

Shatek had spared many, mainly children, women, anyone that deserved it, he even spared some male cooks etc...That didn't want conflict at the Smuggler base. But he left Aftre the raid upon the Atreides base, they didn't need to kill anymore to proove their point. They sent these stats to the Baron. Ah he loved that he had taken both forces by a large scale of surprise, now he would just sit back and relax along with all the other siecthes.

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Message to Naib Shatek:


I thank you for your support. I have sent 500 ornithopters and general weaponry over to you as a show of my gratitude.

Baron Harkonnen


With the help of the Fremen and the Moritani sandworms, the Harkonnen military on Arrakis have pushed the Atreides military back to the capital. Atreides were suffering heavy losses, but it was not a walk through a park for the Harkonnens either.

At this time, Harkonnen reinforcements arrived on Arrakis and joined the fight against the Ixians. The battle was a standstill - the Harkonnens have more men, but the Ixians had very advanced technology.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Moritani forces are almost non-existant. They have been reduced to an infantry-only army, as all tanks etc were dismantled to build several new mechanical Sandworms. Originally this plan was to be kept top secret, but it has been leaked by a (sadly deceased) defector. The Worms to not break the Butlerian Jihad strictures, as they are remote controlled, and cannot think for themselves, but still...

A vast number of these worms has now made harvesting for the Atreides next to impossible, although Viscount Moritani leaves an option for the Ixians to switch sides, and has not largely decreased their spice taking. The worms are also now attacking any enemy party on sand, and on rocks near the sand too. They can even snatch low-flying ornithopters from the air.

Moritani spice taking has increased by 20%. (Now, where did all those Atreides harvesters go...?)

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The masses of Ixian Cyboids ruled Arrakis. Suddenly a huge sandword appeared from nowhere. It was heading straight towards a harvester! The Cyboids immediatly fired with their Chainguns. As the bullets hit the Worm there was a metallic sound...these worms were not real!

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The worm turned and headed for the cyboids. It's massive tail damaged the harvester, but did not destroy it. The worm rolled over a large number of cyboids, but many more fought back. The worm's skin seemed to be proof against bullets... but in the mouth..

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The Harkonnen soldiers pressed the Atreides military back to the capital and began to overpower them.

The second army fought against the Ixians with the support of the Moritani worms. Here the battle was the toughest - Ixian suboids were hard to beat and held ground well, but the Harkonnen units were more numerous.

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The wreckage from the mechanical worm spread out as it fell to the ground. The cyboids gathered round to inspect the technology. One of them pointed,

"It's a-

There was an explosion so massive it shook the whole area. The sand could be seen for miles.

For Baron Harkonnen Only:

[hide] That idea of your to hide death hand missiles in my worms was genious my dear Baron! (If you don't like it I'll edit it out) [/hide]

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Atreides troops disguised as slave workers moved through the streets and to the Harkonnen Governer's villa. The pummus black of the large mansion glowed from Canopus, making it a huge sable beacon for miles. The atreides moved secretly, killing guards instantly with poison darts, placing plasma charges to key points along the villa. All the while the governer was sitting up in his penthouse, snorting spice and drinking his brandy, enjoying the specticals of women and men doing all sorts of perverse acts. "heh, he doesnt know what's coming. one of the solders said in a whisper to the C.O." "You hold your tongue till we complete the mission. We have much to worry about." Finally the last plasma charge was placed. They swiftly walked to the sewer system to maintain a safe distance for thopter pickup. "What are you doing here scum?" A group of Harkonnen guards had cleverly surrounded the small atreides force. The troop ran in multipule directions. Bobbing and weaving past las gun fire. One man was cut down in a matter of seconds, a quarter of his body sliced apart. They all grouped together with the Harkonnen guard close behind. They ran to a place they figured would be a short cut but was actually a dead end.

The guards got closer and closer, calling for arial backup. "We know what we need to do. May the Great Mother have mercy upon us".

A large explosion rumbled through the city. The villa collapsed and spread debriese all around. The guard and atreides troops were killed in the end.

Hundreds of thopters moved past defenses, flying low along the sand dunes. They would reach hte capital within minutes. Other towns were targeted as well. The harkonnen would suffer from surprise and not might. Intelligence is much mroe powerful than strength. The cities would be destroyed.

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My dear Baron,

Your governer has to my...destress, died. I am truly sorrowful for this incident. It comes with war though. You have goaded the bull and now the bull will charge. My stellar navy is moving towards your economic planets and will let loose at my command. Your attacks upon us will not be tolerated. Within minutes I will destroy your cities upon arrakis, not by force, but by speed. I wish you a painful and agonizing death my dear enemy.

The Hammer of Arrakis: Duke Atreides

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The Harkonnen military broke through the Atreides defenses and began to turn the capital into a pile of ash. The palace was the first to be destroyed.

To Atreides:

The pods which have landed on Caladan several weeks ago have now activated and will blow the planet to pieces unless you surrender. My fleet is stronger than yours so you have no chance of beating me. I also bring you the news that your capital on Arrakis has been decimated.

In several hours the pods on your planet will detonate - you have no chance of disarming or moving them, the only way to save yourself is to surrender.


