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I want to know everything there is to know about Ix. So far I know their home planet is relatively unspoilt as they live underground, their main source of income is that their technology,

Don't read this unless you have read the Butlerian Jihad

[hide]They were once ruled by the machines before the Butlerian Jihad[/hide]

and they develope fold space technology

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They beat house Richese in economical competition, and interpret Butlerian Jihad rules more flexibly then Richese.

They re-invented non fields- a Richesian scientist invented it 3,000 years earlier, but nobody knows about that except the reader.

Eventually, (HoD / Chapterhouse time) they haven't invented anything big in centuries.

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Ix is ruled by House Vernius. Shaddam 4 supported Tleilaxu to capture Ix to develop artificial spice. House Vernius went renegade. Dominic went to Dune, while his two childred - Rhombur and his sister stayed with Leto Atreides.

Dominic wanted to destroy Kaitan using a stone burner(planetkiller nuke), but as his ship was about to leave he was surrounded by Sards and chose to blow up himself with the entire legion of them instead of surrendering.

Rhombur was blown up in an explosion but then got mechanical body parts. With the help of Leto's forces, Ix was recaptured by House Vernius and the Emperor never got his artificial melange.

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Ixians were good friends of God Emperor. Ix had best conditions under his rule. Ixians sent Hwi Noree to destroy GE with love. Leto fell to that trap and died together with his beloved Hwi. Later in Chapterhouse Honoured Matres order Ix to recharge they most powerful weapon brought from the Scattering...

According to the prequels, Ix is a cold and secret planet, where people live underground. In the times of the Old Empire Ix was a House Vernius. Their capital was The City of Vernii. Aristocrat scientist dominated on Ix and left the dirty work for their " Suboid" slaves or specialy created human race ( Who knows? ) Earls ruled on Ix and the last one was Dominic Vernius. Ixians are hated by the Tleilaxu because they disobey their " Great Belief" ( Something asociated with the Great Convention ) Else was described...

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OK, I'll probably look like a complete prat if this has already come up a thousand times (and it probably has as it seems pretty obvious), but you'll have to forgive me, I don't visit these boards often.

Talking about the - "real"/"now" - world connections with Dune, would anyone else agree that House Harkonnon has, what look like, strong links with Russia/(ex-)Russian Royal Family?

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Alia did say it is a number in an old forgotten language, and in the encyclopdia it also written that it is the 9th planet, and the harkonnen are the ex russian, i think too, cause names like dimitri and vladimir are russian names

also, i guess you all know that the atreides are greeks, because they where built by an old greek house...

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but greece and russia never were real enemies. Greece helped them develop their alphabet.

If you look at Russia as the Soviet union, then there are strong resemblings between HH and Soviet. Soviet didn't care much about individuals, and the ruthlessness are also close to each other.

and greece developed the democracy.

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a name doesn't give us a real good base for that.

Does Atreides sound greek? (I mean, Atride is the name in the mythology, still, it doesn't soung greek at all!) ;)

According to Dune: Butlerian Jihad, Atreides come from Agamemnon, who comes from the greek family of Atreus.

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