Baron Harkonnen

The Harkonnen troopers in the Harkonnen capital on Arrakis fired on the oncoming ornithopters, while the gun turrets riddled them with bullets. The Harkonnen defense was awesomely strong, no air attack could overcome it.

At the same time - the Harkonnen fleet moved in to defend the planets from the attacking Atreides.

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To the Great Houses in their Glory

These "pods" that the Baron has used are weapons of mass destruction and since it could destroy my planet are capable of nulcear power. No other power could do this for the fission of atoms would be sparked. It is each houses Duty to aim their Atomics upon House Harkonnen and give ultimatum to them.

The Hammer of Caladan: Duke Atreides

Ten planets were scortched with Tactical Orbs and other weapons. The economic efficiancy of House Harkonnen went down 10 %. The fleet moved back to the homeworld and other worlds to defend. All Atomics aimed at Geidi Prime and their sister planets. All houses would be called to do the same or else they would break the Great Convention by allowing atomic sufficiant weapons of the enemy to fall upon Caladan.

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The Harkonnen fleet went on the offensive. They began to wipe out the Atreides fleets which carried the nuclear payloads. Powerful defense grids were activated on all Harkonnen planets, capable of destroying any incoming missile.

To Houses of Landstraad:

The pods contain neither nuclear weapons, nor biological agents and therefore do not break the Convention. They contain special equipment the sonic waves of which is used to disrupt the core of the planet and destroy it.

Baron Harkonnen

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my poor dear baron, what he doesnt understand is that my fleet was not destroyed. Half of my entire navy was there and there are still huge amounts of them floating above your planets, as well as a few no-ships containing nuclear warheads. He also doesnt know what nuclear fission and fusion is. To create a power for planet destruction would cause nuclear fission and possibly fusion to occure. The power would rapidly make atoms split and create atomic power. Any explosion above that of nuclear power is strictly forbidden to be used. See the laws my baron. You take those weapons off my planet or I will destroy more of your economy.

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Viscount Moritani sits on his throne and ponders. He is looking at a report of the positions of all the houses currently involved in conflict.

"The Harkonnen seem to be...losing." He mutters.

"But what seems is rarely what is." Hiih Resser the Swordmaster whispers, "Knowing the Harkonnen, they will have some trick up their sleeve."

"We shall have to make a move soon or our allies will desert us." The Viscount says...

Message from Viscount Moritani to Duke Atreides;

Duke Atreides, we both know that a war to wipe out our houses would be costly and therefore unproductive as either of us could lose. I therefore make an offer, you attack my forces on Arrakis, I will attack yours. But I shall not attack Caladan, if you do not attack Grumman. Therefore, if you destroy all Moritani forces on Arrakis, I shall concede victory to you, and retreat. Conversely, If I destroy all Atreides forces on Arrakis, I shall not pursue them to Caladan. They shall be allowed to retreat. Is this a fair deal?

Message to Baron Harkonnen;

[hide] I hope you've got some back-up plan my dear Baron, the situation appears unfavourable. However, should you wish I shall send a shuttle for you and give you sanctuary on Grumman. This is a last resort of course. The worms continue, do not forget your alliance with the Fremen,

Viscount Moritani. [/hide]

Another Atreides Harvester was engulfed in the maw of the worm. Now only two remain on the whole planet to finance the Atreides forces. And the worms can sense them...

Message from House Moritani to House Vernius:

As you can see, your harvesters are unnaffected by this sudden surge in attacks. I offer you a chance to switch sides. If you do not, the worms shall move in.

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To Duke Atreides:

If you destroy any more of my economy, your homeworld will perish. However - if you declare peace and an end to the feud - I will remove the pods. Your primitive nuclear warheads have noc chance of penetrating the SDI defense grids of my planets and any attempt to do so will lead to destruction of your homeworld.

Baron Harkonnen

OOC - The no-ships were banned in this thread!!!

The Harkonnen fleet moved as it began to destroy the remaining ships in the orbit of the planet. Thousands of defensive missiles were launched from the surfaces of the planets to take out the Atreides fleet floating in the orbit.

To Viscount Moritani:


I have everything under control. I am not even currently located on Giedi Prime, but even if I were - the defense grids are impenetrable.[/hide]

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I will make a delcaration of peace if only I recieve restitution for what has happened to my homeworld. As well as total removal of these illegal pods. I will further this to the landsraad councel to take it to court. Take it out till then.

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"We will not stand for this treachery!" shouted one of the Niabs in the room. It was a gaigantic room that was elevated with many chairs and seats going up and on the bottom was a podium where the speaker spoke. "The Ixian have commited crimes, mechanical sandworms! We must DESTROY THEM!" shouted another Niab, there were murmurs of agreement throughout the crowd. After the Smuggler war the Fremen had been united as one and more dangerous then ever. "The time for war is now, we do not care what they have done for us, the betray us by replacing our gods with their own.......creations, Shatek the time is now!" screamed another Niab. Shatek stood at the podium and began talking "We will inform the Ixians of this"

Note To Ix:

[hide]Get ALL of your mechanical sandworms off of Arrakis or war is inevitable.- Niab Shatek[/hide]

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